MeFy - Health care industry

in #steemit6 years ago


The human administration industry has collided even though the increase is very important. Although there are world-class specialist offices, vanguard, restorative and exceptionally qualified administrative specialists, ordinary patients still face high costs, inadequate access, and quality clashes. As a result of lifestyle changes, developing people and a variety of parameters that prolong the unavoidable inability of never-ending diseases and comorbidities that combine with the enormous impact of money and inadequate social protection providers are the main source of death higher. As a result, changing the care approach is the most extraordinary social concern, in understanding this brings the name known as Mefy.

Is that Mefy?

Mefy is a decentralized phase that deals with membership-based models, where the MeMe Care client buys for annual membership allowing them a number of tests over time for the cost of only consumables. Through eConsult including that overall specialist association for patients as a whole in this way resolves availability problems and with the MeMe Edge gadget, it provides legitimacy for directed tests. A pleasant answer to the universe of social insurance.

MeFy claims that in the solitary prosperity or prosperity of the community cannot be increased by certain businesses will not have the capacity to be improved only by having the best therapeutic administration workplace. This requires efforts from the aggregate community. MeFy and the stage. MeMe Care is not only centered around pharmacy but accepts to improve single welfare. As a result a single way of life, regular eating and the community have a main part to play for general changes in well-being and medical services.

MeFy is an integrated health platform that provides everyone with a platform for the advancement of society and individual health: individuals, friends and family, doctors for pharmacists, hospitals to pharmaceutical companies, government researchers.

Mefy works on a subscription model, where users subscribe to a yearly HMeMe care subscription that allows them to perform a number of tests throughout the year at a cost of consumables. Through eConsult's functionality connects worldwide physicians overall to patients worldwide to solve accessibility problems and HMeMe tools Edge, it provides authenticity for the tests performed, https: //

HMeMe Edge supported by AI will have the ability to generate automated prescriptions for automated health care data processing, maintenance and environmental factors that affect an individual's health. It will also provide dietary recommendations based on local environment, culture and individual tastes and enable them to get it easily at the best price.

Products and Features Available in the MeFy Program

Health: Keep any of your interactions with your doctor, all your statistics and health reports in one place so that they are available when needed.
Meme Edge: Subscribe to our service to test your vital health statistics as much as you want.
Call your doctor around the world anytime anywhere.


Never miss a drug or an appointment again.
Activity: Capture your details to guide you to health
Diet: Know what you consume.
Florence: Capture your health and lifestyle data so that it can guide you in all aspects of your health.
MEMI AI Automatic recipe based on status and old data is only for your own treatment.

Token Specifications

  • Number of tokens: 200 million MEFY
  • Flexible cap: 10 million US dollars
  • Rigid Cap: 35 million US dollars
  • Available for sale Token: 175.600.000 MEFY
  • Preassigned task: 50000000 MEFY
  • Price: MEFY 1 = 0.20 USD. The presale includes a 15% bonus.
  • Crowd Date will be announced on pre
  • Distribution: 118.100.000 MEFY
  • Price: 0.30 USD = 1 MEFY without bonus
  • The sales crowdsale turn has a bonus.


MeFy focuses on bringing together all communities to address health-related problems. Individual patients cannot solve health problems properly. Even with good medical facilities, this problem will not be fully resolved. That's why MeFy provides its own platform, where everyone will work together to solve health problems.

Important information that you might need:

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Autor: yantiaryan
Eth: 0x2A50375573A1B9A65De13dC27c6A25FC778d5512


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