Steemit Achievers' 2K Blog Writing Competition: A Christmas Carol: Revisiting a Timeless Classic

in #steemitachievers6 years ago (edited)

"Darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it."

Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

Steemians, this is a quotation from my favorite Christmas story by Charles Dickens.


No other line in the book has given me more chills than this short sentence, personifying the darkness in Scrooge, a man too stingy to light more than one measly candle in his mansion at night.

This tale is a very old one, and loved by many, particularly (it seems to me) in the Western world. However, I am not so sure that many Filipinos know the story. Perhaps they've heard it mentioned in passing, or read a shortened version of this story. Indeed, A Christmas Carol has been rendered onto film, television specials, cartoons, etc over the course of many years. Despite this, I'm still going to hazard a guess that it is likely that many do not know the full story or perhaps its origins or author (much less read the original book). Regardless if you think I'm wrong about the popularity of Dicken's work here or if you have read the story yourself, there is no other perfect time to revisit his most heart-warming tale, than now as Christmas is fast approaching.

This story has a special place in my heart since I first read it as a little girl. When I think of writing 2,000 words on any Christmas-related topic, I have to write something that's near and dear to me, hence why I chose this story.

Recently, I even bought a second copy of this book. It's the middle one below.

photo by @noellesevilla

Second-hand book haul. Oh yeahhh.

It hits close to home as well, due to the imperfect nature of the main character, that I think in some small measure will remind us of our own tendency to lean toward our selfish sides, even in the season of giving.

Let's get to know the main character of the story first.

Cunning, cold, and sharp-as-nails Ebenezer Scrooge. His great wealth is only rivaled by his great greed. He is a miser in every sense of the word; not one generous bone in his body.

What sinister character could be the hero in a story about Christmas?


Say "Cheese"

Well, he starts out this way, but the good news is, he ends the final chapter differently. This is the reason I love this story so much!

It perfectly captures the transformation, big or small, that happens to many a heart during the Yuletide season. 'Tis the season of giving, more than receiving. And at the back of their minds, people know it, and it shows!

photo by @noellesevilla

La familia enjoying the season of cheer at a lights display in Davao City

No amount of chilly weather can freeze the warm generosity that awakens in each soul during this time. A symbolic contrast.

Unlike in our Mr. Scrooge, before his great awakening. He was as frozen as the wintry weather; in fact, he was colder. His heart was colder than the coldest snowfall; colder than his enormous house lit only by one candle; colder than his room with no fire in the grate; and colder than his ex-colleague, Marley, dead as a doornail, forgotten and dismissed.


We may not be as far gone as that, but there are different darknesses we face, even in such a happy season as Christmas.

Many a time, we are tempted to succumb to such darkness.

Darkness of the mind, if we perhaps are facing mental burdens, worrying about the budget, trying to remember everything in our to-do list; or perhaps a darkness of the heart, if we are lovesick, away from our families due to work, etc.

That's why the quote from the book is so striking that way. Darkness is cheap. It costs us no effort to slip into depressing thoughts. To be grumpy, short-tempered and sharp-tongued because we are in that dark place.

I myself will lapse into self-pity, crankiness, even stinginess. This happens from time to time and, yes, even during the holidays.

Good thing Scrooge had a wake up call! And if you are in that dark slump too, read on and see what happens when you indulge too much in the shadows.

The Unexpected Visitor


"BOO!" Marley pays Scrooge a visit, he won't likely forget.

Jacob Marley: Scrooge's business partner for many many years, now dead. Marley, whom he had sent off to the undertaker's without pomp or ceremony. Marley who was only as good to Scrooge as the next transaction. What business had he, showing up, when he should be tucked away in his grave?

Turns out, he was on an errand of mercy, as he was doomed to do forever, as repayment of the life he lived. On this mission, he was to remind his partner of the consequences of greed, self-absorption and unkindness.


"I wear the chain I forged in life" - Jacob Marley

The chain he linked together of his own free will. So it is, when we forget to be cheerful and kind, not just on Christmas, but every day, we forge the shackles that will burden us beyond the grave.

