STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #30 - Raw Vegan Orange Blueberry Cheesecake Tart

in #steemitculinarychallenge7 years ago (edited)


Love is... your hubby bringing you fresh blueberries and raspberries from Europe! If you are no stranger to my blog then you might know I'm crazy for berries. Unfortunately, there are no fresh berries to be found here in Cambodia. But I'm on a mission to grow my own.

As you can see I don't need fancy or expensive gifts... my love can easily be bought with food hahaha!

So when life gives you fresh berries, what do you make! Blueberry Cheesecake!!!! To be honest! It turned out great. If not the best vegan dessert I have ever made!

Thanks again to all sponsors ( @smooth and @sirwinchester ), our fantastic host ( @woman-onthe-wing ), and this week's guest judge ( @biglipsmama ) for another amazing theme! You guys all rock!


2 tbsp goji berries
2-4 tbsp coconut flakes

For the crust

3/4 cup unsalted raw nuts (I used almond and cashew)
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup dried goji berries
2 tbsp cacao powder
2-3 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil

Orange Cheesecake Layer

1.5 cup unsalted raw cashews, soaked for at least 1 hour
1/3 cup freshly squeezed orange juice (about 1 orange)
zest of 1 orange
1.4 cup maple syrup (honey for non-vegans works too(
1/4 cup extra virgin coconut oil
1/2 lime, juice only

Blueberry layer

1 cup blueberries
1/4 cup orange cheesecake mix


For the crust

  1. Add the nuts to a high-speed blender or food processor. Pulse a few times until they are broken up. Add all other ingredients and process until it sticks together.
  2. press the mixture firmly in a spring or tart form pan. Set aside in the fridge.



For the orange cheesecake layer

  1. Soak cashews for at least 1 hour. The longer the creamier it will get! Overnight is best. (I soaked them 4 hours)
  2. Blend all ingredients, except the zest, in a high-speed blender until creamy, smooth paste. Stir in the zest with a spoon.
  3. Reserve 1/4 cup for the blueberry layer. Pour the rest on the crust and let sit in the freezer to harden.






Blueberry layer

  1. Blend blueberries and orange cheesecake mix. Pour over the cheesecake layer and freeze until firm but not frozen.
  2. Top with goji berries and coconut flakes






Optional: serve with espresso or matcha green tea.




Since this looked so divine, my hubby and I dived straight into it, only remembering to take a picture from me and the dish after we devoured more than half of the tart... so I hope this still counts!




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Or check out my health and recipe blog for more yummy recipes!


This looks so tasty!! I didn't know it is possible to make cheesecake without dairy. I will certainly try this recipe. Thank you for sharing and good luck with the challenge!!

Raw soaked cashew nuts are perfect for it! I love vegan recipes.. you get creative in so many ways! Thanks @knittybynature for commenting!

Actually, I have never made vegan cake so I am excited to make this cheesecake :)

You will not regret making vegan-style desserts! They are yum! Good luck and enjoy ;)

well done ! u have so cool profile! would love to see some more vegan recipes from you ! kindly follow

Vegan dishes are my favorite... so more to come ;) Thanks for your kind words!

Nothing brings people together like good food :)

Totally agree!

Yum! I want one too!^_^

Come and get some ;) Thanks for your comment!

I ll mark it! :) thanks...haha

Beautiful photos and narrative! ☆☆☆☆☆😎

You're welcome @amy-goodrich.

Nice work. @amy-goodrich The beautiful tart looks so yummy. :)

I would send you a piece... but it's all finished hehe! Thanks for taking the time to comment ;)

Bad girl @amy-goodrich :p I'll wait next time. :))) @amy-goodrich

Hehe... it was my hubby... no to be honest we both ate it all @bontonstory

Whoa.. that's a clever recipe! Never make no bake vegan dessert before. I will make this sometime soon!! Thanks for the recipe.

Ever since I made the first vegan dessert I was hooked! They are so good! Thanks for dropping by @wikawee!

I love berries! This recipe is just WOW!! Thanks for sharing!! Amazing! Have a wonderful day! You probably will since you are surrounded by such yummy food! Upvoted! Do check mine :)

Aww thanks so much ;) That's so kind of you!!

Mail it over!

The last piece got your name on it! It's on its way hehe

Wow, Is so amazing this recipe, i neeed lol

Raw vegan dessert rock! Thanks for stopping by ;)

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