Inspiration for the week

Life can be unexpected at times, take today for instance. Riots happened near our house today where the people got fed up and started to march down the streets and burn houses. They were fed up with the way the police do nothing, well you can only guess what the police did to stop this riot... nothing.

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Looking at everything that has happened today one sees destruction a loss, but what happens after this? Things will be built again and people will be helping each other to get back on their feet. There is beauty in the chaos and destruction.

Hard times bring the best out of communities and people as they group together to help each other out. There is always light at the end and people to help you get there.

To those who have lost their homes and to those who have had their things damaged or stolen, we are here for you and we will help you, God bless and stay strong you are all in our prayers.

If you want to read more about what has happened and happening read here:Source


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Oh dear. I do hope no one got injured. I haven't been checking the news much lately. It makes me depressed/negative. With that being said has this become mainstream news? Anyway, strength to you all. I do wish South African's could take a page out of the way Zimbabwe handled ousting Robert Mugabe. Looting and violence isn't the right approach. Sooo, the light is how the community came together to assist each other. Good going and strength to all involved.

This is truly a horrible sight to see, though, one we as South Africans are disturbingly used to.
I do love our country very much, but to see this makes me ask myself why.
I hope you, your family or your home didn't receive any harm in the process, and well done on taking an optimistic approach to this, I know I wouldn't have.

It is very scary. We lucky enough to not stay too close but my mother was in town when the stuff was happening

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Im glad in a way that something has been done as the drugs and prostitution was getting really bad in Kdorp! Those cops are almost all on the take it seems. I wish it didnt get violent and destructive though....that element of person that does that is just waiting for any excuse to hurt and steal

I also don't blame the people for doing it as the police have done little to nothing for years, but the destructive behaviour I can not support

The beauty of life is that once we're still breathing there is hope for a better tomorrow. In

i enjoy your post! thanks

sometimes when people have had enough and they are already down, what is there left to do?

Currently in my country there are many riots and looting by the hunger that people are going through, and the businesses that destroyed more than a week ago have not yet opened and this affects us all because the little food can not be bought because they are closed.

But there's always a light at the end and I know all this will be over soon.

You know that my country Venezuela is going through a similar situation, in fact the government is attacking its people. I really hope you're well. I can only say that this world needs a lot of God.

A hug.

I don't know what in this world we would die for is it worth it? So terrible.

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