
I have been trying to diversify meals in my house recently, and thanks to kiwideb and to you and all of the others who participated in this challenge I now have a vast array of delicious recipes to try out! Congratulations meester meester, you are exceptional at contests. You should do a post on each one that you've won, haha! Well deserved :)

Lol, thank you. I think a post each win might be a bit much. I would worry that people would find it annoying!!

Haha!! I didn't mean each time, I meant now about all of them since there are so many ;)

Hahahaha!! You know that is a good idea! The Scottish in me though recoils slightly at the idea of looking self-aggrandising. The BOOM in me ,however says yes! :O)

LOL!! You're awesome, if I wasn't already following you, I'd follow you, hah!

I don't think anyone would call you self-aggrandising. But being a kiwi, I understand totally about not wanting to blow your own trumpet. Now that dear @dreemit has blown it for you, it would be rude not to fall into step. Wouldn't it?

Excellent! Come on over to the dark side, aka the #paleo tag...

Hehe, the temptation is building!


@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Thank ya Old Dawg!!

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