No Vote Lists, Brute-Force Flagging & DownVoting: Gagging Kills Meritocracy

in #steemitabuse8 years ago (edited)

I have heard mention of a Whales "No Vote List", which is shared amongst many of our most powerful Steemians, passed between them in hidden backchannels. This may or may not be the case, it was probably inevitable if it is - power does corrupt. Even in the absence of such a list, there is abusive down-voting occurring - the harm such things cause the STEEMIT UNIVERSE must be addressed.

You see, in private enterprise, non-disclosure agreements meant to secure intellectual property, is crucially important in protecting the value of a business entity from falling into the hands of competitors. However, we see more and more, in both the private 'and' public sectors, the use of "Gagging Clauses", to silence employees and government workers, preventing them from discussing or making public, misdeeds, malfunctions, and malfeasance. Problems, if discussed openly, could be understood and solutions found, from outside these organizations, which are by their nature limited.

Beyond the right to know, when it comes to issues that government is responsible for, or has caused, not drawing on the collective wisdom of the population to find remedy, is itself a corruption - bureaucracies (or elites) attempting to protect themselves, with consequences suffered by those kept in the dark.

I mention this only to illustrate that this behavior, of the leadership of organizations seeking to protect themselves, will naturally limit speech that they see is counter to their own point of view. This they believe hardens them against detractors, but in fact it is a profound weakening, especially when it comes to something like STEEMIT - meant to set free all voices.

Gagging, is anti-evolutionary - only when there is resistance is there growth, without challenge, the system will become fundamentally weak, self-isolating and eventually irrelevant. Banishment For Thought-Crime is antithetical to free speech and decentralized free exchange of ideas.

Selfishness, my brother, is the cause of blind superiority, and superiority creates clanship, and clanship creates authority which leads to discord and subjugation.. - Kahlil Gibran

On STEEMIT, those who are seen favorably by "The Whales", have become our voice, because they have received the most rewards, and as a result draw the most attention - they are the personalities, warranted or not, who represent us - this is a direct result of the actions of a small percentage OF US - the very definition of an elite. If at the same time, a large group of people are silenced by this group, but the victims unknowingly continue working away on STEEMIT, hopeful that they may one day become "a voice", even if they go against the grain, against the point of view of those who have been allowed into the Throne Room - this is contrary to the fundamental spirit of the thing.

I mean seriously, this Gladiatorial shit needs to end ..

Certainly some, many, including myself should not be heard at all .. have offered very little, who are just a straight up pain in the ass - THEY STILL deserve fair-minded, mature judges who will allow them to break from their normal pattern of behavior, and produce something shockingly worthwhile - something important, something valuable to all, that deserves to be held high upon the Trending List!

If STEEMIT wishes to be a true meritocracy, if the many being ruled by the few does not sit well with your personal philosophy, then resist the temptation to behave like gangsters. It is not the fault of The Whales that they got so fat, but they can still be a Gandhi even if they look and feel like the motherfucking Kingpin. :-)


I don't know if this is true, but if it is... wow that really sucks.

This is not very good to allow. Shady stuff can be going on behind the scenes....

Can this be confirmed? I guess not...

Disconcerting to say the least. Upvoted. Peace.

I think whales are blamed too often for things that really are not their fault. I am certain some of these whales are doing lots of things behind the scenes with their funds to help build more valuable things for the system.
As for expecting people to act a certain way. Its more productive for all of us if we just focus on ourselves i suspect.
Remember too this is open beta. it will be quite some time before this olatform is "perfected" ;)

But we are noticing you guys and gals to the level we can :)

Damn you @officalfuzzy .. one of the good ones! Your level-headed fairness is too damn sobering! ;-)
Yes you are correct sir .. and sometimes I feel guilty about my unfair emotional outbursts - it is not fair to group all Whales together, or to blame everything on them; much of the minnow bellyaching is just a response to fundamental unfairness of life. ;-). My higher purpose (poorly demonstrated to-date), is not unlike that of the 4th Estate, trying to keep power in check - sometimes there is just some really bad, totally wrong reporting.

