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RE: Blue Pill, Red Pill And The Uncertain Crypto Mass Adoption

in #steemit6 years ago

I would suggest having them try using the Steem Keychain browser extension and also the steeve interface (which works with the extension), and that way it should all be handled for them in a secure fashion.

But regarding your overall point about mass adoption, you're absolutely right. One thing all the die-hard crypto people seem to miss is that 99% of people just don't care. They don't want any added responsibility and want someone else to take care of everything for them, like holding their money and managing their data.

They don't care that the companies sell their data, or that their data gets stolen, or that their money is lent out multiple times over so the banks don't even have it. The masses just don't care at all about any of that.

It will take a great-depression level event to get them to start caring. After the stock market crash in 1929, people couldn't get their money out of banks, because the banks simply didn't have it. This led to a complete distrust of banks for everyone in that generation, but at that time there weren't many good options other than holding cash/gold/diamonds/etc in your mattress, which is what many people did.

Now that generation is gone and everyone trusts the banks again. Even in 2008 when the same thing happened as in 1929, the government got smarter and when the banks lost everyone's money, the govt. stepped in and printed more money to give them. This way the general public didn't lose trust in the financial system like they did in 1929.

This will keep happening until eventually it fails, which is inevitable, but the main issue is the timing. This could keep going for far longer than any of our lifetimes. There is promise for greater crypto adoption outside of first world countries, however, where the banking systems are completely inadequate and people already don't trust them. There the crypto concept of "be your own" bank, could really catch on, and quickly.

Posted using Steeve, an AI-powered Steem interface

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