Struggles are Empowering.

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)

Yesterday was the busiest day so far. I'm currently running three projects. One is under my own company. The other two are for people I work with where my skills are shared as a Personel Manager (Gate 17). Basically, my skills are used for structuring flow for their coaching businesses, seeing their goals, share my perspectives, and doing few other kinds of stuff.

These are one of my best experiences for doing what I love and for the recognitions that others give to me.

All that busyness is flow and support for my education fund and also for the living. Within this busyness, I get to make friends with many people and see their perspectives about Life. And the beauty is I get to experience the value of Awareness in those moments.

I believe everyone has their own struggles. I surely have mine. Born with the channel of Struggle (38-28) in my design; I experience tremendous struggle since I was a kid. What I can tell you is, with struggles, we have the potentials to live our purposes; only if we could remove the negative value from the word 'Struggle'.

Anyway, that's one delicious Salted Beef Sandwich I had yesterday at Rubberduck Cafe during work meeting with a friend. It is highly recommended for beef lover.

My day started at 6 am yesterday to attend a class and two meetings in the evening, one report for a client and two naps. Yes! I love my naps :).





Photo was taken at Rubberduck Cafe at Plaza Damas KL.

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Thank you for reading, I hope this can shed some lights on your journey!
Blessing to you all.

Comment and share your thoughts with me if you like.

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My dad always taught us that struggles in life is what gives us character, morals and determination. If everything was given to us easily, what would we have to work towards?

I agree. In terms of energy, struggles have the essences of stubbornness, warrior and risk taker and it is designed to protect the individual so he/she could find their own way to empower others. The right struggles empowers others who are in contact with their aura.

I agree with this! Struggles often lead to something positive at the end in some way... whether it is a life lesson or even further appreciation for something we took for granted prior. Great post!

That's is very true, thanks for your comment @theaudgirl.
I'm glad you have a positive mind as well.

LIfe can truly be challenging at times. I am a vegetarian but am glad you enjoyed your lunch. I like naps too.

Oh, now I know more new things about you, being a vegetarian and like naps... lol

Struggles are an important part of life. I've always found that I learn a lot about myself during the hard times and that feeling you get once you've overcome it is just amazing.

I agree, once you removed the negativity, the results are tremendously satisfying.

Yup. It is through our struggles that we learn the most about ourselves. The good, the bad and the ugly. Once we learn to come to the point of acceptance and understanding, then only are we able to break past the barrier that holds us back

Most important is the awareness, will share with you more on this soon. :)

I also struggle with time and getting stuff done :D trying to make a personal project. But what a great way to take a pause from all that struggle than with some delicious food :D

True, we need a break sometime to enjoy life, and food!
Thank you for dropping by @cobmaximus.

you excellent !

you ar welcome !

Good food always a great stress reliever :) After some 'struggle', get some reward then.

Yes I did.
That was actually one of the most delicious Salted Beef Sandwich I ever had!

Life will present us with many struggles! But the most important thing is that we grow through our struggles while going through them.

Thanks for this piece!

We can learn through the struggles in many ways.

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