“But you were always a good man of business, Jacob,' faltered Scrooge, who now began to apply this to himself.

Business!' cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again. "Mankind was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business. The deals of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!”

Quote from the book

Chills.Whenever you or I feel down and discouraged, it is good for us to remember old Marley's words. Great burdens of the mind and heart may, at a deeper second think, be but drops of water in an ocean of deeds and things that are worthier of our attention.

Me, worrying so much about having to do extra dishes and housework to accommodate numerous holiday guests, cooking for the family and our pets, how to get extra money (LOL) - yep, these pretty much occupy my day and sometimes make me one grumpy girl. I must remind myself that these are but drops of water. We must learn to find the real ocean, and swim in it.

photo by @noellesevilla

overwhelmed with finishing a batch of greeting cards by Christmas! (December 2015)

The Three Ghosts

What is a story without some mystery and a bit of spookiness? In his good errand, Marley, as if his appearance alone was not enough to set Scrooge on the right path, arranges for three more ghosts to visit him. Fun, right? Well, certainly not for Ebenezer.

These beings, as we will soon discover, have powers to conjure our hero to scenes and places with supernatural speed and much more.

Scrooge, sobered from his encounter with Marley, is eager to learn how to avoid his colleague's fate at any costs. Once Marley rejoins the other ghosts like him, roaming the world with no rest, he awaits the arrival of the first Ghost.

The Ghost of Christmas Past

Christmas Past.JPG

"I am the Ghost of Christmas Past."
"Long Past?" inquired Scrooge.
"No. Your Past."

Pale, barely there, speaking just above a whisper - the Ghost of Scrooge's Past visits him first.

You may be thinking it must be a pretty bleak past. Well, you would be right, at least partly. One of the memories they revisit is that of the forlorn school boy, Ebenezer, with no home to return to for the holidays.

Christmas Carol Scrooge as a boy.jpg


We learn that he loses a younger sister early in life. We discover he had a woman whom he loved and lost too, driven away by his greed.

But there was also joy in him once. And he had hope and a knack for dancing and old Fezziwig! His jolly round former employer who was good as a father to him.


Fezziwig and the Missus, bustin' some serious moves

Scenes of Fezziwig's dancing makes me want to get a-tapping too!

A past overshadowed with sadness can have light moments too. Moments that people can stay in touch with.

This reminds me not to be bitter about the bad things that happened in my own short life. Over those, I had no control. I choose to remember the happy times I have shared with people I love.

photo by @noellesevilla

Sharing good times with good friends

I'm also reminded that people have good and bad memories. They had a past self and they have a present self. A hardened soul may not have always been that way, nor indeed may be hardened forever.

Scrooge realizes this too and at seeing the faces of people once dear to him, his heart shows the first signs of thawing. He remembers he was happy once, and that he had loved, and even that he also felt sadness too. He was not born the unfeeling and unflinching being that he is now.

With his head and heart still pondering the past, the spirit takes him back to his dusty dark room, and thus the first visit is ended.

The Ghost of Christmas Present

It is funny and dream-like how the first visit ends and the second one begins with Scrooge waking from bed as if the first encounter had not transpired at all. However he remembers everything and fully expected the second visitor to arrive - and that he does.



“No space of regret can make amends for one life's opportunity misused”

The Second Ghost

This ghost proceeds to show Scrooge those exact opportunities he is misusing in the present time. Not least of which is failing to reward his good-hearted clerk, Bob Cratchit, for his faithful service and cheerful obedience. No money in his pockets, yet rich as a king when the Ghost reveals how much love abides in his home. He sees Bob's youngest son, Tiny Tim, lame but full of spirit and joy. They gather round their table for the most modest of Christmas feasts, content with each other's company.


Another striking line form the book is the quote just mentioned.

