STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #40 : Quesadillas, Cheesy Mexican Tortilla with Guacamole - Vegetarian

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Hello everyone,

This week's theme for Steemit Culinary Challenge is very interesting. It's Mexican Food! :-) I love Mexican Food. Though we have a different style of food, I think most of Indonesian people will like it. There's one Mexican Restaurant in Brussels that offers all-you-can-eat menu for a normal price and it's quite nice.

Today I'll share with you my go-to recipe when I hold a party and invite a lot of friends. It's Quesadillas and Guacamole. I always receive a good feedback for this recipe and all guests simply love it very much. That's why I always serve this food, it's easy yet tasty. I used wheat flour tortillas for this recipe but you may use corn tortillas instead. The original recipe is from Jamie Oliver. He's not Mexican but I assure you, his recipe is just amazing and easy to make.

Quesadillas is a famous food from Mexico but the version of Quesadillas that use flour tortilla is originated from northeastern Mexico, as stated by Wikipedia below. People from central Mexico normally use corn tortilla instead.

Other variations include the use of wheat flour tortillas instead, especially in northeastern Mexico. Wheat dough is most commonly used in place of corn masa (corn flour or dough). In this case, the flour tortilla is prepared, folded and filled with cheese, exactly as the corn.[7]

As for Guacamole, it was the first salad developed by the Aztecs what is now Mexico and it's used in modern Mexican cuisine. Source: Wikipedia

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  • 6-7 medium flour tortillas, store-bought
  • 2 big handfuls grated cheese, I used these following cheese: cheddar, affligem, and grimbergen
  • 2 spring onions, chopped
  • 1 red bell pepper, deseeded and finely chopped
  • 1 handful cilantro or more if you like cilantro, chopped
  • 2 chilies, deseeded and finely chopped


  • In a large clean bowl, throw all ingredients except the tortillas. Mix well and set aside.

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  • Prepare the tortilla by following the instruction of the package. Mine should be sprinkled with water then stack them up, and put it in the preheated oven for one minute at 200°C. It can be done with pan or microwave.

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  • Fill in half of tortilla and fold it over. Do the same for the remaining tortilla and mixture.

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  • Heat non-stick frying pan over low-medium heat without adding any oil, place the filled tortilla, cook for about one or two minutes each side until the cheese melt. Be careful not to burn the tortilla.

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  • Cut into 2 or 3 parts and ready to serve with Guacamole.



  • 2 avocados, desedeed
  • 3 tomatoes, deseeded
  • 2 spring onion, chopped
  • 1 handful cilantro, chopped
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice


  • Place the avocado, tomato, spring onion and cilantro in the food processor. Pulse until it becomes chunky.

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  • Season with salt, black pepper and lemon juice. Pulse again until quite smooth. If you can still see some chunks, it's okay.

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  • Transfer to a bowl and ready to serve with Quesadillas :-)

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I started early morning to make this Quesadillas, at 9 am! For Sunday, it's too early but I dont mind because it's so good and is worth it. My partner and I were having this for our breakfast. Good food, happy tummy :-D

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I'd like to say thank you to those who made SCC happen and always support SCC. This culinary challenge is now part of my life. Besides making a lot of friend, I learn a lot from here :-)

If you like my post, please do not hesitate to upvote and resteem.

Many thanks,



Normally, I don't like vegetarian options, because I love eating meat, but I could tell you put a lot of effort into preparing everything and making it very visually appealing.. I'll be giving this a shot thanks to you. Keep up the good cooking posts. Just what I wanted to see.

