Zord's Introduction Post! FINALLY!

in #steemitbloggers7 years ago (edited)



Finally, I've decided to write a proper 'Introduction post' about me! What I do? Where I'm from? How did I find Steemit? You name it... Though you may always find talking to me on discord and IF you're in Malaysia, meeting the real person is always better.

Ps. cause I would love meeting you too

Sooo let me begin my 'Zord's Introduction Post'.

Zord189's Introduction Post

This almost feels like writing an essay again back in Primary school when the essay's titles are always,'My hobby', 'My family' and 'My dream house'. The only difference is, it's probably gonna be longer than 50 words. :) Let me start.

Hi, you can call me zord189 or people around here calls me zord!!!Mah man....Lol. I'm an INTJ, I can easily switch to be an extrovert or a leader if the situation requires but staying too long in a crowd will drain a lot of my energy. That is when I have to cocoon myself back to recharge. I love good visuals, and music. I bought a really expensive pair of headphones just to listen to Spotify. LOL. What else?? Ohh! I'm still pretty young.


Oh no! Zord is starting to share his personal photos

Hehe, that's right, I can get pretty personal with you when I'm comfortable with you. I have three very important areas in my life that I can't live without. There are my Family, Friends and God.

I grew up in a small city in East Malaysia called Kuching. Though my parents were from West Malaysia, I was born and raised in Kuching. They've decided to migrate to Kuching to start a family business which we later on sold off all 5 branches before the financial crisis in 1998 happened. Dad said he heard from God that it was time to venture into something else.

Being a youngest in the family, with an eldest sister, I was usually the more timid one. My sister was the loud one. Sorry sis, I wuv u. But you know how it is among the family siblings, there's always the loud one, and the other one would be the softer one. There would also be the smarter one(my sis) and then there's ME, the not so studious type one. I never liked to memorize formulas and have never pictured myself wearing a lab coat. I like guns though, hehe... when the teachers were handing out the biography card for every student to fill in. In the ambition section, my first choice was to become a policeman, then an architect, then doctor. Doctor was cause it was the job that was called success for some Asian families.

I'm truly blessed to be in this family because I ended up being a Character Animator! Geez zord, where did that come from. Policeman to Animator. Reason why I feel that I'm truly blessed is because my family has always been supportive of me. They've supported my sister to go overseas and study and now she's a REALLY GOOD pharmacists(bias) and as for me, I wanted to do art.

Disney Junior DocMcstuffins

Korean TV Series, Geomecha

These are some of the projects I've worked on. Disney Junior's Doc McStuffin Season 3 and 4 and Geomecha, a korean based tv series cartoon.

I found out that I wanted to be an animator quite young really, when I was inspired watching the first animated film 'Toy Story' and I told my mum, "Mum... I wanna do that". During that time, I didn't know that such a job called 'animator' existed. It just sparked within me and it was my parents who supported me all the way.

Then there were amazing & beautiful people that came into my life and made everything worth living for. These people are my friends. People who I've laughed with, been through some tough things together, and just having great conversations.



Yeaps! They come in all shape and sizes and these are the ones that mean the world to me. You would notice that I've added the Steemians from #teammalaysia to my friends list as well! Because I've certainly made a lot of friends during this 5 months of doing Steemit and a lot of them. I know there are still some of you out there that aren't in the photos, I would love to meet you someday. The Steemians from other parts of the world!

But there are a few among who have stuck closer to me than anything else. And these are my best friends. And I really really appreciate them for coming into my life.


Last and most important area in my life is God. I was born into a Christian family but have never really felt that God was Real until I reached the aged of 17. Imagine that! 17 years just going to church and going to Sunday school like a routine. At the age of 17, I've suddenly woken up by a few miraculous incidents that had happened in my life that constantly points me to how REAL the creator Himself is to me and that He loves me very much as well as you all who's reading this.

His blessings and favors have always been so overflowing in my life that I can't deny and say that it's just 'coincidence'.But rather, I would choose to believe. My Christian Faith plays a huge role in my life, in how I represent, how I talk, basically how I live my life.

Though I'm not perfect, and never will be, I know the ONE who is and I'm running after Him

A little bit about Steemit & Me

I would think it's appropriate to let you all know what am I doing on this platform? How I've come to know Steemit and What do I offer in terms of blogging??

How did I come across Steemit

This is a pretty funny story actually and one that is awesome. I was looking at a website about latest tech trends and I found a really catchy headline clickbait alert about cryptocurrency and how you can make 1000usd without investing. I was like wow... okay... I'm sure you've come across a lot of pop up that goes something like this.

"Hey! Would you like to know how you can earn 1000usd a week working from home?"

Then it continues with....

