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RE: Why Do We Make Our Life So Difficult??

Oh, @sharoonyasir! I want to give you the BIGGEST HUG!

You are so right! Everything you say (essentially) lines up with Western Values. Most of the thoughts that are radical where you are from are totally normal to me.

The situation, as you've mentioned, is simply differing levels of faith... And it probably doesn't help that many on the high end of faith literally believe everything written in ______ (insert any Holy book here).

I think it helps to remember, that though likely the word of God, books are written by man, and man has a tendency to want to place rules on themselves and others... You know, for order and stuff. I get it. It makes sense.

Where we (as humans) tend to falter is putting some much faith in the words, the words that change over time. We all get to evolve. The messages in these Holy books are almost all the same, but to take certain things literally, when we've learned and grown, is just plain silly.

I have faith that we can get better.

I know it looks just awful right now. I know that Muslims AND Christians (and many others) are under attack. I know that there are different types of Muslims (I've done a bit of research). I know there are different types of Christians.

I have an ongoing wish that we could all just tear back the specific rules and look to what the teachings are.

It's all love. All of it.
The wrath part (I feel) was added by us, because of a need to rule and control.

I truly believe that in a perfect world, the simple idea of the Golden Rule is enough. I mean, why wouldn't it be?

Hugs to you!
I'm so glad you shared this. I think it's really important (for me) to see ALL sides of things. I love your perspective and respect your journey!


Hug back to you @carrieallen. You are so right in saying that the essence of all religions is pure love and if we focus on just that, life would become a whole lot simpler. Sadly, this isn't what we do. Also, yeah it is we who have written those books so changes and alterations to suit our own needs are there. Thank you for the appreciation and meaningful comment. Loved it!

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