Lately (A Story)


I can't remember when was the last time you told me to go out alone. When was the last time we ate dinner at the fine restaurant? Lately you are always out of our house? Is there something wrong? Would you be so kind to tell me what's going on? Where were you when I need you to be with me back in the south? I thought you are with your boyfriends or best friends? They say they you left early and you didn't even text me? Is there something wrong?

I ask myself, am I to blame? I'm always asking this question over and over again. I gave up my career for this relationship now I feel like it's not enough! What now? Is there anyone else? Oh! Gosh! What now?


Dinner is served. As usual this has been for months that I'm always alone to eat my dinner! He'll be home always at midnight and wakes up at 5am, and I'm still in bed tired sleepy. When I woke up, I will be the one again to prepare my own breakfast! What a freaking life!

Money is not the issue, I'm a crypto addict. I have 10 BTC in my wallet, 5 Ethereum and 500K Dogecoin. I can live alone. I'm working on my own blog! I monetize my youtube upload! What else? Isn't that enough for both of us? He's an engineer! He's a civil engineer working in big company. I can't reach his friend they are all busy. I sometimes visit him and his boss told me that is out to visit a plant, a recent project he closed through his friend. They are all gone when you needed them most!

I went to a mall, go to the saloon, have my nail polish both my feet and my fingernails! I treated them well. They have their own design for each fingers! I'm a funky wife! What bothers me is someone is calling him too early for work in the morning, around 3 to 4 a.m.! What was that? Business acquiantances? What? An affair? Whaaaaat? I can't take it anymore! Tonight is the night. Weve been ten years married. We don't have kids. He's to be blame? Yeah, I think. I'm good and he's not.. I love him. Despite the shortcomings. Oh, really! But boy you can't give me a child and now you are having an affair? OMG! That is so freaking unfair!

It was almost midnight when he arrived at home. I was half awake when he saw me at the sofa with my see through lingerie! The light was dim. He just stares there at the door when he closed it. He see me as an object! DIdn't even bother to kiss me! Didn't even asked me or he misses me! He just stay there for a while and didn't say anything. I was petrified! Whaaatt! I strom to our room and demanded to him what was going on! He stand, looks at me and kissed me to my lips. He is in his pajamas. "I'm tired!" He goes to the bed. I was a bit shocked! He kisses me! For a month he didn't kisses for the reason or reasons unknown to me! I get out of the room and sleep with a smile in a sofa.

Photo source from: Pixabay free Images



he has a mistress lol

good story indeed mam

Lost in love...sad...

it is sure that there is a 3rd party based on the call.

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