Steemit, Youtubers and money

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I wasn't planning on posting anything after my last post today but I was talking to one of my friends about Steemit this afternoon. And during our conversation he said something that made me think about Steemit and the earnings.

During the conversation, one of my friends asked me how it was going with Steemit (of course he meant how much Steem I had earned). I told him I was doing quite well and had about a 1000 dollars in my wallet (which in my opinion is pretty decent). I also told him that lately a lot of Youtubers were coming to Steemit. The reason being the sometimes toxic community on Youtube. My friend responded that with those earnings (referring to the fact that I made a 1000 dollar in two weeks) that it was not suprising that the Youtubers were jumping ship. I went on defending my point of view that it was because of the community and not the earnings.

However, it made me wonder. How much money does a blogger or youtuber normally make and was I being naive about the allure of the earnings?
I found these links about earnings for bloggers and Youtubers: earnings for bloggers and earnings youtubers.


The Questions

  • So am I being naive, is it not about the Community but all about the cold hard cash?

  • Would it be a bad thing if the earnings were the only thing drawing people to Steemit?

  • Are any of you planning to ditch your day job and go full Steemit if you can earn enough on a monthly basis?

Let me know in the comment section.

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Steemit doesnt only promise a fun community, it also promises a good potential of income. Thats to say, its not wrong to join steemit because of the income. Because steemit is built on steem . So whats wrong with getting more dollars

Thats true. But will it affect the quality? The money will also attract scammers.

I dont know the safety mechanism put in place against scamming on this platform. Buti believe no one can force your hands to send him out her money. You choose where your money goes. The scammers will come and we will deal with them and move pass them

The way I see it, the main advantage to using Steemit in conjunction with other content creation platforms is that it opens up the earnings process and democratizes it. YouTube serves up revenue based on ads. Likes and subscriber counts are nice, but neither one directly affects a creator's ability to earn, just their potential for exposure.

Steemit, on the other hand, allows every content consumer to decide, based on their own 'wallet' of voting power, if the content is worth rewarding, and at what level: 100%, 50%, 5%, doesn't matter: once you have enough Steem Power, you have direct influence over the ability to reward the work of others in a financial sense.

This is the crux of Steemit's power: rather than relying on a soulless corporation to determine the value of one's work, the entire community can come to a group decision about the value of any given creator's output and choose to reward them (or not) individually, AND get a piece of the action when something they believe in performs in excess of expectations.

There's a reason to follow, to resteem, to upvote, to interact. YouTube offers none of this: nothing I do save watching an ad can create value for the content producer, whereas virtually everything I do on Steemit can contribute in some small way to another person's growth.

Is it about the money? No--the money's nice, but I've been writing, blogging, and reviewing online for free or basically free for seven years. I'd keep doing it if I'd never found this platform.

Would it be a bad thing if the earnings were the only thing drawing people here? Yes, but I'd like to think this place is more of a 'come for the cash, stay for the community' zone. Who knows what it'll look like in another year or five years, but right now that's the vibe I get. It's new and exciting and making dreams come can you fail to like that?

Do I plan to ditch my day job and go Steemit full time? No, I don't see that happening. I live in the US, and my employer-provided health insurance and other benefits are far too valuable to sacrifice right now. Maybe in the future. Right now, Steemit is generating investment opportunity and play money. I suspect I'm not alone in that. :)

Thank you for your reply. I agree with you completely. I hope that this community stays as positive as it is now.

To the second question I would answer no, Steemit makes it possible to get rid of advertising and that is a good thing.

For the third question, of course yes but for that I would already have to start writing posts;)

Spend an excellent day

Interesting. Do you think there is a way to attract only people interested in making quality or curating quality? Start posting what do you have ro lose :)

Lets keep it real - most of the people who jump on Steemit come here in hopes to make a quick buck. Though the buzzkill for them is that Steemit is not a platform to make a big amount of money really fast. Instead, those who really persevere and put work into their content can later on reap the social and economical benefits. To make my point clear - those who come here trying to make a quick buck will eventually understand that to be able to earn a good amount of money on Steemit requires lots of patience and hard work.

People with good intentions for the community as well as Steemit itself will be the ones who make it shine :) That's just my opinion.

So are saying that even though at first people are attracted by the money that at the end they start to understand that to make money here on steemit they have to put in some effort? Does this also mean that they will and start doing the work or will they leave when they cant make a quick buck?

I can't speak for others, but yes, some people may come falsely informed and seek a get rich quick scheme and leave after the realization that it's not that easy, while some will persevere and put out content, no matter if their intentions are for the good of the community or for financial gain.

So really, Steemit has an automatic protection system against spammers and such. Nobody who doesn't want to spend time sharing their content will stay around after they get to know how everything works.

Money is often what drives people on Youtube anyway, so I don't think it really matters if they come here just wanting to make money. Naturally, the people who have better content are the ones that are going to draw a crowd and make good money..which I guess you could say is how it works anywhere else.

I guess you are right. Can't argue with that.

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