
Again a big thank you to the amazing @woman-onthe-wing for hosting this wonderful weekly challenge. You are doing such an amazing job and I'm happy to see so many new faces and cooks appearing in the steemit community. If you are new to steemit and haven't heard about the challenge, you should definitely check it out #steemitculinarychallenge

If you are quick you might even be able to enter this week's newbie special.

Good luck to you all! Already saw a few berrylicious posts passing by!

Ohh and before I forget. I hope you like the logo I created (see above)! Let me know your thoughts.


If you enjoyed reading this post, make sure to follow my news feed here

Or check out my health and recipe website HERE!


I'm loving the contest, great job Amy :D

Thank you so much ღ

Fab logo design Amy, though I already had a sneaky peek I'm glad you shared it for everyone else to see! Thanks so much for your lovely lovely words, and for helping spread the word about the challenge, I do appreciate it very much :-)

Always happy to help spread the healthy lifestyle and food vibe ღ ღ ღ

amazing entry !! well done amy !!

I like that logo! And I do notice that the steam coming off that bowl is shaped like the Steem logo. And I like that the upper right corner looks like plants, which is where so much of our good food starts.

Thanks @haphazard-hstead! I'm glad you like it and absolutely agree that all good foods comes from the earth and plants.

You're welcome! Yay for plants! ;D

Oh i'm going to lose now. I'm finishing mine up today.

Hehe! Thanks @vegetarianbaker! Looking forward to seeing your creation!

Just uploaded my post with my entries :)

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