
Girlz are allowed here too hahahahaha!

Well I wasn't sure since he said 'grab your weiners' lol

Hahahaha, if you look at my post up an hour ago, I am all about community and inclusiveness right??


lol That's what I love about this place. Everybody is so friendly! I wish I had more time to hang around and get to know people, but I do as much as I can and little by little feel more at home!! Thanks again for helping the new peeps to fit means alot :)

I hated feeling new and left out and not knowing stuff here, I carry that with me daily in all my posts, to try my best to help others past this.

TY for the fun and kindness here to me and others TL.

I look forward to more :) Enjoy the night, and thanks again!

LOL, ya that was a bit cheeky.

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