K Scratch

Dear @thatkidsblack,

First of all, thank you for reading my post. Second of all, I love eating meat as well but I'm now trying reduce my meat consumption. At the beginning I was a little bit skeptical with this recipe, but I assure you, without meat, it can still be good :-)

Have a nice Sunday

Likewise! I wanna see a meat recipe every now and then though, you have to promise me that! aha

K Scratch

Hahaha.. dont worry! I dont have any plan to being vegetarian nor vegan anytime soon. Meat recipes are on its way ;-)

one of my fav's, and great pictures, thanks,

It's one my fave too.. Many thanks @cryptastic for dropping by! :-)

How can anyone resist such a wonderfully prepared food! Wow my friend, you just did 2 great Mexican classics which are so tasty!
Good luck!

Thanks my friend! These are just a perfect combination! Btw, I'm submitting my entry for @steemit-ironchef as well. I cant wait to post it! :-)

Yum yum yum, now that's a breakfast worth getting out of bed for! :-)

I adore Quesadillas, either using traditional ingredients like you or varying it depending on what I have in my fridge! Either way they're so tasty and easy to prepare. Do you ever make your own tortillas Putri, just out of curiosity? I also adore guacamole... I used to eat this pretty much every day (with raw carrot sticks) following the birth of my son when I was trying to lose weight! Simple, satiating, crunchy, yum. My personal preference is chunky, though sometimes I blend it smooth and spread on the tortillas before adding the filling. Yours looks amazing... that close-up photo makes me want to reach in and scoop a fingerful! And I love your photos with all the bright vibrant ingredients - so fresh I can almost smell them!

It was interesting to read the info at the start of your post. I didn't know there was a preference for flour or corn tortillas depending which area in Mexico. Also it seems we have much to thank to Aztecs for... I keep coming across all these ancient foods they ate and we still eat, and they always seem to be super nutritious! Thanks, and good luck @ikaputri3

Thank you for your kind words @woman-onthe-wing! Me too, I also love Guacamole, but each time I have some avocados on hand, I will just eat it like that. I'm used to eating it without adding anything since I was a kid. This one was safe because of SCC :-D

I always want to make tortilla by myself but I never did :-D Do you have any good and recipe for tortilla? I'd love to try.

I read about preference of tortilla from Wikipedia and just like you, I found it really interesting. I should try one with corn tortilla. Luckily, there's a small Mexican shop where I can find both corn and wheat flour tortilla :-)

I have only made them once myself, and used einkorn flour which I found made them a little crunchier than pre-packaged tortillas you buy in a supermarket, and I think they were more flavoursome too. I want to try using spelt flour next time as I think they would be even nicer than the einkorn ones. But they were really tasty and worked well. I always make my recipes up as I go along rather than using them from books or online (I like to remain original!) so here is the link to my recipe... It was actually my SCC #16 entry way back before I was hosting! I made my own version of guacamole too you can see how it compares to your own :-)

I would really love to see you developing your originality Putri... I hope you don't mind me saying... but you clearly have a talent in the kitchen and I think if you were posting original recipes people would be taking a LOT more interest in your blog. It's such a shame seeing your posts not make very much, when you put in so much time and make them really beautiful. Perhaps you could start simply by taking a recipe from a book (or wherever) and just change one ingredient, or add one ingredient. Start very simply and as confidence increases you can build up to one day creating complete recipes in your head! I'd love to see that, and if there's any way I can help please let me know :-) I do hope I'm not being patronising... sometimes the mother in me takes over!!!

Well noted for your recipe! Thank you for sharing! I'll definitely try it and let you know.

I was thinking the same, I should have started to make my own recipe. I have no problems in developing Asian recipe but it's quite hard to do the same for another type of cuisine. I had this discussion as well with a friend about changing one or two ingredients, add your "touch" to make it original and claim the recipe yours.

I am happy to have such feedback. It means a lot to me. It makes me growing and improving :-) Thank you Joanna!

Btw, I've got your message. Let me think about it and get back to you tonight. I hope it's ok for you.

