The Sugestiology of Lozanov in the learning and How to apply it in the classroom?

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)


One of the researchers who caught my attention when I was taking a master's degree in higher education was Georgi Lozanov, I remember in my mind the phrase of his authorship:

"The individual learns even more when he is relaxed"

At that time a Pandora's box was opened, because this sentence was far from the type of professors that taught my undergraduate university classes: people with a bigger ego than their curricular experience, they area feeling good corner the student, in such a way that we felt like a bunch of doubts and insecurities.

For this reason, I bring you a technique that in principle had applied empirically but was later strengthened and supported by the researches of this author.

Knowing a little about Lozanov Who was it?


Georgi Lozanov was a Bulgarian doctor, neuropsychiatrist and psychotherapist who had his professional peak in the 60s-70s, the intention of this scientist and researcher was to incorporate tools to achieve a "superaprendizaje", all this based on the activation of the

two cerebral hemispheres , for this reason the incorporation of dance, music and art, which benefited the activation of the right hemisphere, coupled with logical and sequential thinking from the left hemisphere.

This new way of approaching the learning of an individual gave birth to a new term: "Sugestiology"

The Sugestiology What does it consist of?

Sugestiology is a holistic science that uses a series of techniques that help reach the reserves of the mind and body.

Source of the image

The sugestiology aims to put into operation the faculties of the body, those of the left hemisphere and those of the right hemisphere jointly, so that the individual can do much better everything that is proposed.

This methodology aims to help eliminate fear, self-censorship, poor evaluations about oneself and negative suggestions regarding the limited capacity that we possess.

They intend to untie the knots with which we are tied and release the personality

Learning gives the possibility to use what we already have inside our body and our mind, it teaches us to grow and to grow to live fully, since growth is life. The superaprendizaje depends on the potential coefficient of the individual, not of his intellectual coefficient.Source

Learning relaxed Does it really give results?

Absolutely and completely Yes!


Entering a classroom and finding a teacher with a smile leaves no alternative but to respond in the same way and this is a point in favor to create a comfortable environment with positive results.

It is then a question of minimizing the elements that generate fears, insecurities, doubts, uncertainties in the student population and giving way to complete knowledge.

  1. A good presentation on the first day of school is fundamental, we will obtain more results when we explain to the classroom the importance of what is intended to teach and how this will help them in their daily lives more that the detail our curricular synthesis. Let's be clear! The student will not learn more depending on how many courses what have the teacher, but how you impart the knowledge.
  2. Likewise, establishing mutual respect and showing ourselves as human beings will be able to strengthen the teacher-student ties, I have found that when the student feels respect and admiration towards you it is difficult to cheat and he strives to put his grain of sand in the subject that is studying with you..
  3. The sense of humor is a fundamental in the time you will be with your students. Remember! It is not only offer knowledge, knowledge and more knowledge, apply intervals to share some anecdote, some joke or funny experience (which is linked to the subject to teach), laughter are the first generators of happy and decreasesthe tension and stress.

Lozanov used relaxation techniques incorporating music and creating a relaxed atmosphere with the use of comfortable furniture. There are really many techniques you can apply:

Imagine for a moment that you are a history teacher and you should speak to them about a particular time, a perfect occasion to bring the instruments of combat, music, clothing, eating habits, traditions and customs to the classroom. They lived at that time, even dramatize scenes according to the theme explained (that's what superaprendizaje is about) to combine different elements of the same subject so that the student can associate everything related to the time of history.

I assure you that students will learn more than dates, because indirectly you have led them to simulate and live the subject in question.

Why do it?


If we study the cases and histories of the foregoing researchers we can conclude that it is well worth incorporating new ways of being better and better inside and outside the classroom, to be witnesses of the students' learning and how it is generated.

Likewise, there are many contributions that have allowed other researchers to advance in order to achieve increasingly complete learning techniques, such as:

Dr. Jane Bancrofr, of the University of Toronto, who introduced Suggestopedia in the United States in the late 1970s, which led to the founding of the now-named International Alliance for Learning, IAL.

This current differs from the sugestopedia of Lozanov by the use of techniques of mental relaxation and visualization aid, the practice of some breathing exercises and the use of other modern learning techniques such as the mental maps of Tony Buzan, the multiple intelligences of Howard Gardrier , memorization techniques, etc.

Shared reflections


My particular experience as a teacher has convinced me that not only the knowledge you have to provide is necessary at the time that others learn, since the way you share knowledge makes a difference when it comes to getting students to internalize the topics you teach in class.

In the same way, we must treat the student as an integral being, the respect and the strengthening of the individual skills are fundamental pieces and these are achieved in a relaxed environment, without evaluative prejudices, without labels or categorizations.

The good sense of humor is another element that will help create harmonious environments, where the good vibes will be able to open the most timid student and with it the participation and incorporation in the teaching-learning process.

I share the opinion that Lozanov leaves us:

"The superaprendizaje depends on the potential coefficient of the individual, not of his IQ"

... and these my friends is achieved in a relaxed environment. So from now on, let's worry about creating a bit of empathy and dispelling the fears and fears of an ordinary student.

This is a post dedicated to the Steemiteducation community, I hope you like it!!!!


Hola Alanaaaa, solo venimos a avisar que en este buen post estamos de fiesta porque...


Si tú eres de sus afortunados lectores, pero aún no sabes que es el EmeeseeseTraaaaail, puedes conocerlo entrando al siguiente link:

Gracias, ustedes tienen la particularidad de sacarme muchas sonrisas. Gracias de verdad!

Alana, te recomiendo que cambies al menos el tag teachers por sndbox-alpha, ellos están votando este tipo de contenido, y ve a su cuentas y coloca tu post en los comentarios de su última publicación de la forma en como dicen ellos. No es una garantía como tal pero es probable que te den un buen voto :).

Si vaaaaaa!!!! ya lo hago
Gracias gracias gracias por el dato Silvia!

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