2018 New Year Resolutions! Let's help each other succeed!

in #steemit7 years ago

Happy New Year everyone!

I know I'm a few days late but it's been a busy few days so I say better late than never. I'd like to try something different this year for my New Year's Resolution! I've been thinking a lot lately about trying to give back and let karma do the rest. So with that in mind I'd like to offer up my help in any way possible with anyone who has had trouble in the past achieving their New Year resolutions by falling off shortly after making said resolution or goal. Hey, we've all made some sort of goal and then done it only for a few weeks and quit when not seeing instant results. Everyone these days seems to want instant gratification which can be quite harmful to ourselves. It takes VISION and sometimes the help of others to stay on task.


We're all habitual creatures and as a result there are some very devastating results that occur when we continually procrastinate or set a goal only to not follow through with it. When you think about it logically, we're actually creating a habit of failing and quitting. I'm here to hopefully help you stop that and I'd like to challenge others to help their family and friends out with this as well. I think in doing this in an online forum, I'll be having others hopefully help hold me accountable too by asking how the project is going. So I'd like to challenge you to post your results via your blog(s) or social media outlet(s) to help ideally give you more of that drive and stay on TARGET.


Since I'm not sure of an ideal means for communication via Steem other than comments section I'd like to offer up my email account I created for this project: [email protected] (other ideas welcome)

I'll do my best to check this every couple of days and try and help you establish ways to succeed in achieving whatever it is you wish to do. I'll also be doing follow up posts weekly to check in with the community, hold myself accountable, help others hopefully come across this idea, and lastly continue it and pass it on. Together I feel that the SKY IS THE LIMIT!


What are we all here for if not for helping each other collectively grow thus as a result growing ourselves?

Let's help make this community the best it can be in 2018 and beyond! That starts with all of us by being encouraging and helpful for each other!


With Love,
Zack aka @zacherybinx
[email protected]

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Please Follow, Upvote, Resteem and help pass this idea along. I really wish the best for all of you!!

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