Anti-Abuse Signs and Warnings vs. Drugs and Alcohol


As the problem of substance abuse continues to hound millions of lives around the world, especially the youth, it is imperative for all concerned sectors to remain vigilant in the fight against such social menace.
In support of this worthy advocacy, presented here are some reminders about the ill-effects of alcohol, drugs, and other intoxicating substanceson man's well-being. It is hoped that these reminders would serve as signposts for everyone especially the youth. Just as we need to look at signs and warnings on the road to guide us where to go and where not to go, so do we need these signs and warnings to help us avoid making that wrong turn that will end up in Addiction Alley.


And so is the abusive intake of drugs and other intoxicating substances strictly prohibited. What can get one "drunk" is not just beer, liquor, or any alcoholic drink. Drugs, like metamphetamine, cocaine, and heroin, can do so, too, with an even more dangerous effect. So can other substances, sush as marijuana, solvent, or even tobacco.


"Don't let the sparkle and smooth taste of wine deceive you. For in the end it bites like a poisonous serpent".
We have seen and heard of many tragic real-life stories on how alcoholics and drug users were literally eaten up by their addiction. Their once healthy bodies became pale and skinny as breathing carcasses, waiting any second to be devoured by vultures. For, even though drinking is seen to be fun and getting high on drugs is thought of as a pleasurable way to escape life's woes, the biting truth is that alcohol and drugs are poison. Getting hooked with them is plain and suicide.

The best way to evade the deadly trap of alcoholism and drug addiction is to say "no" to even the slightest temptation. The point is, we should not give evil a chance to creep up on us and ruin our lives.


Beautiful! Timely reminder

Hello! This is a very frank story. In fact, it is rare that drug addicts and alcoholics manage to cope with the problem without special help. I want to share with everyone the link to a website for helping drug addicts and alcoholics. Here you can pass the necessary tests to understand whether you have an addiction and, of course, receive a full range of help to overcome physical and mental addiction in a comfortable rehabilitation center. Call today to start a new free life tomorrow.

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