My Lesson Plan: Using Storyboard and Video Creation in Learning Descriptive Texts

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

This week @steemiteducation has announced new theme on steemhomework. The Theme is Lesson plan including a video used in the classroom. As a teacher of high school students this initiation really attract me to take a part in assigning the homework in @steemiteducation community.

As an English teacher, I am acquired to design interesting activities in my class to gain students attentions, build their positive mental sets and to achieve the learning objective in English language learning. The process of students learning must be fit to learning centered-model. To cope with the classroom activities, the first stage that I have to do is write my lesson. The basic form of lesson plan consists of subject taught, the teacher's name, learning goals and objective, students grade/level, activities, material sources, assessment method, etc.

In regarding of my lesson plan that I use in my teaching, in this opportunity I intend to share you how I design my lesson plan in my classroom. The lesson plan that I frequently used in ABCD model (Audience, Behavior, Condition, degree). This is the simplest model of lesson plan, but the most effective one.

My lesson plan : Learning descriptive text using video creation based on storyboard

Based on my lesson plan, there several activities that students involved in learning descriptive text.

1. Create storyboard
The students are asked to create their storyboard about a place description such as historical site or tourist destination in her town/city. Before they create the storyboard, they have to research some information about the place chosen. In creating the storyboard they can create using online apps or web-tools such as Storyboardthat or Canva. Or, They can use a black template of storyboard and draw it manually.

A blank template of storyboard (Source)

2. Creating Video

After the students creating the storyboard, they have to create a video about a place description based on the previous storyboard they created. The Video should be 3 minutes long at minimum and 5 minute at maximum. In creating the video, they can use smartphone apps for editing such as Viva Video, iMovie and others.

Here is the basic tutorial of Viva Video maker:

Finally, that all my explanation about my lesson plan in teaching descriptive text using storyboard and video creation. I believe you all as the teachers also have integrate your teaching models with present technologies. I believe that bringing digital technologies into our classrooms is a must. So please share us your teaching models, methods or strategies in @steemiteducation community for supporting better education in digital ages.

Rubric creation using Rubistar
Create your storyboard in Storyboardthat or Canva
Youtube : How to Use Viva video

ALFYD, English Language Teacher


Wow, that is quite a lesson plan! I am sure that the students would fulfill the objectives. Thanks for sharing.

Thank for your appreciation. Creating the interesting model of learning for students is really challenging for teachers.

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