SEX Vs GENDER - The other side of the coin

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

As a Sociologist, I have continually seen people interchange sex for gender but I have always cringed at this which has drawn me to write on this very topic.

Gender is socially determined whereas sex is biologically determined. The society creates the ideology of who is male and who is female in regards to their roles. However, THESE TWO INDIVIDUALS are just species who have been acculturised into a particular way of life. For instance, right from childhood, some spectacular colours are associated with a male child or female. For a male colours such as blue and black are seen as suitable for a boy while some other colours such as pink or red are associated with the female child. this is just a psychological thingy as the heart of both the male child and female are both tabula rassa, that is, blank and it is what they are both socialised into that determines who they are. Thus, we say the environment influences human behaviour, however, it could be vice versa.

As the male child grows, he is socialised into being a man with several expectations. the society creates a social expectation of what ought to be either as male or female. the male child is expected to be brave, strong and undaunting whereas the female child is seen as timid, weak, feminine who needs the strong support of a man. Male children are cautioned not to show their emotions in public as the saying goes, "Be a man". Female children are socialised into motherly roles and are expected to be natural nurturers. This act of socialisation in ancient times increases the number of women in service roles or jobs such as nurses, teachers etc. as they are regarded as caregivers. it used to be strange to see men in care giving professions such as nursing as men were expected to be in professions such as engineering medicine etc. However, in modern times, the reverse is the case now, as we now have more women in scientific professions making serious headways.

Gender is based off social valuation or rather assigned roles to a particular gender. This issue of gender is evident in families as men have certain functions that differs from women. However, with changing roles in the family, a lot of women are taking up paid employment and are contributing their own quota to the sustenance of the family. Male-domination in families still cannot be eroded in families because of cultural factors but in some egalitarian societies, the story is different.

Feminists view women as a distinct group who have been oppressed by men and hence, uphold arguements about the role of women in the society. there have been several waves. During the first wave, women were allowed to vote. this wave was synonymous to political involvement. Women fought for political recognition. However, during the second wave from 1920s-1950s - there was the focus on economic empowerment of women such as equity in the workplace, girl child education etc. The third wave, was more radical and was focused on women as distinct group questioning the basis of interaction within sexes. This was more centred on equity.

With the current trends of event around the world, it is very evident that women are still not totally treated as equal with men. However, this write up is not about the equality of women with men but that of equity. Women should also be seen as humans who have rights and thus, their voices should be heard in the society.

Women should not be relegated to the background in any sphere, either politically, socially economically or in religion. Women are humans and should be treated as one. However, men have continuously argued that it is not just the women that are being oppressed but men themselves. Some men have testified to a lot of abuse from the female folk.

In fact from a study, a respondent noted that about 75% of men are emotionally abused.

Also, men have also noted that based on the changing roles in the society, women should also brace up and contribute meaningfully to the sustenance of the family so as not to be relegated to the background. It has been proven that the partner who contributes financially the most wield more power in the family and to curb this, women should also not solely rely on men but take up paid employment or self employment.

I am a STRONG woman and I would forever keep empowering the minds of women.

Women brace up and show up!

Thanks for visiting my blog.




Enlightening and emancipating.... Thanks for sharing.

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