Domestic Terrorism By The French Government

in #steemitcryptoacademy3 years ago (edited)


"Over 100,000 people protested across France on Saturday against the government’s latest measures to push people to get vaccinated and curb rising infections by the delta variant of the coronavirus."

If you didn't catch the instant manipulation let me help you, the French government is not trying to "push" people to get vaccinated they are straight up forcing them to get vaccinated. I mean of course if you don't you just can't go to a café, restaurant, shopping center, or hospital, or taking a long-distance train. As far as the Hospital goes I would hope they will allow you in for emergencies. The government of France has successfully forced millions of French people to get vaccinated I don't think that is something to celebrate and it seems as though the people in France are celebrating in a 1776 kind of way.

"Thousands of people answered calls to take to the streets by Florian Philippot, a fringe far-right politician and former right hand of Marine Le Pen who announced earlier this month that he would run in the 2022 presidential election. Gathered a stone’s throw away from the Louvre Museum, protesters chanted “Macron, clear off!”, “Freedom,” and banged metal spoons on saucepans."

Notice how they point out that this battle is mainly between far-right and far-left, but in reality this is not about right vs left. this whole thing is about freedom and independence vs tyranny and control, when the people are no longer able to be trusted to govern themselves tyranny will arise. Even if by "the people" I mean through local government, there should be no reason an entire country needs to be run from the top down ignoring the voice of the people through their local government.

"They denounced the government’s decision on Monday to make vaccines compulsory for all health care workers, and to require a “health pass” proving people are fully vaccinated, have recently tested negative or recovered from the virus in order to access restaurants and other public venues. President Emmanuel Macron’s government is presenting a draft law Monday to enshrine the measures."

The government of France is trying to force private property owners to exclude people from entering their restaurant's and other "public" venues even though its not public because the business owner can decide to allow only paying customers to enter and can also have a capacity limit. This is the Government violating the 3 main things it is tasked with protecting which is Life, Liberty, and Property. So tell me what is the purpose of the French government other than to terrorize the people of France?

"The government warned of the "continued spread of the delta variant, which authorities fear could again put pressure on hospitals if not enough people are vaccinated against the virus. The pandemic has cost France more than 111,000 lives and deeply damaged the economy."

If this is what the government is afraid of than they have no knowledge of viruses or the Delta variant, the Delta variant is not more deadly there is evidence that it is more transmissible which is normal for a virus as it would rarely every mutate and become more deadly. This is the French government using fear tactics and the real question is why is it so important for them to vaccinate everyone?

Also How many deaths has the lockdowns caused in France? If it is anything like the United States lockdowns then I can assure you that the French government through lockdowns have caused deaths, but I suppose they won't be discussing that. Lets also focus on the choice of words, the "pandemic" did this? no no no the pandemic only caused people to get infected and die that's it, that is physically all a virus can do, a virus can not shut your business down, a virus can't tell you that you can't go get screened for cancer, this is what the Government did through mandatory lockdowns.

"At Saturday’s Paris protest, a 39-year-old green party supporter and hospital laboratory worker said she might resort to buying a fake vaccination certificate to avoid losing her job. A health care worker dressed as the Statue of Liberty called it “act of violence” to force people to get vaccinated."

This is beautiful, yes it would 100 percent be an act of violence, what the government is doing is saying "get a vaccine or else you can't go to work, and if you refuse to get vaccinated and return to work anyways you will be forcefully removed. If you refuse to allow us to forcefully remove you, you will be subjected to be subdued by any means necessary" What the Government of France is doing is nothing short of domestic terrorism, they are using violence to achieve political goals. The People of France should not and looks like will not submit to Domestic Terrorism by their own government.

"French health care workers have until Sept. 15 to get vaccinated. The requirement for COVID passes for all restaurants, bars, hospitals, shopping malls, trains, planes and other venues is being introduced in stages starting Wednesday."

I can only hope the French will continue to fight back against the terrorism that is being perpetuated on them by their own government, if they fail to stop this now I can only imagine what the government will get away with in the future. Just so you know France America is rooting for you.


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