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RE: Mengapa Peminat Steemit Paling Banyak di Propinsi Aceh, Indonesia? | Why Does The Steemit has Many Devotes in Aceh Province, Indonesia?

in #steemit7 years ago

There are several reasons I think, firstly, in Aceh many coffee shops that provide wifi, unlike outside Aceh, wifi there can only be accessed at the hotel by the upper middle class. In my village in North Aceh, even small coffee shops have wifi networks, otherwise customers will move.
In conclusion, the competition of coffee shops in Aceh is very competitive, in addition to Acehnese who are curious and jealous of his friends android and have a social media account, though he is not highly educated. That's what I observed. Secondly, in Aceh, people carry laptops everywhere are not new after the tsunami, especially to coffee shops. Third, in Aceh the unemployment rate is still high according to government records, especially the east coast. And of course the culture of Aceh people have a high fighting power.


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