Our Intelligence Manifesting

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)

Intelligence manifests when you put into practice what you know. The knowledge that you have could be minimal, but if you know how to utilize it, you can create wonderful things and resolve problems... because when you apply what you know, you can trigger your imagination. And I tell you that those minds who let their imagination fly are the ones who bring progress.

Some people spend all their time amassing a lot of information. And that's good - you know what they say, "knowledge is power." But I would say that such power is useless if you don't do something great with it.

I remember some people telling boys of my age a long time ago that going to school is important because they are going to get wiser. They were only right about one thing only... and that is that school is important. However, we can affirm that school can be perceived not merely as a place, because for me school is any place where you can get valuable lessons. So it could be anywhere.

Anyway, pardon me for detouring from my initial point.

Schools are a source of information when we can meet proactive people (teachers) who inspire us and teach how to think and develop further our abilities.

Now, the how, where, and why we apply the knowledge depends solely on us. Maybe some random situation makes us act on the spur of moment, and produce something valuable out of our own knowledge. But it's always on us.

When the moment comes up, the tittles or degrees won't matter... because it will be always about how well we can produce, create or resolve.



Sometimes, the structure of school tame us. Put it simply, it just shapes us into not thinking out of the box... that everything that is told to us will have effect only on predetermined conditions. And that's a wrong and poor conception.

If all teachers take this approach, they will be forming dummies with low level acumen. Luckily, that's not the case. There are still teachers that lift out all these wrong convictions, and allow their students to think freely. They don't either shackle their imagination or restrict their learning.

I've got this student a lot time ago who most of the time came up with good ideas or did many things interesting. He was in fact a deep observant, and act when the situation requires him.

And some people around him misunderstood his behavior. They thought he was just outgoing. But what they couldn't notice was that he didn't stay in the learning mode as many do. He just acted, applying every piece of knowledge that he learned... no wonder he was the best student of the class. And for me, he was the most savvy person in the institution.

There were others who were in higher levels, but neither of them matched his performance... and that's a good example to what we can do if we use the knowledge (whatever the amount we have) effectively.



As I've implied above, there's a belief that by the numbers of your titles, people can measure your intelligence. If that were true, some politicians would be the greatest minds of out time.

Naturally, there are people with many titles and specializations that are really amazing, but their intelligence unveil when they perform. I posted an article some days ago called The Importance Of Learning How To think. In there, Neil deGrasse Tyson reflexes on the importance of using all our knowledge in a practical way, and not just as a reference to describe an event or something.

So, we need to throw away this idea of getting as so many titles as we can amass. We might do it if our intention is to embellish our resume. But our true capacities will show up when somebody tests us. Or, even when we want to challenge ourselves.

It's advisable to take some time off and ask ourselves if what we do go along with the things we produce. That's an excellent way to know how capable we are. We need to test our abilities, and see if they are bringing results... because let me refresh it again, "intelligence doesn't have to do with the amount of knowledge that we have, it manifests itself when we apply what we know."


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I use to love jenga...perfectly said...use what you learn to succed!!!

Indeed. That game exercises ours mind in order to think and visualize things in an abstract way, taking into all the components of the objects.

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