It's A Boy // Kenangan Tempo Hari

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)

Hi There :)

I was smiling to myself an hour ago, thinking of how funny life is. My Dad passed away a couple of days ago, and today we are remembering our youngest's baby shower, 5 years ago- today. When old leaves one by one fall to the ground, new leaves coming out, one by one as well. Such is life, hey? :)

Just last night I was going through my wedding pictures, the last time I saw my Dad, earlier I was going through my baby shower pictures for my youngest. Tears of sadness, tears of joy. Life is just funny that way.


I hope you guys been well!

Today I would like to share some pictures from the baby shower, if you don't mind :)

Hai Teman :)

Maaf untuk beberapa hari aku ga ngunjungi kalian yang memakai tagar nusantara, males online hehe. Bapak angkatku meninggal beberapa hari yang lalu, jadi kok mikir ngapain online yak, baikan juga menghabiskan waktu dengan suami dan anak-anakku, peluk mereka sebanyak, sesering waktu, mumpung semua masih ada semua, kan yah? :)

Tapi semalam aku mulai balik dan sudah mulai mengunjungi teman-teman lagi kok, terimakasih sudah selalu memakai #nusantara yak!

Hari ini, 5 tahun yang lalu, merupakan pesta 7-bulanan anak ke-dua ku. Kalian tau kan perayaan 7-bulanan buat ibu-ibu hamil? Mungkin hanya buat orang Jawa kali yah? Anyways busway, disini disebut dengan Baby Shower.


As we learned our baby was going to be a boy, for sure the theme color was blue, so cliche, hey hahah Have you seen the new ads from Celine Dion, of neutral gender? So cute.

I prepared everything myself, with some help from my husband and my then 4 yo son :) Just like my first pregnancy, we did not reveal to nobody that we were expecting, so our baby showers were ALWAYS surprise parties to friends (lol). I always hid myself well during both of my pregnancies, no families no friends could tell, so yeah, instead us being pampered, we were the one who pampered them instead, it's fun and funny that way, maybe :P

For this baby shower, as again we had winter baby, we prepared hot chocolate station, dessert table, and beef chili station,and we had 3 separate tables for those.
I decorated the wall with baby clothes on clothes hangline, and I crumpled some blue tissue papers to make wall pom-poms.

Coincidentally I won online contest for a boy diaper-cake, so that made a nice decoration for the dessert table.

If you can see behind my son, there is a wooden box, that is actually a cake-pop stand, which my husband made :)

Karena kami tau ntar bakalan keluar bayi laki-laki, tentunya tema pesta kami serba biru hahaha Karena biru identik dengan bayi laki-laki kan yak? :)

Seperti halnya dengan pesta 7-bulanan anak pertamaku, untuk anak ke-duaku ini pun, kami ga kabar-kabari keluarga maupun teman-teman bahwa kami, adanya pas 7 bulan, baru deh kabar-kabari, jadi pada kaget semua wkwkwkw Dengan kata lain, seharusnya 7-bulanan buat manja-manjain calon anak, adanya malah kita memanja-manjakan teman-teman, traktir mereka dengan pesta, yang begitulah :D

Untuk anak ke-dua ku ini, dia juga lahir pada musim Dingin seperti halnya anak pertamaku, jadiiiii, pas pesta, suguhan yang kami berikan pun yang cocok untuk menghangatkan badan para tamu, seperti susu cokelat hangat serta sop kacang-kacangan berdaging yang di luar negeri disebut beef chili, dan tentunya tak lupa juga kue-kue kecil dan kue tart.

Dari dekorasi hingga makanan, semuanya kami sendiri yang menyiapkan - karena yah itu dia, kan pesta untuk mengejutkan teman-teman dengan kehamilan kami hehehe.

Tentunya karena mayoritas ku kerjakan sendiri, ga ribet-ribet amat lah, hanya menggantung baju bayi di dinding, jadi deh :D

For this baby shower, here are the sweets on the dessert table.

