Be careful if you go on a date - Information for teens

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

You have heard about and know what rape is and you see dark alleys and criminals in your mind,  but are you aware of something called 'date rape'?  The sad truth is that more than half of the rape victims are attacked by someone they know, it can be on a date or at a party.

Girls and women are more likely to be raped, but it can also happen to guys. It's not just men who rape. In rare cases, women rape, too. 

In many cases the victim get drugged without their knowledge - a sedative can be slipped in your drink and you will not be able to make decisions or be in control of yourself and thus be taken advantage of.

There are 3 important things that you need to know about rape:

  • rape is NOT the victim's fault  - no matter what you do or what you wear, NOBODY has the right to take advantage of you or do anything against your will
  • some people believe that it is only rape if there is violence, but that is not true - the moment you do not give consent to have sex, it is rape
  • rape has nothing to do with love and if a person does this to you, they neither respect nor care for you

Rape can happen to anybody and we cannot always avoid it, but there are a few things we can do to be alert

  1. If you are out on a date and you are only getting to know somebody, rather stay in areas where there are other people around.
  2. If you are ever in a situation or with somebody who makes you feel uncomfortable, get away from it.
  3. If you are drinking, try not to drink too much, that you can stay alert and also pour your own drinks and do not leave your drink unattended.
  4. Let your date know from the start 'how far' you are prepared to go and if you are not interested in sex, make it very clear.  If you see the other person get upset over this, get away from them as soon as you can.
  5. Stay true to yourself and do not do anything you do not want to. but just because 'everybody is doing it'.
  6. If you go out with a group of your friends, make sure you know at all times where the others are and look out for one another

If you ever wake up in an unknown place and you cannot remember how you got there, or you are hurt or undressed you need to get help as soon as possible.  A lot of people do not report 'date rape' because they feel they maybe drank to much or were at a party.  This does not matter.  

Remember, if you did not give consent, or were not able to give consent, it is rape....

 The sooner a rape is reported, the better. Quick reporting increases the chances that rapists will be caught and can prevent them from hurting someone else. 

If you suspect that you have been raped, you will have to go to the emergency room and get a 'rape test' done.

It is never easy to report somebody that you like or thought was your friend, but it is NEVER okay if somebody does this to you, so no matter how difficult it is, protect yourself and others and report it.  Also make sure you go for counseling that you will not stay a victim but will become a survivor who can also help others if something like this happen to them.

 Rape isn't just physically damaging — it can be emotionally traumatic as well. It may be hard to think or talk about something as personal as being raped by someone you know. A trained rape crisis counselor or other mental health professional can give you the right care and support to begin the healing process. Working things through can help prevent lingering problems later on. 


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