Leaving your child to use their imagination

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

When I was younger I was obsessed with Spiderman - when the other girls came to school with their princess back packs and lunch boxes I would bring my Spiderman bag.  

I even had a Spiderman duvet.  My parents never said something like You are not a boy or you are too old to have a Spiderman bag, they just let me be and waited for the phase to pass.  

Spiderman is still my favourite super hero but I do have a different bag and duvet set now hahahaha.

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A lot of kids imitate super heroes and while they are having fun, all the shouting and fighting and "flying" and jumping can drive you nuts or your will maybe worry that your child is so obsessed with a fictional character.

It has been proven that imitating super heroes can actually be beneficial for kids.  

Children sometimes feel alone and vulnerable and imagining they are superheroes can help them to overcome shyness and feel more at ease with themselves and more positive.

We all want to do good in this world and even children have a longing to fit in and do good to others and help them.  They do not look up to people like doctors and lawyers but in their minds a super hero that can hold up building and defeat evil is good and the child would like to be like that.

A child that can use his imagination is a child that will learn to think for himself when he gets older, so imitating super heroes is just the beginning of a rich imagination that will develop more.


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If you leave your child to imitate their super hero, they will feel happy and creative and that they accomplish something.  And with that there is nothing wrong.

Imagining that they also have the power of their super hero will also help them to have a better self esteem and even help them at school where they maybe struggle or are bullied. 

They see that their hero also encounters problems but always gets a way out and do not give up and most importantly they see that good trumps evil.

You as a parent can guide your child to have more admiration for the good super heroes and also share their excitement about their hero and talk to them about their powers and why they like that specific hero so much - you will be amazed how much your child will open up by just talking about his/her superhero.

Your child may be a slow learner or do not like reading - what a better way to motivate them than to tell them that their super hero had to learn certain things also or you can buy them a book on their super hero to encourage reading.  Who said you may not use this phase to their advantage without them knowing it?  You must eat your vegetables if you want to be a strong as Iron Man....

So buy the age appropriate dvd or toy or outfit and let your child soar and use their imagination.  Before you realize it they are all grown up and then the superheroes will take a bit of a back seat when reality takes over ones life.

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