Is It A Pai Or Is It Rolls? - It's Apple Pie Rolls! // Roti Sobek Rasa Pai Buah Apel

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)

What kind of title is that, TKF???

Honestly I don't know what title I should give, I suck at coming out with a great title. Always boring :P

I baked cinnamon rolls today but since I have bazillion homemade apple sauce and whatever apple goodies I made from apple picking the other week, I used a little in the dough, and obviously the smell, the flavor, they are more apple pie-ish, hence the title haha

Ini maksudnya roti apa pai sih, TKF?

Hahahha aku juga ga tau nih teman! Sering bingung mau kasih judul apa yak yang bisa menangkap para paus biar melirik wkwkwkw

Tapi emang kok, aku bikin roti gulung yang bahan-bahannya tuh mirip untuk buat pai buah apel. Jadi yah ga ngaco-ngaco amat kok wkwkwk Judulnya maksa dot kom neh :P


Before I share the recipe, I would love to give a shoutout to @jaynie, members of @steemitbloggers and @arteem, am very grateful of the witness vote-floods I have been getting throughout the day, making my heart full. Thank you <3

This is also a little announcement that am pulling my teeny tiny delegation from @curie and @ghscollective, as these communities are well established already, they will grow stronger even without my small delegations *grins*

Sebelum aku bagi resepnya, aku ingin berterimakasih dulu buat teman-teman dari @arteem yang dah vote buat aku sebagai Witness kalian. Bikin hati seneng deh lihat mulai kenal banyak teman (baru) Indonesia. Terimakasih teman! Peluk hangat dari Kanada <3

Aku pun ingin kasih sedikit pengumuman, setelah beberapa bulan aku ada delegasi ke Curie serta Global Home Steading Community, aku mulai tarik delegasiku kemarin. Mereka sudah cukup besar, ga perlu delegasi kecilku buat tetap hidup, apalagi Curie buesar banget kan SP mereka wkwkw Mungkin nanti ku tambahkan saja ke Arteem, biar kita bisa maju bersama.


For the following apple pie rolls, I added chopped walnut. You can omit it if you don't have, don't like, allergic to walnut. I just wanted to use up my stock in the pantry :) My kids are not a big fan of icing on cinnamon rolls, so I did not drizzle any, you may obviously if you'd like some!

- 1 tbsp flax meal soaked in 2 tbsp water
- 250 ml lukewarm water
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 1 tbsp active dry yeast
- 500 g flour mixed with 60 g icing sugar and a pinch of salt
- 170 g vegan margarine, melted
- 2 tbsp homemade apple sauce (storebought is fine)
- 1 handful walnut, chopped
- 2 small apples, skinned, chopped
- a handful of raisins
- enough coconut palm sugar, nutmeg powder, cinnamon powder

Oke deh segitu aja ngalor ngidulnya, yuk kita tengok resepnya nih yang manis-manis si buah apel :D

- 1 sdm biji rami halus di rendam di dalam 2 sdm air, sisihkan
- 1 sdm ragi butiran dicampur dengan 2 sdm gula pasir dan masukkan kedalam 250 ml air hangat, diamkan hingga mengembang
- 500 g terigu dicampur dengan 60 g gula bubuk dan sejumput garam
- 170 g margarin, lelehkan
- 2 sdm saus apel *rebusan apel yang dilumatkan, seperti bubur bayi gitu*
- 1 genggam kacang walnut, cacah (kalau mau)
- 1 genggam kismis
- 2 buah apel ukura kecil, buang biji dan kulitnya, cacah
- gula palem secukupnya, pala bubuk secukupnya, kayu manis bubuk secukupnya


- Dissolve sugar and yeast in water, let stand 5-8 mins, until bubbly
- Pour yeast into flour mixture, stir a little with wooden spoon
- Add in flax egg, followed with melted margarine, knead (dough will feel a little wet)
- Cover with cling wrap, let rest for an hour in warm area
- Dump dough on floured board, roll flat
- Sprinkle generously with coconut sugar, nutmeg powder, cinnamon powder, raisin, walnut and apples.
- Roll, slice, place into baking sheet, let rise for 30 minutes
- Bake for 20 minutes on preheated 350 F oven

- Tuang campuran ragi ke campuran terigu, aduk sebentar dengan sendok kayu
- Tuang biji rami serta lelehan margarin, uleni. Tutup dengan kain bersih, diamkan di tempat hangat hingga mengembah, 1 jam
- Taburi meja dengan terigu, dan gilas adonan menjadi persegi panjang
- Taburi dengan gula, pala, kayu manis, kismis, walnut serta apel
- Gulung dan iris, taruh di loyang, tutup kembali dengan lap bersih dan diamkan hingga mengembang kembali, 30 menit
- Panggang pada oven yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu 350 F selama 20 menit

Thanks for looking and see you tomorrow with a cake decorating tutorial which I am so excited to share!

Terus ciptakan artikel yang menarik dan gunakan tagar #nusantara, dan juga vote thekitchenfairy sebagai Steemit Witness kalian di Pada kolom yang tersedia, ketik thekitchenfairy dan klik VOTE :D

Vote Witnesses! OR

If you leave ANY link on my blog, I WILL flag you down. This is to avoid phishing and shits


Setuju banget kak kalau di tambahkan ke @arteem 😊

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Thanks very much kak udah delegasi buat @arteem 😊😊

Enak ini kayaknya.. Nanti ta minta bantu istri utk dibuati. Hehehe

Enak ini kayaknya.. Nanti ta minta bantu istri utk dibuati. Hehehe

ayo, ayo buat juga.

saking semangatnya, sampai 3 kali bos komentarnya wkwkwkw

Feeling hungry....looks delicious

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Pagi-pagi dah memandang makanan lezat. Lapar dah jadinya.

untung disana banyak tukang jualan yak, meski malam, pagi, siang, sore, mudaaaah dapat yang enak2 wkwkwkw

OMG i just woke up and this makesme so hungry😬

hahaha sorry! <3

OMG this looks so delicious... and cinnamon goes so well with apple sauce! Thank you for the recipe :)

indeed, perfect match for sure, apple sauce and cinnamon :)))

my pleasure and thank you for visiting!

Enak ini kayaknya.. Nanti ta minta bantu istri utk dibuati. Hehehe

Kalau kami red fish taunya kue roti.. 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

roti sobek lah bang, kalau kue roti, bingung ntar ga bisa pegangan, jatuh kan wkwkwk

I may actually try making this one day. Yummy!
and to put fresh apples, get out of here. :)

thanks lady, you always say the nicest things <3

you are welcome, I only say nice things to the nicest people. 🙏

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