All I can say is, thank god there are people like yourself here! Thanks for the comment!

i agree the whales cant all be grouped together. there are bad ones and good ones. i still think the only way we will come up with a solution is for everyone to talk about it more like we are doing here.i don't think the main bellyaching has to do with unfairness, i think it has to do with a couple of things. unfairness i don't even see in the top 10 tbh. most the people i have seen leave have left over the censorship from flagging. that crap like the @misgvings thing was not a good look for the whales and stuff like that is going on daily. idk im to tired to think about it. ima follow you and fuzzy, i like the way you 2 think and hopefully ill have a chance to talk to you more in the future. 8D

great view, im following now. xD

gave upvote, great post.
we all need to come together, our numbers have way more power then some stupid whales. maby set up a walk out for 2 days if we could get enough people to join. let the whales see what happens when they abuse their power to much and how steemit will die if all the minnows leave. they seem to think their steem power comes even close to the power of the actual users in mass. we control this site not them.

Thanks, much appreciated.

You are right, these are dangerous days - yourself and @officialfuzzy below as well - this maturing period, before sufficient diffusion of power, where people's hearts will either be filled with a zealot's love for the thing, or they walk away feeling outcast and hateful. Philosophical / Spiritual Leadership is helpful in the formation period - not just "sink or swim baby!" .. The greatest tool one can have in building this thing up, is STEEM Power - if used as an architect and artist, or it can be used to destroy if wielded (or withheld) as a territorial street thug.

Anyway, we hope everyone finds their better nature, in these days ahead, and that very much includes myself! I have sometimes behaved like a right ahole. :-)

behaving like an asshole is your right imo. censoring others is not.
i support you acting like an ass if you choose to. xD
everyone keeps telling me that freedom of speech does not mean freedom of conaquences. i accept that. i say bring on the concequences as long as they aren't censorship. call me an asshole, point out where im wrong, cuss me out. i love it. the second you try to stop me from saying or thinking something is when their is a problem. i will support anyone and everyone even if i disagree with them when it comes to free speech.

the right to free speech is the right to offend. #istandwithhatespeech

we the minnows with our numbers have the power on steemit, not the minority of whales. we leave the whales die. simple as that. i think they are to arrogant to realize it right now though. it would be best for them to try to help out and fix the problem if they want to actually make money off their investment.

if at worse just go to it is real free speech. only rule is no child porn.

we have a mute button on steemit but for some reason people forgot about it and feel they have the duty to police people based on their own opinions. actions like that will kill steemit before it gets out of beta. the word is already getting around about this site and truth is it does not have a good review by the people that have tried it and left the same day. it is a lot of people that are never going to join because of it and alot are quitting fast because of it.

truth is im just here to watch it burn to the ground. i honestly don't have faith in the community anymore. their are a lot of people that care and i respect them for it but the majority o the users are not only happy flagging people out of opinion they are actually proud of it.

i cnt even count how many times i have heard someone say "this is not what we want steemit to become" like the one person that disagrees with something just thinks everyone agrees like a hive mind machine. normalcy bias is strong with a lot of steemit users.

sorry bout the long reply.

Remember that front ends can be built that completely redo the reputations system. Or front end versions that get rid of flagging. These things are possible. I am just hoping some of my ideas can be built to help prove it to others. I thik you will see content creation guilds that upvote one another as well as allies eith their guilds. Some will require a minimum of sp, others will not bu what will happen is that guilds of strong content creators will support one another and weed out those who cannot keep the guild brand strong.

Then i think you will also see people making their own websites have steemit as the backend. And these content creators running the website will ask for upvotes and come up with new incentives for people to upvote them instead of donating to and buying from them

yeah, I post links to steemit on other sites so most the people that see my stuff cant upvote it anyways. lol

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