- Baby Face Cake Pops - for the 'thank you for coming' gifts
- Blue Teddy Chocolate Pops
- Navy Blue Swirled Cake Pops
- Cat's Tongues Cookies
- Biscotti
- Cotton Candy Cupcakes
- Coconut Meringue (schuimpjes)
- Blue Zebra Baby Cart Cake

Untuk meja khusus kue-kue, ini dia apa saja yang aku sajikan

- Cokelat bentuk teddy bear
- Cake pop bentuk biasa, biru
- Cake pop bentuk kepala bayi, ini untuk dibawa tamu pulang, sebagai tanda terimakasih sudah datang
- Lidah kucing
- Biscotti (kue kering khas Italia)
- Kue bolu/cupcake
- Permen schuimpjes
- Kue tart berhiaskan kereta bayi dorong


Here are the recipes should you like to try them goodies, but they are not vegan, as this was 5 years ago lol - and @cheetah/owner, these are already blogged on my website, FYI


- 1 1/2 csugar
- 2 1/2 c flour
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp salt
- A couple of minty candies, crushed. Make sure to choose blue colored candies, so you will get the blue theme of baby boy.


- Sift flour, baking soda and salt together into small bowl. In medium bowl, cream together sugar, butter, eggs and vanilla. Add flour mixture and crushed candies. Form two logs. Place parchment paper on cookie sheet, and evenly space the two logs on the paper. Beat egg white until foamy, and brush on top and sides of each log. Bake in 350 degree oven for about 30-35 mins, until golden brown. Remove from oven and allow entire pan to cool completely on cookie rack. Remove the cooled logs from the pan. Using serrated knife, slice logs on a diagonal into 1/2" slices. Place slices on cookie sheet and bake in 350 degree oven for 10 minutes. Turn over and bake again about 5 minutes, until just beginning to color. Remove from rack to cool.

Cat's Tongue:

- 250 g unsalted butter
- 200 g berry sugar
- 225 g AP flour
- 5 egg whites
- 1/2 tbsp almond extract
- blue food coloring, gel or liquid


- Cream butter and sugar. Add egg whites gradually and keep beating until very fluffy. Add in extract, beat until combined. Fold in flour and divide batter in to two bowls, one regular, and one is mixed with food coloring. Pour batter into two separate pipping bags and pipe them onto greased baking sheet. Bake at 350 F for 18 mins (dry and crisp).

Cake Pops:

- They are made using any flavor cakes and cream of your choice. Crumble cake, mix with cream, shape to round balls and dip them in melted chocolate.

Chocolate Pops:

- They are made by melting blue colored chocolate (like from Wilton) and molded using a chocolate mold, teddy bear shaped

Ini dia resep-resepnya kalau mau coba-coba yak teman :)

Moga cheetah ga muncul, soalnya nih resep dah pernah ku unggah ke website ku wkwkwkwk


- 1 1/2 gelas gula pasir
- 2 1/2 gelas terigu
- 2 telur
- 1 sdt soda kue
- 1/2 sdt vanila esens
- 1/2 sdt garam
- permen rasa mint terutama yang warna biru, hancurkan.


- Campurkan terigu, soda kue serta garam. Dalam wadah terpisah, kocok gula, mentega, telur serta vanila. Masukkan terigu serta permen mint, aduk rata. Gulung menjadi 2. Kocok putih telur dan sapukan ke gulungan tadi. Panggang pada 350 F 30 menit, keluarkan dan dinginkan. Potong-potong, lalu panggang kembali pada 350 F selama 10 menit, balik dan panggang lagi 5 menit.

Lidah Kucing:

- 250 g mentega
- 200 g gula pasir halus
- 225 g terigu
- 5 putih telur
- 1/2 sdm almond esens
-pewarna makanan biru


- Kocok mentega dan gula. Masukkan putih telur sedikit demi sedikit hingga mengembang. Beri esens dan kocok kembali. Masukkan terigu sedikit demi sedikit dan bagi menjadi dua. Biarkan yang satu seperti aslinya, beri pewarna di yang satu lagi. Semprotkan di loyang, panggang pada 350 F selama 18 menit.

Cake Pops:

- Boleh pakai bolu dan krim apapun yak. Hancurkan bolu, beri krim, bentuk bulat, celupkan di cokelat.

