"WTF is steemit... Make it make sense." says UFC Heavy Weight Derrick "The Beast" Lewis sms screenshots

in #steemit8 years ago

Derrick Lewis

Courtesy of UFC and DailyMail

I need the help of you steemers especially the ones that I have been here for a while to guide me. This is Derrick and I've known him for about 15 years. He is now in the UFC and doing a great job representing Houston. He has always supported my projects and businesses. This morning I suggested he uses STEEMIT as another social media platform but then I was STUMPED when I realize I have no sales elevator pitch. I have no laymen's description on STEEM.


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 If so, please Upvote and Follow @xtrodinarypilot our life is an adventure

black uncle sam credit


I have an idea...

Perhaps @ned and @dan / @dantheman can put up a bit of sponsorship money for him and plaster the Steemit logos on him and his gear.

You know...actual marketing.

Do you think Derrick would be OK with that? And in return, Derrick could post on Steemit and tweet about it and do whatever else he does on social media...only incorporate Steemit into the mix. Then, he can get his UFC friends and others in the community to follow him here.

What do you think about that?

ive actually gotten sponsors for this guy and several other fighters in the past. After UFC was bought out recently, I stepped back to see how it all plays out. I LOVE THAT IDEA!

WOW! That's it!!!

My 'elevator pitch' is that Steemit voters can reward users for content they like. Rather than the Facebook model that uses this to sell advertising and pocket the earnings itself, Steemit has a daily reward pool that is paid out. Votes just determine who gets what from that pool.

I also did a post some months back (well past payout) giving a non-crypto, non-tech idea of crypto and blockchain concepts called What is Cryptocurrency and Why It's Not Scary.

Hope this is helpful.

that was a great and informative read. Thanks

Glad it was helpful! I put together some things some months back with that 'ambassadortoolkit' tag, but only one other shows with it, getting into 'Where does the money come from' question, which always comes up eventually. It was before the economic changes, so some specifics might be out of date, but the general idea still holds.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions. I'm no crypto/tech expert compared to many on here, but I like to think I'm decent at explaining in non-tech, non-crypto terms.

Be really cool to see him come on board. One of my @steemittalk podcast hosts is a HUGE UFC fan!

I'll tune in next session.

You said "Steemit has a daily reward pool"
Where does this pool of money come from?

There is a daily percentage of new Steem (the currency) created each day to be distributed. It's the equivalent of the US government printing new dollars and giving them away.

Leave the science out of it. If he joins he will have plenty time to figure it out then.

Just ask him, don't you wish you could have got shares in facebook before it became what it is today? Well, get your arse to Steemit and you will be able to earn shares in something that just might be worth billions and billions in the future.

Be honest though.. Tell him it could also end up worth nothing, but let him know that most here believe otherwise.

Finally, let him know that if Steemit does go mainstream and becomes the next big thing, he will be known as the first sportsman to jump on it way before it took off, and it will give him the appearance of being ahead of the curve/trend, which, if marketed correctly, will make him an excellent target for sponsors and he will be able to demand a very high price.

That's what I would say... But, I feel this could potentially be good for Steemit if this guy ends up doing well in the UFC, so I will resteem this post to give more people the chance to come up with some better ideas.

How about something like this: When you post on Steemit, you're paid in tokens called Steem. Like a stock, Steem gets its value by being traded on exchanges. Post on Steemit, earn Steem, cash it out for other currencies like the US Dollar or Bitcoin.

Short and simple. I think it gives understanding while avoiding potentially confusing terms and unnecessarily long explanations.

post your news and whats news to you, post your art and whats art to you, post your life and whats life to you! Get paid.. get paid a lot if its good content. Just Original photos from Derricks life in the UFC would generate much love. Huge UFC fan here! will be watching extra special for derrick now!

Hell yeah, I would follow him and I know a bunch of friends that would too

HELLZ YES.. I promised these mofos I was gonna bring in some game changers to the platform...

keep that shit up

It's a social media experiment where the users become the stakeholders.

short, sweet, and to the point. This post isn't as interesting as your aerial performances.

@xtrodinarypilot say what @shenanigator said and you can add in the end, with your own words that it will be just another social media account but this time you will get paid a couple of $$, you can even copy paste the same things you are gonna write one the other social platforms here or just uploads some pictures! Moreover you can find new fans!!

What about: "Post good stuff and get paid for it"

To be fair, I've seen some very good post make $0.01 and I've seen some very stupid post make $50-$60 so my goal is to offer an alternative to money when it comes to explaining. I think I've gotten some good material today.

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