Absolutely, yes, have a think and let me know, thanks :-)

I'm glad to hear you've already been thinking a lot about the next step for your recipes... I know that after a short time you'll have much more confidence about experimenting. Sometimes, rather than starting with a recipe and buying the ingredients for it, I start with buying ingredients and then sitting down with a cup of tea and thinking 'what original recipe can I create with these?' It often results in some very unusual dishes, and I wouldn't even know which culture that dish might suit! Recently someone commented one of my salads asking if it was the 'Indian version recipe' and I had no idea what they meant! But then someone else explained I'd happened to create something similar to some southern Indian dishes, which I found very interesting indeed!

Perhaps we often get too focused on existing dishes and conventional ways of preparing ingredients, and trying to achieve perfection. But it's more fun to mess things up and do it your own way! Like grinding seeds into flour, or using grapes instead of tomatoes, or making a pie crust from legumes, etc. You will find your own style and I look forward to seeing it develop!

Oh - I meant to add I have left a message for you in Seemit.Chat if you could get back to me. Thanks!

Foto2nya keren, niat banget pokoke. Satu2nya makanan mexico yg pernah kumakan itu burrito. enak, ga aneh utk lidah indonesia. mgkn makanan yg ini juga bisa kumakan. ga ada daging kan? karena aku ga makan daging hewan kaki empat :)

Makasih mbak @horazwiwik! Kalo soal masak memasak emang niat banget :-D Ini nggak ada daging mbak, lebih enak mnrtku. Aku kok kurang suka perpaduan keju dan daging. Burrito aku malah blm pernah coba, nasi kan ya isinya?

karena emang passion ya, jadinya niat banget ngerjainnya. di steemit yg suka masak2 cepat sukses karena topinya byk yg trending hehe...remember me when you are on top...(siapa akuh hahaha).
waktu itu ga ada nasi buritonya, isinya mirip2 sama punya Ika (eh, panggilannya Ika atau Putri?). Tp kayaknya masakan meksiko mirip2 ya, base nya pake lembaran tortilla.

Audiensku nggak banyak kok mbak, ini aja stuck bgt di rep score segini dan payout jg segitu2 aja, haha.. tp nggak papa, aku udah nothing to lose. Kalo tll ngarep cuma kecewa dapetnya. Ini aku malah bikin burrito mbak barusan hihi.. gara2 dirimu ngomongin burrito. Lembarannya sama kok, pake tortilla. Oiya, panggil aja Putri mbak :-)

hahaha postinganku jg ga byk audiens krn dunia jahit kan terbatas yg minat. rapopo lah, nothing to lose. disini jg ga modal duit, cuma waktu aj yg mrp pengalihan dari waktu tuk main sosmed lain.

posting dunk burritonya hihihi

Iya mbak bener, kalo dapet byk ya syukur, nggak yaudah. Burrito nya dadakan ngebikinnya, nggak sempet moto mbak. Tar pasti aku bikin resepnya deh.

yayaya, merapal mantra (kalimat pertama). Oke oke, cant wait to see the burrito of your version

Masakan yang enak iniiiii. Kreasi kuliner utk Steeemian kan? Saya pengen dimasakin ini kalau ke Belgium nanti. Ya? hehe...
Salam kompak dan sukses dari kami di Aceh. Semangat ya?

Terima kasih! :-) Gampang mas, pokoknya kalo main ke Belgia kabar-kabari aja ya. Salam untuk teman-teman komunitas Steemit Aceh juga ya :-)

Setiap satu postingan dihargai Steemit 1000 dolar...sebulan sudah bisa kesana.. hahaha..oke oke...salam adek Ika saya sampaikan dalam Grup Komunitas Steemit Indonesia (KSI) ya? ;)

Seandainya ya bisa dapet segitu, dapet 1 SBD aja udah alhamdulillah ini :-D Oh iya mas, panggil aja Putri ;-)

Great entry @ikaputri3! I love cheesy quesadillas and with homemade guac, they can't be beat! I love that you put a bunch of veggies in there too, to balance out the carbs and cheese! Yummmmmm!

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