Chocolate Pops:

- Lelehkan cokelat warna biru, cetak pada cetakan cokelat bentuk teddy bear


Coconut Meringue:

- 250 g sugar
- 125 ml egg whites
- gel food color
- coconut essence/extract


- On electric mixer, beat egg whites until soft peak on medium speed. Add in a little sugar at a time while keep beating. Once all sugar is gone and dissolving, turn up speed to the highest and keep beating for 10 minutes, until firm stiff peak. Once stiff peak is reached, if you would like to color and flavor it, here is the time. beat for a minute. Spoon meringue into a bag with nozzle and start piping shapes of your choice on baking pan lined with parchment paper. (For lazy version, just drop a dollop/tbsp of meringue on parchment instead piping!) Bake at 100 C for 50 minutes.


- They are made using any white cake recipe with vanilla extract added. For the cotton candy buttercream, add in an envelope of cotton candy flavoring (available at Walmart) to your fav. buttercream. Ducks are made with modeling chocolate, available at stores which offer baking stuffs. They are rolled thin and cut with cookie cutter, duck shaped.

Blue Zebra Cake:

- 400 ml egg whites
- 1 tsp emulsifier (such as ovalet, available at Asian stores or online)
- 175 gr sugar
- 175 gr flour
- 25 gr corn starch
- 200 gr butter/margarine, melted
- blue food coloring
- Buttercream of your choice


- Preheat oven to 180 C. Grease your pans (2 7 inch or 1 9 inch), line with parchment, and grease again. Beat egg whites and emulsifier until fluffy. Add in sugar gradually while keep beating until thickened and firm. Fold in flour mixture with corn starch. Fold in melted margarine. Divide into two bowls, one as is, one colored with blue food coloring. Pour batter alternating each other on the center of the pans. Bake for 30-45 minutes until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Cover and decorate with buttercream and give a proper topper of your choice (stork, baby, baby cart etc)

Permen Schuimpjes:

- 250 g gula pasir
- 125 ml putih telur
- pewarna makanan
- perisa kelapa


- Kocok telur hingga mengembang, masukkan gula sedikit demi sedikit, kocok hingga super kental (kalau panci dibali, ga akan jatuh), baru masukkan pewarna dan perisa.
- Semprotkan ke loyang, panggang pada suhu 100 C selama 50 menit.

Untuk kue bolu serta kue zebra, sesuai selera aja yah, di Indonesia kan banyak resep untuk kue bolu dan juga kue zebra, bedanya aku tidak memakai cokelat bubuk, melainkan pewarna biru hehe

Untuk buttercream juga sesuai selera teman-teman aja :)

Untuk kue bolu, aku memakai perisa cotton candy, disini ada dijual bubukan, jadi kalau disana ada silahkan pakai, kalau ga ada tentunya boleh rasa lainnya.

Sebagai catatan, kue zebraku merupakan kue zebra putih telur, kan super terkenal kalau di Indonesia, apalagi kalau suka buat kue lapis legit, pasti deh banyak sisa putih telurnya yak kan? ;-)


Here are some more pictures from the party :D

But somehow there isn't my picture, right at the party. I do have a picture of me holding the baby cart cake, but I look humangously round, so yeah, not sharing that hahaha

Ini beberapa foto yang bukan makanan wkwkwk

Setelah ku bongkar-bongkar foto, baru sadar, ga ada euy fotoku pas pesta, adanya hanya pas memegang kue, dasar tukang makan yak. Karena ku gendut banget pas hamil, ogah ah pasang fotoku hahahah


And....not forgetting the hot chocolate and chili stations :D

The easy way to serve hot chocolate so it stays hot is with crockpot. Buy ready to brew hot chocolate powder such as Carnation, Tim Horton's etc. Prepare as directed and pour into crockpot, simmer.

