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RE: Steemit versus Golos - The Chess Match - A Cross Platform Showcase. Move #12 (LARGE RESTEEM BONUS!)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Here's the situation as I see it. White has a small advantage so far with better center control and the knight able to jump to e5 at will. We have a pin on the c3 knight but other than that, no real threats.

However, we can castle at any time and white still has at least 3 moves before he can castle.

Time to generate some threats!

My first instinct is Nc6. But after looking at this, white can push their knight to e5 and it cannot be taken because after white retakes with pawn, he will have a pawn threatening our pinned knight on f6. Therefore if we moved the knight to c6 he could take it with the new e5 knight and give us doubled pawns.

Right now white's kingside is very well protected, and we're doing half the protecting! Our pawn on e6 has become a liability since it's blocking our development of the light squared bishop. However, that light squared bishop can become a great asset if we fianchetto on b7. This would allow eventual d5xc4 with a revealed attack along the long light squared diagonal. I also suspect white is going to want to fianchetto their own light squared bishop on g2 so this sets up a perfect counter threat if they do.

Responding to the other commenter's suggestion of bishop captures knight and check, I see no real reason to do it just yet. That bishop is fantastically placed so why trade it for the pinned knight? It's still possible that a pawn war may erupt in the center and then that knight is in big trouble (as is our own knight on f6). If we take the knight now the trouble is all on us.

By the way I went ahead and resteemed, but since I'm new here I have nowhere near the 400 followers required for the prize. I just think this is a really cool idea.

Also, I'd love to play a game with anyone here. You can challenge me here:

EDIT: Ignore all of this. I've been drinking and no one should listen to me!


This move loses a piece to Qa4 check. Any block other than Knight-c6 (or moving the King) drops the bishop. If Knight-c6, Queen takes c6 check. If queen d7, Queen takes, and white is up a knight. If bishop-d7, Queen-b7, and white escapes.


edit : resteemed, but with only 220+ followers.

Ah, good eye! I can't believe I missed that. Yes, your move is much better! I was thinking c7-c5 afterward but you are correct that would be much too late for our poor bishop.

Actually white escapes with a draw in this line, but I doubt white wants that at this point.


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