"Click here and you are entitled to get a 199usd rebate and a FREE e-book on 'how to make it in life'"

That kinda happened to me except it was a Steemian selling his video tutorials about Steemit. I will not mention who but if you scroll my blog all the way to be beginning, u just might find out who it was. Good Luck!

Anyways, that was the first time I heard about Steemit and later on, I wanted to scout to see if there were any communities in my region. That's how I ended up with a bunch of amazing individuals called #teammalaysia.

What do I offer on Steemit

Laughter and jokes? Hahah KIDDING! my blog is mainly about my animation and designs that I've done for other Steemians on here. There will be also postings about my #teammalaysia and the events that I've joined and the initiative that I'm glad to be a part of, @steemitbloggers & @paywithsteem. I used to blog about photography but only on lazy days because let my picture fill that '1000' words. Haha.

These are some of the Steemit Profile Banners, Logos & GIFs that I've created for Steemians.



myjuniors w BG (Official).png


And there you go! My 'Introduction post' like finally and now I can share this with people who've been asking me why I don't have an introduction post. Though this is considered a very brief post about me, I'm always available to get to know you on discord! Just.... no upvote for upvote, or follow for follow plz. I believe in genuine conversations.

Thank You

If you like what I do, check out my other posts on my artworks, photography & animations.

I'm also open for

Personalized Steemit Profile Banner,logos & GIFs

DM me on discord : zord189#7776


Credits to @pinstory & @coloringiship for this lovely photo of me.

Appreciator Footer.png

Animated Banner Created By @zord189


I cherish everything about this post since it's so you. Much obliged to you for sharing and I see the Light of you all around. Your fam is delightful, your companions simply Shine with affection and I truly appreciated seeing your adoration for God and i hope that we will earned handsome money from this community and don't forget your friends when you will rich lol .............

Haha! I wish you all the best too bro! See u at the top

@zord189 - Better late than NEVAAAAAR they say ;)


As for you, well.... I have absolutely NOTHING good to say!!!!!


You are honestly one of the most spectacular humans I have EVER had the pleasure of meeting! You are genuine to your CORE and that is what I love about you most!

You are WAY too kind and generous (we will have t work on this with my biaatch schooling - lol - KIDDING again)

You are just wonderful!!!

And thank you for being what I consider a VERY VALUABLE FRIEND...


@jaynie are u oke? Jaynie are u okie? Are you oke @jaynie?

Thank you :) Means a lot to me for everything that you've just said IF YOU ARE NOT KIDDING! :P

But yea, you are one in a million too!

You aren’t too much — to the people who choose to see all of you.

Here's a quote for you! Have an awesome day

Hello 👋, welcome 🙏

Hahahah!!! Ur the best la

This should be animated too eh, @zord189! Hahahaaa

I don't have a video of it :(


Hi there and welcome to steemit! This platform is great, you will do well :) I'm @sattpaing and new here as well. I…

Yay @zord189 I love everything about this post because it’s so you. Thank you for sharing and I see the Light of you everywhere. Your fam is adorable, your friends just Shine with love and I really enjoyed seeing your love of God. Blessings, Eagle xx

Hahah Thanks for always supporting me! Always dropping by my posts. Blessings back at ya! :D

Policeman?!?!?! I CANNOT. :D

Woi why cannot?!?! Macam sacrificial lamb ok? protect ppl

Like this la... :D

:) > :| > :( > :C

animated smileys


Haha so you haven’t wrote yr intro yet? Maybe not a bad thing otherwise a lot of us would have missed it. The ‘smart’ one eh, such a typical boy. But smart people know they are smart, so you may get away with that 😬. Didn’t know you worked on Doc McStuffins - think kids will go even crazier about you if they ever find out!

Hahah don't tell ur son that wei! :P

I actually wrote one really really lousy intro like 6 months ago... It's about time I do a proper one. I'm the dumb one la, I cannot study one. Haha

People who cannot study are always the smarter ones! I’ve observed. Lol. My son used to watch, now also will watch when the sis is watching. Both of them like la. Eh why boys cannot watch girls cartoon is it?! Am not familiar with the Korean one but it looks like his type also.

Hahah can can! DocMcstuffins is catered for all children. :D Sven would love the robot robot one!

Just pulling your leg! Yes i think he would love it too. At the stage where he tries to be more boyish. Haha. Btw where can we catch the robot one?

Hehe, u go youtube, type 'Geomecha' got the full season there dy!

Thanks! Will go check out now

Really nice brief introduction! Looking forward to meeting you in person one day hehe! :)

Heyo @scottjeromeyao! I would love to meet you one day too! And you can really sing man! Post more covers bro, looking forward to it

Thank you @zord189! Will do! Hehe :)

Oh, hey high five for youngest sibling club! Haha
I'm still amazed with all the series you were involved with
Keep up the great work man!

HEYO! high-five

Thank you for always being so supportive.

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