For the addition: Chocolate Minty Spoons - Made by melting chocolate, dipping the spoon into melted chocolate and sprinkle chocolate while still fresh with crushed minty candies. Chocolate wafer rolls - available at most grocery stores or Dollar Store. Mini marshmallows. Chocolate chips of milk, white, butterscotch or any flavor you like. More crushed minty candies and obviously don't forget to prepare the ladle so your guests can serve themselves :)

As for the chili, I also prepared a crockpot. Prepare your favorite chili and pour them into crockpot and let it simmer

For additions: Crackers, Chips, Dips (jalapeno slices, sour cream, grated cheese, etc)

Easy peasy ;-)

Untuk meja masakan, beef chili, aku pakai panci pemanas listrik, crockpot, tinggal masak di dapur, kalau dah jadi tuang ke crockpot dan akan terus hangat. Juga turut kusajikan, cracker asin, keripiki, serta saus-sausnya seperti krim masam, keju dll.

Sedangkan untuk minuman hangat, juga kusedikana di crockpot terpisah. Tinggal buat susu cokelat dari bubuk, tuang ke crockpot dan beri sampingan seperti marhsmallow, keping cokelat, Astor dll Jadi deh :D



Sorry, rather a lengthy post today :)

Thanks for reading tho!

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Sorry to hear about your Dad. But you have a great attitude about Life and dealing with things :)

@thekitchenfairy once again my deepest condolences of your loss. Strength and peace to you and your family as you go through this difficult time. Hugs

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terimakasih khimgoh <3

Waah selamat ya mb smoga di beri kelancaran hingga melahirkan nanti 😍😍😘😘 tergoda sekali dengan kueh kuehnya😍😍

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wadaoooo ketauan ga baca hahhaha

Semoga diberi ketabahan atas musibah yang dihadapi mbak @thekitchenfairy. Btw, saya suka cara mbak memberikan dukungan untuk situasi sedih seperti ini. Kuenya enak2 dan yang paling enak adalah ketika sudah 4 jam pasca post, chetah tak datang. Salam Nusantara.

Belajar dari pengalaman

Pertama kali unggah sesuatu dari websiteku kesini, si cheetah datang, besok2 ku tag aja si cheetah biar tau, ternyata manjur hehe

Hello you did so good for your baby shower how did you got the energy?im still not sure if i will do a baby shower this time because im just getting so tired i dont see myself cooking getting everything ready and caring for my very energetic toddler lol to much!!!but i love baby showers so we will see:)Im sure those photos brought some lovely memories.

Honestly, with my 2nd pregnancy i was soooo sluggish and sooo huge, people thought i was carying twins, but since it was rather a party that we finally showed off the belly to friends plus i own a cake decorating business, it would be weird to order/buy baked goods, so yeah I had to force myself to have the strength lol but yeah for chili and hot cocoa, they didnt require much to prepare, so it was good 😊

I didnt know you were pregnant, felicitations ma cherie!

Yes, a notification popped up on my phone from google photos, to check out 'my memories', i actually didnt remember 😜 thank you google 😄

Icip2 boleh mbak?😋

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Sayang hanya foto yak 😄

Benar, jika itu asli pasti makin mantab😀👍

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Benar, jika itu asli pasti makin mantab😀👍

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Jadi pingin nyicip-nyicip kak @thekitchenfairy

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Andai dekat yah, ga perlu incip2 lagi, kukirim per toples hehe

Hahaha, nunggu ada pintu doraemon datang kak @thekitchenfairy. 😂 😂 😂

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Hahaha, nunggu ada pintu doraemon datang kak @thekitchenfairy. 😂 😂 😂

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Dirimu, diriku, serta mbakku, selalu deh ngomongin Doraemon 🤣

Mau banget punya doraemon 😄

My condolences. Life sure can be a roller coaster. God be with you and your family as you mourn your dad.

I dont have a new son. As I typed above, 5 years ago today, I had this baby shower lol

AH! I'm sorry. I had kids running in and out fussin' and carryin' on earlier. I must have misread.

No worries. One would think so since the title is a click bait, sort of lol

Turut berduka cita ya bu Peri. BTW, Selamat juga... Kue yang sangat menggoda.

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terimakasih say <3

I haven't had a kid's party in a long time
Your reminiscing, pictures and recipes makes me wanna have one...
A party...not a kid :D

hahhaha come on, another one wouldnt hurt ;-)

hahahahaha.... yes it would hurt.... hahahaha

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