No amount of regret can make up for missed opportunities in life

It reminds me to live in the moment! Never fail to do a good deed when the moment presents itself. Yes, I fail this test often, but I try to lessen the mistakes I make with each opportunity. I don't want to build up a life that is only full of regrets.

photo by @noellesevilla

reconnecting with old friends

This visit fortifies Scrooge's resolve to reform even more. When it is over, he is triply ready for the third and final visit.

The Ghost of Christmas Future

Nope. I take that back. Scrooge was not prepared for this.

Christmas Future.jpg

The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

Completely silent and hardly moving, towering over him in a black hood covering his head, the Ghost of Christmas Future was a sight enough to bring Scrooge to his knees. This apears not to move him, however like the other Ghosts, he does take him on another trip.

At first, it appears to be just a series of random unrelated places and events: a group of businessmen talking about the death of a wealthy man; a group of vagrants selling the stolen possessions of what appears to be another deceased man in a pawn shop of questionable repute; a shabby house where a poorman and his wife are expressing relief of the death of a cruel creditor.

Particularly heart-breaking is the last place he is taken to: the Cratchit home. Where the whole family is mourning the loss of the frail Tiny Tim.

Scrooge implores the Spirit to reveal the identity of the dead man. It's unnerving to observe the ghost is resolutely silent. However, the Ghost does reveal who it is by taking him to the the cemetery and showing him a freshly dug grave.


It is a terrifying moment as the silent companion lifts his hand and points to the tombstone where engraved were the words: EBENEZER SCROOGE.

He clings to the Spirit's robes and desperately begs him to undo this fearful fate. He promises to honor Christmas from now on; to live in the past, present and future with all his heart. Again, he is met with silence, but the cloaked figure begins to tremble. The material Scrooge is clutching to, begins to dissolve smaller and smaller, until suddenly, he finds himself in his own bed once more.

He finds that it is early morning, as he is sitting in bed. He asks a passing boy outside his window and discovers that it is Christmas Day, meaning the Spirits had taught their lessons in one night!


Scrooge waking up, safe and sound in his own room

Seize every chance and avoid that horrific moment when you realize all is lost!

photo by @noellesevilla

The present-opening moment. Being with family is the perfect Christmas.

The Best Part

Back to the story: Scrooge is reformed! Indeed, he makes good on his promise to the last Ghost. He goes out and buys the biggest turkey for Bob Cratchit's Christmas dinner. He gives Bob a raise. He smiles at passersby. He gives to the poor and needy.

And as for Tiny Tim, he was alive still! And Scrooge made sure he stayed so and got healthier each day. He was like a second father to the boy.



I am a sucker for happy endings and this was very much so. There are some people who prefer sad, unfinished endings. That to me is incomprehensible. Wouldn't you want a happy ending to your own story? So why wouldn't you want everybody's story to end happily?

Take it from the author of this book, Charles Dickens, who himself had a bleak past, a bad start. He never gave up on happy endings. He encourages us to truly live in all past, present and future.

I end this post with Tiny Tim's iconic quote:

"God bless us, everyone!"


This is my first time to submit an entry to the 2K Words Blog Writing Competition by @long888.

Thanks to @long888 and @paradise-found for this contest. It has really made me appreciate the effort required into making a qualitative and quantitative post!

4 Days till Christmas!
Vier Tage bis Weihnachten!
Cuatro dias hasta Navidad!


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Very nice.. you wrote it so well :) pics are good too. Yay

Thanks sis. Same to u on ur article. I will now sleep for 16 hours. 😪 💤

Yayyyyy hahaha.. :)

I love A Christmas Carol, too! It's one of my fave Christmas movie/book actually! Ahhh, this is such a great post <3

Yuuusss! Fellow bibliophile! 📚 👓. Thank u kindly and followed u! 😉

Very interesting article

Thank you for your entry. Good luck!

Many thanks to you as well, sir @long888

Matutuyo utak ko kung saan kukunin 2,000 words 😂😂😂

Hahahahaha. Di ko nga ma explain yung na feel ko nung natapos ko ang 2k words. Happy na pagod.
( ̄⊿ ̄)

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