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RE: Dealing With SSDI: My Experience & The Waiting Game Continues

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago

oh man @goldendawne my heart goes out to you. I will definitely be praying for you and that your rightfully earned compensation comes through. I assume they have a system set up to weed out the scammers which forces everyone to go through the same hoops of proof. But it seems like a doctors report would suffice.
Nevertheless you are a fighter and with God on your side nothing is impossible... in fact when it looks impossible is when we have seen Him come thru totally.
what does this mean ? "one episode causes me to lose anywhere from one to four days of my life at a time?"
can you say what happens when you have an episode because I don't quite understand it.
also about the hearing, what about Cochlear implants at some point?
God bless you girl!


what does this mean ? "one episode causes me to lose anywhere from one to four days of my life at a time?"

The vertigo is so bad that I have to take medications (Antivert and Zofran) which both make me tired to begin with, but the episode consists of (on top of the vertigo) severe fatigue, double vision/blurry vision, tremendous pressure in both my ears, a full feeling in my head and ears (compare it to a really bad sinus infection and headache), nausea/vomiting and the ringing in my ears intensifies more than you can imagine. You know how people have the radio or TV on for background noise or listen to white noise when trying to sleep.. well the tinnitus in my ears is constant- it never goes away.

Cochlear implants won't do anything. I have crystallization built up in my inner ears and whenever the crystals move, shift etc is when the episodes come on. Sometimes i know what will trigger it. other times it just happens.

I could have endolymphatic sac shunt surgery but that only eases the vertigo if the surgery is a success. My hearing being restored wouldn't occur.

I am considering having monthly injections (only allowed three per year according to our insurance) of gentamicin which is injected directly into the eardrum for the vertigo.. but real hesitant. I am NOT a fan of needles and the ear is such a sensitive area. Still debating the procedure.

Most surgeries are for vertigo and to maybe (a big maybe) break up the crystals but like an other auto-immune disease or disorder there is no fool-proof cure. The crystals will keep forming and coming back.

thank you so much @goldendawne for the explanation...I've never heard of such a complex problem with seemingly no answers. And I'm sure you've researched holistic medicine options? God bless you girl I'm praying for you.
We have seen so many people touched by God and healed of everything you can imagine so there is always hope.

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