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RE: Interview with the Steemit Artist @laputis! It's a Must-read!

This was an amazing post @deemarshall I’m so blessed that @laputis Ausra, was interviewed by @organduo Vidas, what a lovely couple! How interesting they are, and what wonderful talents they both have. @laputis took my breath away with the beautiful organ music that she could play. It truly blew my mind... wow! When Ausra & Vidas did a organ duo, it was so beautiful and fascinating to watch there hands move so gracefully across the keyboards in perfect timing, so awsome. Your all a joy to know and love, bless you❣️


There are only two kinds of people - those who wherever they go, choose make the flowers blossom and those who wherever they go choose make milk go sour. It's a choice, of course and I'm glad you chose to be in the first category.

Thank you @organduo, I’ve never heard that saying before... did you just make that up because that was so sweet and funny at the same time, and I believe quite true. There’s some people that wherever they go, choose to make milk go sour. They stay away from me because I’ll give them a hug, and they usually don’t like that. I’m a hugger, I have know fear! I hug everybody, I’m a hugging machine. Thank you for your kind words Vidas, my life’s goal is to make the world a better place by growing more love like flowers, planting seeds in peoples minds to take care and love one another like we’re supposed to. You can’t learn how to love by just being told, you have to be shown, you have to have a good role model, and that role model has to put in the time and effort to teach, and be very aware of it. God bless you friend, your a beautiful thinker, friend and person❣️

A hugging machine... I like that!

I am glad you enjoyed it.

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