20 cm of Snow, Anyone? // Bantuin Dong

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)

All is white!

I think it snowed in the night...

It's been snowing nonstop, wowzer. It's so pretty outside, but seriously, anyone would like to help us shoveling the snow?

Winter is here and it's staying now. Yikes. I am so not looking forward to Monday morning!

Right now, boys are the ones shoveling, but come tomorrow morning, I have to shovel the snow by myself as hubhub leaves for work at 4 AM, and our snowfall warning is ongoing til tomorrow, so it means I have to shovel as soon as I get up, so that we can drive to school hahaha

Hai Teman!

Ada yang mau bantuin bersih-bersih bubuk putih diluar? Tadi aku angkat-angkat gula bubuk, tepung, berkarung-karung, keberatan euy, jadi tumpah sana-sini, diluar super putih deh jadinya wkwkwkwk

Canda kok. Yang bener, akhirnya setelah hampir 2 bulan salju datang dan pergi, sekarang dah benar-benar ga pergi-pergi, alias musim Dingin dah tiba.

Dari kemarin anak-anak bantuin bapaknya, narik salju kesana-kemari, agar jalanan depan rumah ga tertimbun. Karena salju belum kunjung berhenti, kalau tidak selalu dibersihin, akan menumpuk dan kita bakalan tenggelam disalju wkwkwkw

My 4 yo has no chill, ladies and gents. He thinks since it's snowing like crazy, all is white, means Santa is on his way, like for real. So since yesterday whenever he wakes up in the morning, he runs out of the room in a hurry, hoping there were presents already!

Yesterday we went to Canadian Tire, for sure shelves are packed with Christmas goodies, toys, decorations and whatnot, and he begged for this moose. In his words "let's get this, it's so cute, for the door". HAHAHAHAHAH

Kalau sudah super turun salju gini, anakku yang bungsu tuh dah mikir ini Natalan aja. Dia langsung mikir pasti Sinterklas dah datang. Jadi setiap bangun tidur tuh dari kemarin, langsung lari keluar kamar sambil teriak, asiiiik ada kado dari Sinterklas.

Tentunya adanya mutung lah, karena Natalan masih 2 bulan lagi hahahhaha Kecian deh.

Kemarin aja pas kita ke toko, tentunya dah banyak pernak-pernik Natalan, dan dia tambah heboh gitu, apalagi pas lihat dekorasi berikut ini, wadao, minta dibeliin buat perhiasan rumah katanya hahahah


CAD$239!!! Yeah, babe really thinks money grows on tree :P But boy, he really knows good decoration for sure lol

It's nice to see the Cadets are out and about for selling Poppy Pins already, not just at Canadian Tire but at other stores too. Remembrance Day is approaching :)

We got a couple of pins, and my 8 yo was surprised when I handed $5 for 2 pins ONLY. He said I should have gotten 5 pins, because at his school 1 pin is JUST $1 hahaha -pins are always by donations actually, but you know, kids minds are so pure, he is so cute :) He knows his math lol

It's lovely to see poppies are on people's jackets everywhere I turn.

Disini sudah mau Hari Pahlawan (Remembrance Day), dan selalu ada anak Pramuka yang jualan pin baju bentuk bunga Poppy. Mereka jualan di depan pintu toko, dan kemarin pas kami ke toko, pas ada 2 anak Pramuka.

Pin-pin baju ini sih sebenarnya terserah kita mau kasih duit seberapa (karena donasi), nah pas aku kasih $5 buat 2 pin saja, anakku yang sudah mulai belajar Matematika tuh nyeletuk "mah, 5 dollar kan 5 pin. di sekolahku 1 pin hanya 1 dollar, kok mama hanya ambil 2 pin" wkwkwkkw


Anyhoo, that's all updates from my end. Hope you guys are well and staying warm, and oh, come check this time-lapse of the boys cleaning the driveway earlier hahaha

Thanks for looking and see you tomorrow again :D

Oh iya, nih ada video pendek, pas anak-anak serta suami bersih-bersih salju tadi siang. Coba lihat, salju mulai menumpuk dijendela, dalam waktu yang singkat. Gila aja, kalau dah turun, ga berhenti euy, kadang rumah bener-bener bisa tenggelam, haiyaaaah

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Udah jaman decentralized crypto technology, St Clause sekarang tinggal mesan barang via online shops dan dikirim ke rumah-rumah. Ga perlu lagi nahan dingin, kasian dia udah tua juga, tar encoknya kambuh. 😀

Makasih ya, ada lambang arTeem di dalam bagian penutup artikel.

Dulu pas masih bocah saya suka lihat film Oshin, serial di TVRI itam putih, pas musim salju saya pikir, "Wow! Keren!" Keren, sih, tapi jangan kebanyakan sampai nenggelamin rumah. Hadeh!

eeeh hahahah iyaaa kamu anak 78, pasti lah masa kecil nonton Oshin hahahah

Wow! Snowing! And I am sure shoveling is not something we wanna do everyday... But then had to be done everyday, right? I don't have this experience as we don't have snow here in Malaysia.
And your boy is so cute... Expecting Christmas to come really early... 😁

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yes, always not looking forward to waking up in the morning to shovel the snow, cleaning the snow and ice off the car, so exhausting lol

Gimana ya rasanya main salju? 🤔😊

seperti kalau nyentuk es-es "serut" didalam lemari pendingin hahahah

I am not looking forward to snow. We had some freaky early snowing about a month ago. Today is rain.

we have been having freezing rain now and then. it was warming up, freezing rain, snowed hard, back to warming up, freezing rain, snowed hard again, over and over again. today is freezing rain :( i hate driving, so slipper, so scary :-/

We have frigid temps today and snow....tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and in the forties. yay!

Snow already? Yikes! We got some last month and luckily it was gone a day later. I'm in no rush to shovel!

i love living here, up north, a small community, but too damn early for winter. 7 years here still not used to it lol

🤔 and I slept with my window cracked all night! Can you believe it?

jealous! lol

hogy vagy?

Don't be, it's -6°C now :) Jól vagyok, köszönöm szépen, és te? :)

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