MY FIRST MONTH IN STEEMIT. (And i'm sure you'll learn something here.)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Okay now, hold your horses. As you click this post, don't go scampering off yet. I know i'm not a whale nor a dolphin. I'm not one of the big guys here in Steemit, not a major player nor a crypto whiz that you see most of the time on the hot and trending pages.

Hush.... Relax, sit down, take time to read.
Some minnows have something good to say.
People just need to broaden their horizons, perhaps think outside the box. Move away from your comfort zone.
There are a lot of undiscovered gems here in Steemit.

"Seek and you will find. - Luke 11:9"


The waiting game

As you can see on the title, i am a month old steemian, and yes it FEELS GOOD BRO.
A month ago, i was just lazying around facebook then voila, i saw a video of Mr. @jerrybanfield talking about Steemit. And the curious cat in me wasted no time, as i found myself staring at the steemit page. I registered instantly, the excitement rushing all over me, clicked on the confirmation link, just to see i'm still pending for an approval.
My hands was itching to post my first real content/blog.
The approval came after 2 days.

Let's do this

So much ideas running amok, i need to regulate my thoughts.
After the proverbial introduce yourself greeting, i started making posts about the things i really love and enjoy. Mostly comprised of talking about Christ, food, photography, musings about life, local travels here, and a bit of random memes.
The first week was brutal, as i don't have much traffic on my posts and my comments. I had few followers, minnows like me; a result, i was getting few to nil upvotes each post.



Now i am quite in a predicament.
"What am i still doing here?" - The question most newbie minnows have.
Am i here for just the money?
Am i here for the fame?

The answer dawned on me on my 10th day, when one of my posts got noticed and upvoted. This was an excerpt from my comment on a post from @gigafart. Truly to become successful in an endeavor, you need to make sacrifices. You reap what you sow. Time will come you will reap the fruits of your labor. Life is a constant struggle, yet we survive. Isn't that a wonderful thought?

So why am i still here? It is because of a lot of factors. A collective. There is not a single driving force why am i still here. But the preeminent one is that the Lord has placed me here. I don't know why, but He knows that i enjoy being in this community. That i love to share my life, my experiences, and the enjoyment that i have in my daily living. Yes we need the money to survive day by day, but isn't that such a shallow goal? I'm here to make connections, build relationships even to the other side of the planet. @Steemit bridges the gap and removes the boundaries so we can freely communicate with others, to uplift & encourge them. For us to grow corporately and build each other up.

Baby you gotta "Work, work, work, work, work, work!"

Time to put my organized thoughts on paper. Once i got an idea, i quickly write it down on a paper, or draft it on my smartphone. Don't let the idea dissipate in thin air. Take it, cherish it and transcribe it. Here is a excerpt from my post about writing:

Here is a what-to-do list for the new and upcoming Steemians:
  • Pray first, in whatever you do, pray and ask the Lord for guidance.
  • Breathing exercises, to calm your mind and be focused.
  • Eat something before doing work. Empty stomach, empty mind yo. ;)
  • Think, feel, understand. Ask yourself what interests you so much, what are you inclined to do, what do you enjoy the most.
  • Ready your pen & paper, or should i say, your computer or your android phone ready.
  • Draft your content as soon as the ideas flow out.
    Capture it while it's fresh, put it into words.
  • Don't mind about the grammar or the form at first. You can do that later.
  • Put some photographs, much better if people can see the real you on your posts.
    It's a big plus.
  • After extracting every drop of your thoughts, PROOFREAD.
  • Put in a catchy yet appropriate title.
  • Use a fitting tag. DO MAXIMIZE THE 5 TAGS IF POSSIBLE.
  • CLICK THE POST BUTTON. (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑



After my 2nd week, i gained a bit of momentum thanks that post. Slowly and surely, little by little, i have some daily upvotes; and yes i say hello to @randowhale, @minnowbooster & @treeplanter. :) I had some astonishing upvotes in some of my posts and i am forever grateful for that. I'd like to give a shoutout to these amazingly wonderful people here in Steemit: @dan, @adsactly, @thejohalfiles, @fulltimegeek, @dragonslayer108, @pharesim, @ausbitbank, @sweetsssj, @donkeypong, @gavvet, @slowwalker, @craig-grant, @daveks, @papa-pepper, @davidding, @virus707, @neoxian, @acidyo, @dang007, @ramengirl, @jazminmillion, @redchair123 and all the whales , dolphins and minnows i have interacted with. I LOVE YOU ALL ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)

Highs and lows are certain, but PERSEVERANCE is the key. Never stop when you see a roadblock, find another way to overcome it. Also, be PATIENT as you walk this path. No shortcuts, just give quality time and effort to your craft. Most importantly, ENJOY the journey. Interact with other steemians, make meaningful connections with them.




716 posts
269 USD worth
food & photography blogs
1% crypto knowledge
a newfound love for poetry


May you kindly check out my other posts. I would gladly appreciate your time

Keep on Steemin'!



You've put in quite a bit of effort into making this one mate~ Cheers and a lovely one! Hope to see you around!

The words just remarkably flowed. I thank the Lord for making me write creatively again. :)

the Lord has placed me here.

I know that feeling. Let's continue to be faithful and let Him use us.

Amen! Lord use us mightily. We are here because of you.

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