Some great Steem tools - Check your voting Power and your potential pending payouts

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit!

I will list some great Steem tools and I write my own story in this post to express that I am very happy and thankful for Steemit!

Did you know?

You can check your (or someone else's) voting power percent on or is not working for me at the moment (shows up a simple blank/empty/white page) but is working.

My current voting power is 24.37%.

You can check your (or someone else's) potential pending payouts on

You can see the potential pending payouts for posts and comments.

For example: I have 15 total pending payout for posts: $9.311 SBD and $5.305 SBD total pending payout for comments.
So I have overall $14.616 SBD total pending payout. I think it's not bad for a new user like me. Especially when you take into account the fact that it is basically for 3 days. If you take into account my conditions (you can read about it below) It's actually awesome! Because this is a lot of money for me! I don't know how accurate this, but $14.616 SBD is a lot of money for me! ($1 SBD is $1.67 USD at the moment)

I am using Steemit for about a month, but I was not active in the previous weeks. I started my recent activity 3 days ago.

I have already earned my first Steemit dollar. I was posted it 3 days ago. So I earned that in my first month on Steemit.
And yes of course I used that to Power Up 8 hours ago.

A few people will probably smile at these earnings.

Because I have seen people who can earn $100 (or $1000 or even more than that) per post! Yes! That's correct! $1000 SBD (or more) in one post. Some people earn incredible amount of money on Steemit!
But I'm still very happy and thankful for this! Because at the moment nothing else is providing the possibility for me to earn this much money!
You know I live with multiple disabilities and my total monthly income in real life is around $216,73 USD (60 000 HUF)
(Hungarian Forint) based on the current price ($1 USD is 276.8400 HUF at the moment) because due to my disabilities I'm unable to work even in a part time job (I have tried, two times. Once for three months and once for four months but I can't do it) so Steemit means a lot to me! Because there is a great possibility to extend my low income.
Yes! You read that correctly! Two hundred and sixteen dollars and seventythree cents! Monthly income!
There are people in my country who have much less income than this. So sad and yet true. Especially with the fact that my country, Hungary is an European country. Central Europe actually. So I am not from Africa or Asia.

What kind of disabilities I have?

I have autism spectrum disorder.
I am visually impaired. I was born with Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) and because of the ROP I have a lot of vision disorders. For example Myopia (short-sightedness), dyschromatopsia (disorder of color vision), visual field defect. My weight is only 48.5 kg and I am very skinny. I can't lift/carry heavy weights. I also have dycalculia. Basically I can't make mathematical operations so I can't count. Because of the autism spectrum disorder I am nearly unable to talk to people in person and for some reason I feel unconfortable when a lot of people around me. I spend most of my time at home.
Due to these things I don't have any real life friends. I never had.
I finished the high school as a private student in 2012.
Though there are exists very few methods to improve dyscalculia, they don't work in my case. We tried to improve my mathematical knowledge but it was not successful. I received exemption from Mathematics in both in the elementary and in the high school.

I justed want to say that I am very happy and thankful for Steemit!
Because this platform is really a lifechanging opportunity for everyone!

I hope no one hates me for my disabilities here!
Because when I see the majority of the internet and if I go out in real life I see/meet full of hateful people everywhere!
I received a lot of hatred in the elementary school and in the high school (physical bullying included) (until we decided I go as a private student). An example of physical bullying: My schoolmates thrown a shoe to my face in the elementary school.
I literally cried after that incident. But the teacher told me to not cry. "This just give them strength." - She said. I don't wanted to encourage them. So that was the last time when I cried.
I (and my family) also received a lot of hatred from my stepfather. He also hit me/as physically. Not just a simple slap or something, but hitting my head to the desk. Just because I was unable to solve mathematical operations.
Luckily we don't live with him since a lot of years.

However I am still trying to communicate with people somehow and I am also trying to bring value to this community.
And I don't give up on life! Even if the 90% of the world hates my kind of people (similar people to me).
As I can see there are a lot of people who hates autistic persons and others persons with similar disability/disabilities.
A lot of people like to bully autistic persons.
Personal experince about the people of the internet:
I have also tried YouTube as a content creator (in Hungarian language) but then I shortly realized that thing is just not for me.
I just received a lot of hateful comments in Hungarian. Like "fogyatékos" which means "retarded" in English in that context.
I think I am don't deserve that. I didn't done anything wrong to anyone!

I could tell a lot more story about my life. But I guess this post is just long enough. So maybe next time.

I wrote this story in this post because I thought If I start a post with a helpful thing (and not just simply write my story) then you will hate me less or none at all.
But I seriously don't know what to expect from foreigners. I have never been abroad and I never told my disabilities to the public on Steemit until now.
Maybe the foreigners are a little bit or much more tolerant/accepting with autistic persons than the Hungarians.

Back to Steemit:
If you would like to know If I am invested some (external) money to this platform or not then here is the truth:
Yesterday I bought 0.87481189 Steem with 0.00079263 Bitcoin ($2.11 USD).
I have earned that money from Bitcoin (and Dogecoin) faucets. I have converted the Dogecoins to Bitcoin.
This was my first transfer from my Bittrex account to Steemit. So basically I invested $2.11 USD from my own money so far.
Not much but more than nothing.

I hope this post is helpful!

Good Luck! All the best Steemians!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post!

Have a nice day!


thanks for your guide dear

how to check my steem power in that links in my case please.. ? i did not find any option there

You can check your voting power at the following link:
You can see it on the right side of the screen.
Enjoy Steemit! Have a nice evening!

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