Steemit - Improved Voting and Comment Model (simple but effective)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Having joined steemit just about ten days ago, I already noticed a couple of things that could and should be improved.
For example the fact that there is no good filtering option to look for specific posts. But that's not what I wanna talk about...

One of the things, that doesn't make sense to me at all, is the fact, that posts more than one month old cannot be upvoted and not even commented on!
Steemits long-time value could be greatly increased if there was more incentive to creat long-term, high quality content and articles.
One of the reasons why becoming more subscribers on youttube and therefore why staying on youtube is worth more and more as you have put out more and more content, is the fact that even views on videos from years ago will still give a revenue.
Now, obviously there is only a small amount of Steem that is issued every day. That's why I came up with this formular.

It is a very simple suggestion:
Upvotes should be possible for any content, no matter how old.
However, the formular to calculate the power of an upvote for posts older than one month could look like
Power = (Percentage of Power Selected) / [(age in months) x sqrt(age in months)]
So simply put, a post that is 2 months old, will only get a little more than 1/3rd (2 x sqr(2) = 2.828 to be exact) of what a newer post will.
A post 4 months old can only get 1/8th and a post 12 months old will only get 1/42ths and so on.

Here is what the voting distribution would be like:

This formular seems like a good mix of still offering value for older posts, but also make sure that there is no overload of revenue generated by old stuff as the system grows.
I am sure a lot of tweaking would be needed in the long term, but the basic idea to still give some small returns for popular (hopefully highy quality) posts that are dating a little bit back seems very appealing to me. Imho it would make the whole Steemit platform healthier by creating some kind of longevity aspect.

Please share, resteem, upvote and comment! I really appreciate some feedback, I am still a novice, so let me know what you think.


I like the formula, I agree that Steemit needs to promote the long term value of posts. We would need to implement a periodic payout model to support this, something like these two options:

  • 7 Days, 30 Days, 60 Days, 90 Days, every 30 days until a cap
  • 7 Days, 14 Days, 21 Days, 28 Days, every 7 Days until a cap

I think there will need to be a cap on how long posts could be rewarded to reduce the burden on the blockchain of a ever increasing number of payouts. The limit would probably be dependent on the technical limitations of the blockchain itself. We could probably start at 36 months for now but have to reduce it is Steemit draws significantly more authors.

Thank you! If it is a 1/x² kind of formular, this burden would be diminishingly little, but I agree maybe a cap after 1, 2 or maybe even 3 years is a good idea. i mean these details should be adjusted "on the fly" when statistics show that too much Steem is going towards older posts. I doubt this will be an issue in the first few months/years, though.

I'm also concerned about the transaction volume. Ongoing rewards increases load on the blockchain which probably isn't a big deal now but could be an issue if the user base increases significantly.

This could indeed be the case. Btw, I heared roumors that there is no evidence, that Steemit has a real blockchain, do you know something about it?

That's just crazy, you can't make a chain out of blocks :-p

I was thinking the same exact thing. Daily I get views and comments on my YouTube vids, some that are 5 YEARS old. For example, a cooking vid that 5 years old is just as relevant today. I look at my older videos as paying me legacy dividends.

Thanks for the support.

I like the idea, upvoted!

Thank you!

I agree with your post 100%. I believe there are technical issues why it's not possible to have continuous payouts but it certainly is not ideal. They are still tweaking the details so or might be something that is added in the future.

Aha, cool to know. Need to get informed more about Steem development, is there a blog or something?
Thanks for the support!

Very good post! It does seem odd that after a month posts can not be commented on or voted on.

I think your suggestion is a great one and i hope it gets implemented.

Thank you. I hope Steemit will readjust a lot in the future, imho it's potential is huge. If the right measures are taken there is no reason why this platform should not be booming in a few years.

It's a good idea but the content still exists and the author has already been paid. Extending the payout period adds complexity and an ever increasing overhead as everything grows.

Or maybe she hasn't been paid, because her content did not receive the deserved attention when she released it.
It's only complex if you are a bot trying to solve this for maximum profitablility. I don't see what's actually complex about it. The "increasing overhead" could easily be addressed in a few months/years if statistics show, that too much Steem is paid to an increasingly huge amount of older posts. Also there should be a recontribution of Steem not used by inactive authers that haven't logged in for more than 6 months or something like that.

Interesting ideas one and all. If there was no problems implementing it and the community was able to digest all the old an new material in a meaningful way.......a better means for finding material would help this, then I'm all for it.

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