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RE: Is It True We Have To Spend Money To Earn Money On Steemit?

in #steemit6 years ago

As I wrote in my post, you need to change your expectations of what you'll get from this site. Most people come here for the money at first. But like I mentioned in the article, the best thing about this place is not the money, but the fact that people are incentivized to interact with you and read your content.

You are virtually guaranteed exposure here. I wrote on Medium for a while as well and didn't get nearly the amount of exposure that I've gotten here.

Plus you have the added benefit of being a girl, which means you'll be getting extra attention for whatever type of content you create. Use that to your advantage.

I read a few of your articles. They're alright. You expose more of yourself than most people on here, which is good. I think they could be better.

Not that you asked, but one of the reasons that I put so much effort into my posts is that I know that they reflect on me. I don't want to be one of those people who writes one great article and that's it. I don't want people to say about me, "oh yeah @yallapapi used to be great, but he just writes shit now." I want people to read every single thing I ever write because they want to see what kind of crazy shit I'll think of next.

Anyway, the point is that you really do just need to focus on writing the most incredible articles that you can. If you do it long enough, eventually you'll get your break. And when that happens, people will go back and read everything you ever wrote. If too many of your earlier articles are "uninspired" (for lack of a better term), then you will have wasted your break and will need to wait for your next one to be able to capitalize on your fame.

You should assume that every single one of your posts (and comments for that matter) will eventually be read by a legion of your fans. Once you have that mindset, you'll find that getting eyes on your work is much easier. You can make money by eventually leveraging your audience, but forget about making money directly from your posts.

Unless of course you want to write for @omniloquent.



Thank you for taking the time to respond to me! I really wasn't expecting that.

I can't help but expose myself, because that's just the way I am; I write from the heart. In a way, it's kind of a therapy for me. But like I wrote in my most recent post, I'm unsure of the direction to take. There's so much going on inside my head and I have so many things I'd like to talk about that I don't really know how to structure my posts.

You know, am I just here to rant, or inspire? Or both? I mean, this platform is amazing for just being yourself and letting it all out, but would people be that interested in my random musings?

I like Medium, I really do, because there's some really good quality there and if you write well, you do get noticed. I have much more recognition there than I do here.

You say that you're guaranteed exposure here but how so? So far my posts have pretty much fallen on deaf ears. And I don't want people following me just because I'm a girl. I'd like to think they're more interested in what I have to say!

I'm definitely with you about constantly writing good stuff. With each post, I hope to improve and provide more value to someone. Your posts are particularly inspiring because you it's obvious how much time and effort you put into them. And you're also fucking smart and hilarious (a winning combo in my opinion).

Anyway, I'm literally obsessed with writing (always have been) and I'd love one day to be paid to write full-time. I also believe in the underlying technology behind Steemit, so I'll keep plugging away here.

Thanks again for the advice and realness. If you have any advice for how I can improve my writing, I'm all ears. If not, I'll just keep learning through observation and trial and error!

BTW - what would writing for @omniloquent involve?


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