You Have To Say It To Live ItsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemitchurch7 years ago

The most beautiful natural gift from God to man is the
gift of words, the ability to speak and make words.
You’re what you say. Your life is the summation of the word
that come out of you. Our opening verse emphasises the
importance of framing your life aright with your words. The
principle is clear: what you say is what you get. Life will
produce for you a harvest of what you say—good or bad.
Understand that in this, there’s no middle ground.
Someone might say, “Well, I haven’t been saying anything at
all; so I believe I’m going to be okay,” no; it doesn’t work
that way. You’ll still have a harvest; howbeit, the wrong one.
It’s like having a garden and refusing to sow any seed in
it; something will definitely grow of its own accord—weeds.
Sadly, the lives of some are that way. They don’t realize it’s
their responsibility to keep themselves in victory, dominion,
and prosperity.
God already did all that’s necessary for you to have
and enjoy a transcendent life in Christ through the power of
the Holy Spirit. It’s your responsibility now to keep things that
way, and it’s mainly about your confession. You must affirm
that you have a great life, if you’re going to live it! You must
acknowledge and confess that you’ve been called to a life of
glory and virtue; a life of power, beauty and excellence.
2 Peter 1:3 says, “According as his divine power hath
given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness,
through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and
virtue.” Now you can see that there isn’t anything you don’t
have. This ought therefore, to form the basis for your faith
Never talk lack, sickness, weakness, inability or fear.
Rather, keep affirming that you have and walk in divine health.
Affirm that the Lord is your strength, your righteousness, your
success, and your prosperity. Keep saying it and your life will
go in one direction only—upward and forward.

My life is the testimony of God’s
grace. The glory of God is
revealed in me today, as I walk
in the Word and produce results
by the Word. I’m full of strength,
because Christ is in me; He’s my
righteousness, wisdom, success,
and prosperity. Blessed be God!

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