in #steemit6 years ago

Wow, the Reward Pool is 921,875. Our votes appear to be 30% more valuable than because of the upgrade glitches of last week. The statistic reports on @arcange show that voting has largely recovered. I suspect that, by the time we collect our payouts next week, the post HF premium will be disappearing.

The system is putting the STEEM POWER from people who immediately upvote their own posts and putting that back in the Reward Pool. So we will get some money from people who developed a habit of upvoting their own post immediately after publishing.

Speaking of stats. @SteemItBoard has a new ranking system. I am #44,906. Go me! Go me!

Now for my post: I like the new Resource Credit system. I think struck the right balance in the last patch. delegates 15 STEEM POWER to new users. As I write, that is enough credits for 20 comments or 114 votes. It appears that the credits regenerate at the same rate as voting power ... 20% a day; So a new user could average 3 comments and a dozen votes a day.

The only change I would make is to give a huge discount to comments left on a thread started by a user. That way users could respond to comments made on their blog posts.

The tight constraints encourage people to buy STEEM POWER. People who really want to interact with the system need to buy about $400 in STEEM POWER to really rock on the system.

I suspect that many people don't want to have that much exposure to cryptocurrencies. This opens up an interesting opportunity for whales to rent STEEM POWER. It would be fun to create a little platform where accounts with STEEM POWER to let could rent SP to users seeking influence.

If I recall, $400 USD in STEEM POWER should give a person about $25 USD worth of votes over a 90 day period. So perhaps the rental price for $400 in STEEM POWER should be like $40 USD. I guess one should do the figures in STEEM not dollars.

A STEEM POWER rental system would have to be a system with auctions and smart contracts.

I don't have $400 in cash to speculate on STEEM POWER. I can't afford to rent the stuff either. Personally, I want to work within the constraints. My strategy is to exhaust my resource credits with comments. This is my account from last night.


When I logged in this morning, my account looked like.


So, I will drop one post this morning along with a few votes. I might be able to write another post or comments this afternoon. The Resource Constraints are loose enough that new users can interact with the system, but tight enough that they will want to buy STEEM POWER.

The one thing lacks is that there is not a big blaring sign in the user panel telling people that the system is about STEEM POWER and the accounts won't work too well without it. People have to figure out on their own that they have to check out to check their credits. BTW, I will write a little bit more on Resource Credits on my home page


I think it is possible to rent SP from Blocktrades

I mislabeled the post. I have a nasty habit of writing the post in notepad and writing the title just before I post.

The post was about strategies that new users could use to earn enough SP to function on the site.

It took me 136 days and over 500 posts to get to 15 SP. I've been looking at a lot of the new accounts and they aren't doing as well as I did.

The constraints are too tight for most people. They either must buy or rent SP.

There are quite a few groups like Minnow Boosters and BlockTrades that rent STEEM POWER.

I wrote the title "Renting STEEM POWER" because I guess that deep in my heart I think that there is something horribly wrong with this platform. Maybe it is my subconscious telling me that SteemIt is taking people in a negative direction.

In traditional libertarian thought, rent seeking is one of those great evils that people are supposed to avoid. There is something wrong with the idea of buying an abstract thing like cyber-currency. There is something even worse about renting it.

This is a test to see how much Mana the system takes if I decline payout for a comment.

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