If There Will Be No Money Paid On Steemit, Would You Still Be Around? - May 30 Days Writing Challenge by @dragosrouasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

This is my fourteenth post in this challenge. My previous entry to this challenge:
Where Do You See Yourself On Steemit In 5 years? - May 30 Days Writing Challenge by @dragosroua.

Let's speak the truth

I am not going to lie, I am going to be completely honest and my answer is NO, I would not be around, if there will be no money paid on Steemit.

This is what makes Steemit Steemit, if you know what I mean...
The Steem and the Steem Dollars (SBD).

I registered on Steemit on 2017 May 17 and I have done it only for the money earning opportunity for which I am very grateful and happy. Steemit is already helped many people's lives, including my brother's and my own life.

Thanks to Steemit a few days ago I paid an expensive gas summary bill and a few small bills, all in all approximately 80 000 HUF, which is currently $298.79 USD, because $1 USD is currently (2018.05.17, 12:04 CEST) 267.75 HUF. I would not paid these bills without Steemit, because my monthly income in real life is only 68 480 HUF, which is currently only $255.76 USD.

I don't want to speak in other people's names, but I think that most of the people would leave the site immediately, if there will be no money paid on Steemit. Just look around and see. Just see what happens, when the price of the Steem goes down. A lot of people stop posting, because they think that it's not worth the effort. A few (or maybe a lot of) people noticed this about Steemit.
If you are curious or interested in this (to read/learn more about it), just read this post and the comments under the post:
Silenced? Why is the Steemit community so quiet?
I recommend to read especially this comment.
The exact same thing would happen, if there would be no money paid out on Steemit. The only difference between the two of these things is the fact that the people would leave the site permanently in the latter ("there will be no money paid out on Steemit") case.

This is what I think about this and it's based on facts and on (both my own and other people's) experience(s) and on my own decision about my Steemit registration.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and thank you to all of you for your continuous support!

See you later!


If the was no money in Steemit, there would still be value in the platform.

I think at this point in time, people are so blinded by the money, that they don't see the underlying value.

Kodak tried to make an entire platform for photography, where people could upload to the blockchain forever and be able to prove their photography was original, and when it was uploaded. There's only one problem, you need moderation so that bad or illegal content doesn't corrupt or taint the blockchain.

Steemit already solved that problem before Kodak realized it was one. We moderate content through flagging and upvoting (or by reporting bad content to steemcleaners for a reward), and we also can post our writing, photography, videos, artwork and music to the Steem blockchain, and the time and date of that posting cannot be refuted after 7 days.

Someone posts your photography a year later on some other platform without giving you credit? You can prove they stole it. same with videos, and any other digital media.

I think that is where the real value lies for the Steem blockchain, and as we progress towards SMTs and other platforms utilizing the Steem blockchain, we may just see people protecting their work as a prime use case.

That to me is why the Steem currency is so heavily undervalued at present. content creators are not really focusing on protecting their work, and instead are focused on the money.

The other half of the coin is censorship. Content creators are presently running into more and more censorship on places like youtube and facebook, and Steem offers a non-censoring environment, where individual users can choose to mute those they don't like, or flag those that need to be.

These two points alone, censorship and proof of ownership, are what will (in my opinion) make Steem grow like crazy. The price of Steem can stay low for all I care, because that means more Steem Power for authors, but the price may just skyrocket with the demand once people stop focusing on the money, and instead focus on the value of the platform itself. For that to happen, there has to be a need for that value.

I never thought of it that way. You make a really interesting point. This argument needs to be spread out.

The majority of the stuff people post on here I by pass. That's just how uninterested I am in most the stuff here. Basically compared to other blog sites this site is rather boring when it comes to interactions with other bloggers. I have yet to get on a live action blog on this site. It's usually leave a comment and maybe, just maybe, for the most part a big maybe you'll get a reply within a day or two. I can hop on over to the other blog I am mostly on and within minutes be in a lively debate or discussion with someone or a number of people.

I would say this place is truly amazing since the people that see the bigger picture can see how the Steem Blockchain has changed everything. All things outside this system now feels like Stone Age. Since value exchanges is so much faster on Steem Blockchain it takes so much longer on other platforms. And the value of a specific user is capped at other services. Where here you can work yourself up to have real influence.

Yeah, in about fifteen years. lol. A few people were lucky to get in on the ground floor which elevated them to the top rather quickly, now the ground floor is flooded. Good luck on your endeavor.

You clearly have a scarcity mindset that think people that get to the top do so because of luck. Are you seriously trying to make an argument that "ground floor is flooded" when the Crypto industry only have 20-30 million people involved right now? Dude. This is like Internet in 1994. We have billions of humans on this planet.

I guess that went over your head. Getting in on the ground floor is a expression. Early investors usually rise to the top the fastest because there was less competition and more than usual expected growth. They didn't have to compete in the earlier days against thousands of others they supported each other to the top as the platform grew, as the platform grew they gained the support of new entries a few at a time not by the thousands. Now competition level is flooded, people are competing against hundreds of thousands of others to get attention to themselves. Do you get it now?

There is no competition. People are addicted to laziness. All you have to do is work harder and smarter. Not hard at all. Just have to invest more Time and Attention than others. Yes of course if you invest early into something you will have an edge. Welcome to the real world. But do you think there is a guarantee back then that Steem would be a success? Of course not. There are new opportunities to invest in new exciting stuff everyday.

Yes there is competition. Anytime you decide to follow someone over another it's because they were better at competing for your attention. With so much to choose from that means the competition is tough. Just like athletes, movie stars, or any job that has the potential to pay big the field is going to be crowded. That's what has happened here, they see the results of some who have managed to make it big here but they don't understand those people got in on the ground floor. Someone just posted a article about how many people were whales, dolphins, etc., I forget the figure but whales are relatively rare compared to others. Yes you can get there but it's going to be a long, long, time.

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