
Wherever we go in life we leave footprints - some visible and some not but still there.

If the cobbled streets built hundreds of years ago could converse with us, what stories we would hear.
I have heard stories of some people being able to see and hear happenings that occurred in another time - and what they are hearing or seeing are things that are trapped between to worlds.

When this happens, I would suggest that some event occurred and for some reason the past is not at peace.
Not everyone is receptive to these things - some dismiss it as nonsense but I feel that there are too many examples of incidents to ignore it completely.

Have you ever been in a place where you feel uncomfortable - you do not know why, but there is a heaviness there and you cannot wait to move away.
History fascinates me - especially very old buildings that have stood the test of time - I look at the worn down steps and ponder on who walked here - were they happy -what was their life like?

Perhaps we will never know the answers - but let's hope that the footprints we leave behind are good ones.

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