#worldclassplayer - Steemit Millionaire Life Process Blog - Day1, The Golden TicketsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

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I am all in. Steemit is a golden ticket. I realize I have a golden ticket. Everyone has the golden ticket. I am play working my expressions as a Golden Ticket Holder. Sharing my process of building my Steemit Account Value to 1,000,000.00 USD. The decision is made. Crazy? maybe. maybe not. Either way, I am all the way in.

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I would like Everybody to afford themselves such an opportunity. I believe we can recreate the world in ways that are Word Class. World Class - Meaning: everyone is a part of the class here as world-class-players. We create our life as a world-class-player. We support and encourage a world-class-player Lifestyle for all Life. Planet Earth becomes more and more well known and regarded as the kingdom of Heaven. The awesomeness exists beyond words.

Gratitude is my Attitude.

Live the dream - Meaning, Living my utmost potential. My utmost potential is the realization and sharing of my Dignity. Consistency and Diligence are Integral to the Best expressions of Dignity.

Live Earnest. Starting point is the heart of the matter.


Going All In :

Walking through the unknown until it is done. Commitment to living utmost potential. Participating within Steemit as the place to Be - A global decentralized network where an Awesome Living Income is earned for anyone and everyone who commit themselves to doing the work. The work - meaning, Our daily giving. Sharing our Best. Broadcasting our individual reality. Relishing in our fun playing around and a round and a round and around...in many round about ways. Play, Play, Play - Is the Key here.

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Why is Play so important?

From a performance standpoint - We learn best by playing. Learning is all about play. We have a natural playing ability. Play is our openness and willingness to engage and explore all dimensions of ourselves. Play is the way everyday. The quality of our work is the resulting effectiveness of our Play. How we work things best, like ideas and thoughts and decisions...and any possibility - is by Playing around.

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Playing Around.

Playing a round. Writing this, I am reminded of Golf. When you play golf - You, Play a Round.


I believe achieving Steemit Millionaire status is well within my abilities. I have no expectations as to how my process will unfold. I am satisfied in my decision to make a world-class-play. I've been called a dreamer. This is cool cross-referencing. Decision has been made. I am Living the Dream for Real. Taking Responsibility and Authority as the Primary Author of my creation. I realize everyone has got it in them to give. I commit myself to living for giving. I realize the pro-for-giving way is all ways always awesome.


Imagine. Globally it is known that you can become a Steemit Millionaire for free. What you do is broadcast your life, your thoughts, your process of challenges through adversity and the solutions. The sharing of our creative ingenuity. The big ideas, the small practical steps one makes, and the sharing of all the little gold nuggets we pick up on a daily basis.

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World class post... ty

Hey @williamcuff Thanks for tuning in and sharing such warm words of regard. Much Appreciation and Respect. Looking forward to new connections and creative collaborations.

Steem On, The Dream is Live

Man, your thoughts are really hard to follow sometimes, you are all over the place, but you speak so much truth. Do you make any other kind of art? Hip hop maybe?

Ya, i've been playing around with the structure in my writing since my first posts...slowing down a bit more..work on being a bit tighter more concise.

I've dabbled with rapping...not something i've put much focus towards in a long while.

I will keep up with your stuff though, your thoughts are really interesting.



maybe something to play around with :)

Hell ya maybe not all for me but i am going to give it a shot 😎 i like the steem concept


shake , rattle and role!

you Got this!


And...I'm following you.

Tuning In


Following back gL

cheers :)

Yaaaaa buddy! Nothing to Lose , Only To Gain!

"Nothing to Lose, Only to Gain" is such a Game Changer. Can't Lose by being Pro for Giving :)

Hey, cool article. Got my account here, now I just have to figure this place out. Looks like some potential here for sure. Thanks for bringing it onto my radar.

Cheers @aboon all the best and have fun with the explorations steemit is world wide cool :)

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