What are you putting in your worm bin?

My worm bin was started a couple of years ago and is still going strong - I did not buy one, just made my own which I keep under my carport.
There are plenty of videos available on worm bins - some fancy and some very simple - you can decide which will suit your needs.

However, this post is more about assisting folk that may have a few problems with their bin.

The items NOT to put into the bin are as follows;

Onions, tomatoes, citrus, dairy and meat, potatoes.

The GOOD things to put in are;

Green veggies, leaves, weeds, disgarded plants, - infact most of your kitchen scraps except the ones listed above.
In addition to this you can add shredded newspaper, plain cardboard, empty egg cartons, the cardboard inside paper towels and toilet rolls.

The important thing to remember is that it is necessary to alternate between veggie scraps and brown material such as dried leaves and cardboard otherwise the bin becomes too wet if only fed greens and the worms become unhappy and will try to escape.

Since having my bin, I have been amazed at the quantity of material that I have been able to use for my worms - it gives one a great feeling when you see how quickly the worms break it all down, turning it all into lovely fertile worm castings to be put back into the soil to feed the plants - I did a post some time ago on how to empty the bin when it becomes full.

In addition to the worm castings, the worms provide "worm tea" which drains out of the bottom of the bin - this is then diluted with water and used to water the plants - and they thrive on it.

If you have a lot of containers with veggies, having a worm bin is fantastic - there is no smell and it takes up very little space - but gives you nutrient rich worm castings to add to the soil and the wonderful worm tea to feed the plants with.

We all try and do our bit towards recycling materials and this is one way of doing it and getting the added benefits of healthy plants and soil.


Thank you very much @lizziesworld! 😀 This is such an educational post, especially for those who want to try gardening.

And thank you so much for putting up what not to put in the bin! It's very important since I myself am not aware that not all veggies are worm bin-friendly.

Cheers! 😊

Thank you - glad you enjoyed the post.

I love the idea, will pass it on to my green thumb friend!

So, the "worm bin" is a closed-composting system, and the main benefit to you is the "worm tea" for watering plants? Or are you also raising worms for sale to gardeners/farmers?

Educational posts like this are awesome on the Steem blockchain! Thanks for sharing this with the #steemitbloggers community! 😊

By the way, there is a #homesteading community here and you can connect to others by using that hashtag in your posts or by looking at posts under:


There is also a Discord community called Global Homestead Collective (GHS); if you ever wish to join, I will be happy to share a link. Kudos for such a great post to educate us further! 🙂

Thank you for all the info
Most garden centres sell the "red wrigglers" - the worms which breed quickly.
The worm tea is wonderful and the worm castings are like a rich dark compost which is great for the garden soil.

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