Steemit Art Centre!! Monday's Update


Hello Steemian Friends, I am entering another painting into the “ Steemit Art Centre”gallery. I’ve done my painting on a lovely rock. I used acrylic paint, and fortunately I had a large rot iron easel to stand it in. It’s a wide easel, so it works perfectly! It’s actually a very large rock, I am a rock painter. I find smooth rocks or stones to paint either scenery or I paint the full rock into creatures. I’ll someday show you my giant dragons 🐉 egg that I dug up out of a cornfield here in Iowa. It’s not a real dragons egg 🥚 but it’s shaped perfectly as a perfect egg, and then I’ve got a baby red dragon coming out of it. @deemarshall thank you friend for creating the Steemit Art Centre, and also thank you my supporters, bless you all❣️




How beautiful I love those stone paintings I want to see the dragon egg, I hope to see your dragon soon I love them dragprin28.gif

Ahhh... a cute little dragon, with colored sparkles as flames, so adorable! I shall show you my dragon soon @reciclajeymas and post it. Thank you and blessings ❣️

Thank you for displaying your rock. I think it's very beautiful. The watering can is brilliant!

Thanks @deemarshall, I’m so glad you like it!

Hi @rf-abol, thank you for your support friend. I had never seen you around before now, so I wanted to check out your blog to see if you where new to Steemit, well you certainly where, very new! Wow I had to stick around for awhile and look at all you had posted today. Wow !! Impressive work sir, stunning ink drawings with such exceptional detail, so impressed. I pray you will post some of your work at “Steemit Art Centre” this gallery is a great way to get your artwork out there, you need more exposure on your beautiful artwork. You would do really well there I believe. The Gallery is brand new Itself, so we need to help each other to get started, lifting each other up. I’m glad I met you, I’ll introduce myself, my real name is Deb I’m a 59 Year old female, married for almost 40 years, I have two children, and I live in Northern Iowa. I joined Steemit at the end of last December. Bye 👋

@lildebbiecakes... I will do just that @steemitartcentre. . am happy to meet u... My name is Rf abol meaning Rowland olufemi Abolarin... Thanks so much

You are so welcome @rf-abol, Rowland is a wonderful name! I’ve never heard of it, hope to get better acquainted with you sir. Bless you!

This is beautiful sincerely.
It's amazing.

At first I thought it was real, then I started reading your post just to realized it's a painting. Fabulous.

Hi @maxijgcomm, I swear I was just thinking about you a second ago, I checked out your blog to see what you were up to, and I had seen that you hadn’t posted any artwork in awhile. And then hear you are! That’s crazy right? How are you? Are you messing with me you thought the bird was real Ha Ha! Thank you for your support dear. I hope I will see more of your amazing artwork in the future ❣️

Am glad you still have on your mind.
Yea, I tought it was real when I saw it at a glance.

For my blog...I've been working on a pen drawing since last week. I believe I will be through before the weeks runs out. These kinds of drawing takes a hell of time.

For the past few days I had some network issues that's why am unable to come online.

I hope you had a grate day.

If I do a portrait of a actual person who wants it drawn, it consists of usually of about 30 hours worth of work, I’m a perfectionist when it comes to drawing or painting one, and I’m my worst critic. So yes I know how long a portrait takes, a hell of a long time for sure if your going to do a good one! Blessings @maxijgcomm

Well said.

Hoping to see one of your portrait drawing soon.

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