How Bullies Can Destroy Morale And Ruin School For Everyone Else

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

My name is Erny. People call me Er. I'm a 17 year old student attending Secondary school. I'm not a big fan of working in groups because it means that everyone is looking at you. To tell you the truth, I like break time more than anything, I also enjoy those rare times when the teacher doesn't show up to the classroom. There are many things in this world that I dislike more than school, however, I do find school to be a scary place.

When the sun rises that means morning is here. That morning sun is what causes me to get up early and carry out my routine school activities. After eating breakfast, I begin walking to school at 6 a.m. sharp. It takes me about 20 minutes to get there. Upon arriving in class I have my daily activities to attend to. I'm not a big fan of cliques and gangs because they tend to be very insistent. I'd rather not join anyone's group. When I arrive in class I can't help but wonder why Emy and Any are here so early. They usually arrive quite late so that they don't have to do their daily duties.

"Hi, Er" Emy says.

"Hello Emy" I reply.

"You are both here early." I tell them.

"Er, we want to tell you something" Emy and Any both say together.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Don't be angry, but it is your turn to sweep and clean up today." Emy snaps.

"If it is not clean, there will be consequences" They tell me.

"Ok then" I reply.

"Why do they always leave the sweeping and mopping to me?" I think to myself before starting to clean up the classroom. Such is my fate. In truth, I fear them both. I must be obedient and not resist their orders. When I finish cleaning I begin washing the mop.

"Where are you going, Er?" Scolds Emy.

"I'm going to wash the mop" I reply.

"Who told you to do that? Come back here at once." They both shout.

They are both quite barbaric and it honestly makes me angry. They deliberately spill my mop water on the floor and then tell me to clean it up before the rest of the class arrives. They begin laughing and once again insist that I clean it up right away. They tend to ramp each other up and soon enough they are both chasing me around. I feel sick to my stomach but I have to hold back my tears. I must clean up the floor without showing my emotions.

I am so distracted by today's events that I can't even hear the school bell going off. My day is spent studying, resting, and then studying some more until school is over. Throughout the day, however, I still feel disturbed about this morning's incident. I'm very happy to leave school so that I can go home and see my mother and father and the rest of my family. I know that these people love me and they treat me well.

The next day I arrive at school and go straight to the bathroom. I'm quite sweaty from the walk. Emy and Any once again approach me with the intention of imposing their will.

"You will be cleaning up again today." Emy says.

"Once a thief, always a thief. Although the rest of the world remains clean you will always be dirty." adds Any.

"That is true." Emy says as he begins pulling my hair.

"Do not pull my hair! I am not a thief!" I shout.

"So you deny it. Any, bring a cup of water over here" Emy barks out the orders as she pulls on my uniform.

"Today we must bathe him so that he will be clean and good smelling." Any says.

They begin pulling and pushing on me. They pour dirty mop water all over my body. That mop had been used to clean up a variety of different things so the mop water was quite gross. Their harsh treatment makes me feel like some sort of animal who is better off being euthanized. Once they are done with me, all I can do is cry by myself inside the bathroom. It's not as if I actually have any power to complain to anyone. If I complain to the teacher I am certain to be reprimanded. If I report this to my parents they are just going to become sad and say that they don't want me to let it happen again. This is how my school life goes every single day.

Day after day I experience these tragic events. Finally the school year is over and it's time for me to go up to the next grade level. It is here that I finally make some new friends. Everything is working out quite well. Emy comes from a wealthy family but his heart is full of malice. Today, after school, he lost his smartphone. He searches for quite some time but he still can't find it. Finally, he tells his friend Any to check everyone's bags. Somehow the smartphone turned out to be in my bag. I try to explain to my friends that I did not steal the smartphone but nobody believes me.

"How could they trick me and embarrass me in front of my new friends?" I think to myself.

After this incident I start to lose more and more of my recently made friends. Although I said that I didn't do it, in everyone's mind there is always the question....who is the real culprit?

Why does Emy have to set me up everyday? What is it that he wants from me?

I find myself more and more reflecting on the experiences I've had in my school life. I've wasted too much time worrying about bullies. I haven't ever really been able to concentrate on my lessons. I've gone through the worst times of my life while in this school. If I didn't think about how bad my father and mother have it every day, I probably would have simply dropped out. I don't want to do this everyday but for the sake of my father and my mother I must be patient. There are only 10 more months to go.

In my heart, I believe that this is just a trial for me and that by enduring this suffering I will definitely find the happiness that I so desperately seek in the near future.



Many of us nurse scars inflicted by schoolmates who reveled in causing pain.

Some of us never found a way to deal with it and the experiences soured our schooldays. What's worse is that there are bullies in adulthood and we still have problems of dealing with them.

I'm wondering whether teachers at @steemiteducation could tell stories of how children in their care have stood up to bullies and how the realization that bullies can be defeated changed the victims' lives.

Perhaps the stories may be published as a series? Any funds that may be realized can be chanelled into supporting the steemit education community.

The collection or collections could be accompanied by some kind of analysis of why each tactic used worked or didn't work.

Perhaps some of the anecdotes can be written in the form or stories children can read - with the aim of showing them that it is possible to overcome bullies.

More stories could be collected from other steemians, too.

We accept stories like this. Once communities come in we will be a bit more organized and will focus on specific topics. For now we are just collecting and resteeming good quality posts.

Good to know. I'm not a teacher but I appreciate the content steemit education resteems. It's a good way to encourage great content.

I like for your article, very god,, god pungong lumo and god pungong kameng,

I'm sorry for all of your troubles. I had bullies too. Not like those, but the pain lives on.

The best thing is when you are done with school and you don't have to deal with them anymore.

Sometimes I wish I had punched one in the face... It could have helped...


Thank you miss

This is such a sad story but so true. I will resteem this tomorrow under education. We have reached our limit for today.

you are awesome

Excellent friend you can support me with a vote or resteem in my blog greetings

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