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RE: I just finished judging the Steemit Culinary Challenge, and here’s how it went!

The most challenging theme yet @kiwideb, which I didn't expect until I actually started thinking my ideas through properly about what ingredients I could use! I feel like I made it by the skin of my teeth! It's definitely given me a yet deeper understanding of natural foods, which will of course aid my health and the choices I make for my family, so I'm grateful for having participated and for the strict-ness of the judging. Loads of fun all-in-all, so thanks very much!!!


I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm keen to try your almond pastry, and wondering if it would work for things like your little tarts today. But I'm not going to have much time for experimenting in the near future - we have a few things going on.

Yes it would work for sure - I just didn't have enough almonds to do the pastry for the tarts, but I think they would have been perfect with it! I will do some different tarts next week hopefully and intend to do the almond pastry then :-) I might need to line the muffin tins to make the pastry easy to lift out. I will experiment and find out!

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