Fireworks - reading piece with extra information for kids

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

A lot of people use fireworks to celebrate certain events like Diwali and New Years.  Fireworks can be very beautiful and entertaining but also very dangerous and can cause a lot of distress to animals

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Since 1777 the Americans celebrate Independence day on the 4th of July where the skies are lit up with red, blue and white fireworks.

In Britain the 5th of November is the day they celebrate Guy Fawkes - on this day in 1605 he and his 12 minions wanted to blow up the parlement with gun powder.

Fireworks have been used for thousands of years - where is was used in the olden days to keep away bad spirits, it is solely used for entertainment these days.

When the Chinese discovered gun powder, they figured out if you throw it in a bamboo and light it, the fire starts shooting out - this is how fireworks were discovered.

According to legend Marco Polo brought back some of these fireworks to his homeland Italy - here the inventors added some new chemicals and discovered that the outburst of the fire could change colour into silver and gold.

Today you will be able to watch thousands of firework exhibitions and there are qualified people who knows the workings of fireworks and also know the safety regulations.  

Unfortunately a lot of people put themselves and others in danger when they do not know exactly what they are doing.  Some of the salts and chemicals can be unstable and be dangerous when lit, so it is very important that people who know what they are doing, handle the fireworks and you must buy your fireworks from a reputable dealer.

Every year there are 100's of accidents that happens because of unsafe fireworks or people not following the correct safety measures.   

You can read an article here on an accident that happened on the 4th of July concerning fireworks

Be safe around fireworks


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  • handle fireworks with respect, they are not toys but made of different chemicals that can cause serious burns
  • do not run or play close to fireworks
  • if you are very young, do not light the fireworks yourself - always have an adult around
  • do not hold fireworks in your hand if you light it - use a long lighter or matches
  • sparklers are much safer than fireworks but you still have to be careful, since they burn at a high temperature and can burn your fingers or clothes
  • avoid crackers that make such a loud sound which can damage your hearing
  • make sure that the crackers that you buy has a name and a safety certificate - this way you will know it were made by professionals
  • make sure you only use fireworks in open areas, not close to houses, car or dry grass or leaves
  • use the fireworks when you buy it, do not store it for a year or two
  • NEVER throw fireworks towards people or animals
  • do not try and make your own fireworks by mixing different chemicals (no, not even if you get the recipe from the internet)

Watch the video for some extra safety tips

Fireworks and your pets

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Animals' hearing are much better than ours and for them the sound of fireworks are very loud and scary.  You have to take precautions if you know that you or somebody in your area are going to shoot fireworks.

A lot of animals run away every year because of fireworks and this is very sad.  We as humans are suppose to look out for them and protect them.

If you know there will be fireworks, make sure that you keep your pets indoors where they will feel save.  You can switch on the TV or play music that the sound of the fireworks are not so loud.

Make sure that your gates and fences are closed or do not have any holes where the animal will be able to get out and you can also give them an extra blanket to make them feel safer.

You can get something from the vet that will calm them down or you can try the following simple trick to calm your dog down

Fireworks can be a lot of fun to watch if you follow the safety precautions and leave it up to the professionals.  

It is OK if you do not like fireworks because it scares your pets, so always make sure that they are safe during the Festive season.

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