
He was my boss for over 10 years... I managed his businesses. He became ill in 2003-04 and has deteriorated since. He weighs about 80 lbs. It began with his thyroid which was irradiated and now it's everything. In 2014 I got sick then had a heart attack so I lost my home. He suggested I move in with him... Now I take care of the house, do the shopping, run errands etc.. He also has problems with falling so I sleep with one eye open (he lives downstairs, I live upstairs). I drive him to Dr appts etc.

thyroid is a bitch. My wife had it...she had a BAD ASS thyroid...they nuked it three times before it finally died...You got my vote...only worth .06...but it'z what I gawt.

Thanks Buddy... They killed his too and almost took the rest of him with it! I'm a little guy, but when I hear him fall and call out... I run downstairs and can pick him up like a little kid!

good luck.
I've got the opposite problem
hypertension, sleep apnea, type II diabetes...

and oh yeah...I don't play well with others.

Hey!!! Except for the hypertension, you sound like me! On my tombstone I want "His Blood Pressure Was Perfect"

I think my 'high blood pressure' is an artificate of the 'system'.
back a few years ago I was fine..I was a trucker then, had been for a couple of decades...I had to get a 'drivers physical' every two years...for my age it was ok...until they revised the standards...DOWN.

they made 140 the cutoff.

so...if I wanted to work...I had to take medication..
then the problems begun...

I attribute the sleep apnea, the typeII diabetes...and all the other stuff to the highblood pressure drugs.

One of them almost killed me...I'd been taking it for a year or two...and Suddenly WHAMO!...allergic face swelled up like a ballon. I was rushed to the emergency room...the doc said "you're lucky to be allive...if (x) had swollen, instead of (y)'d have sufforcated in your sleep.

so I dropped THAT drug...(I was taking several...still am) but I had to continue taking the others to keep the blood pressure down...

I could continue with my sad...sad...story But..

I cried because I had no shoes..
Then I met a man with no feet...

so I wont'.

I broke my back in '85 and am supposed to be in a wheelchair by now. I have to take pain meds and I had this fly-by-night doctor that was more like a drug dealer. Every time I went there my BP was through the roof! They put me on BP meds and every morning I got up and immediately passed out.

The meds were the problem... the stress of going tp that doc was the problem. That stuff is really bad... at least if you don't need it!

yup...too many are exactly that...pill pushers..
but how can you know?
if you pay for expert take it.
other wise don't even go to the doctor.

Wow that is really touching to hear that. I am a Nurse and take care of the ill and elderly five days a week and know just how hard it can be on not only the patient but also their caregivers including family and non-genetic family. I am going to try to buy some STEEM right now and send the love and pay it forward. Unfortunately I just powered up all my STEEM to SP but I will try and help out ASAP. Hang in there and don't forget God always provides and caring for your fellow man and serving him is serving God himself, so have faith and I know you will both be blessed. Don't forget life is full of suffering but through Jesus life is eternal. I will stop the preaching now but I really appreciate your level of humanity and care. I will do what I can to help.

My faith in the Lord is unshakable, as is my friend's... we're both Christians. Everything will go according to His will! If I knew this was going to happen (somebody stole his identity and his accounts are frozen waiting on the bank to straighten things out) I wouldn't have powered up myself. I did it about a month ago- just my luck lol! Thank you for your good wishes... I think with enough upvotes and resteems I can write my way out of this mess.

I also lived with my grandfather in the last years of his life as he was also prone to falling due to weakness and died just over a year ago. None are more blessed than those who serve their fellow man.

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