Steemit Participation, Following's and Education

in #steemit7 years ago

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Is Steemit all about making money? Short Answer: No. It's a Bonus. If your sole focus on Steemit is to 'make money', you're missing out on so much of the "Potential" Here. Question "Self-Dignity" for more clarity. We can never have too much Dignity. Think about it!

What is the Potential Here?

  • Relationship Building - The opportunity to develop and expand relationships is a profound thing. The real depth of a relationship, at it's core, is a matter of 'education'. The more we learn, the more we know. We are hard wired to learn. Always existing as Both a Teacher and a Student. It really is quite extraordinary.

  • Education - The opportunity exists to learn about anything and everything. It's easier than ever to connect with the people who share our interests. Both as content creators and curators. This is a big deal. There's a lot of development possible in exchanges that can open up through commenting. Meaning, I read a post, I share what I learned...what stood out for me...what came to mind...what i liked, what perplexed me...a whole myriad of dialogues are possible. Anyone can now join in this conversation. This is the basis of learning through communication.

  • Education Reflection - When you think about how so much of 'Education' is a matter of 'communication' 'Art of our Articulation' it's really fascinating and profound, as there exists so many ways to express a point of view. Whether that point of view be through analogy or other means....the point being that the more relationships that exist...the better...this is what 'Peer to Peer' Networking is all about.

  • Steemit Superior Model - Is there a better form of 'Education System' than the Steemit Platform? I think not. The set up style here is 'Asynchronous Communication', which means it's a 24/7 on going live communication...where anyone can join in when it is convenient for them to do so. I mean think about this....imagine your 'job' was like that.....assuming for a moment that while reading here, that you have a '9-5' type of job and lifestyle...where you are required to go clock in and out all are on the '8-3' public education system grind, because your parents are on the '9-5' system lifestyle. It's less than ideal really....Because it's way more relaxed when you can communicate and participate on your own terms. I mean, 'who likes to be sort of forced into participation?' Nobody. Sure it can be stated...that nobody is forced to work a '9-5' lifestyle...but what about all the children being forced to accept an '8-3' schooling education lifestyle? Isn't it the majority of kids in the school grind system that become the worker bees in the '9-5' work grind lifestyle? Mostly, Yes. Has this conditioned behavior and lifestyle been deeply conditioned? Yes. Does everyone comply? No.

  • New Ways of Engagement - New ways of communicating and collaborating are opening up here. How many new business developments will have resulted in 2 years time? In a lot of ways steemit is an experiment as a 'New World Economy'. The starting point, being the 'social network'. I mean when you think about the 'New World Economy' starting from the point of the importance of 'Socializing'...that in and of itself is quite awesome. Recreation and Relaxation are definitely related to Socializing. Let's not forget, Learning. We are hard wired to Learn. We are always's like we can't not process. We are organic robots in a processors...and our effectiveness in working with information, really results as our response abilities, 'Showcasing' and 'Sharing' our creative capacity in expressing various bits of ourselves here. The Things we Got to give.

  • New World Economy and Socializing - This is all about Community Building. It's all about people. What services can we create for our best benefit. It sounds so simple, and seemingly obvious, doesn't it? Common Sense is for our common best benefits. It's always a matter of communication. 2 or more together and abracadabra! The basis framework for consensus building. The basis for both work and play. Having people involved with one another and talking about anything and everything is the basis of creation. That's how it works in a nut shell. Communication. Why has there been such consistent global suppression and depression? Lack of effective communication channels and platforms. Divide and conquer. Watch the popular news channels. Check out what the narratives are. It's mostly focused on problems...separating types of people. Fear mongering...pushing a sort of rhetoric always that there's a lot of bad people, races, countries, leaders...etc...etc. I mean really, everyone is mostly chill at heart. Down to earth. Sure, we all have our issues...but deep down everyone want's to be the best version of themselves....nobody really wants less than the best. We are all it. We are all in this together. It's matters of communication here.

  • Politics - Real politics is about community and communication. Working together for the best benefit. It sounds almost foreign. Yet, if you've been participating within Steemit for much time at probably understand and know that there's something special here...a deep sense of Respect for one another....a deep level of community engagement...a deep level of real 'New World Economy' politics. Obviously, 'politics' takes many shapes and forms. As what is politics really, but "Communication focused on Best Solutions"...."Problem Solving". Imagine for a second that any popular news channel on your television was presenting 'narratives of cool solutions to problems that exist in the world'. That's what is beginning to emerge here on the Steemit platform.

  • Gaming the System - a kind of funny thing really...yet a necessary point of regard. What can I and can't i get away with. What is acceptable and what is not acceptable? What is the grey area? If there is a grey area...this is where the complexity comes into play...and a participant looks to gain a competitive advantage over their terms of 'winning' or being more effective in 'playing' and 'participating' here. See the 'complex game theory' is created in ways where not everyone is able to have the 'advantage' because they do not understand the 'level' and so do not have access to participating and playing that way.

  • Question Your Game Play - Is there such a thing as 'gaming' the system when the system is designed and structured in a way where it's all inclusive? You decide how much you want to participate. You decided how much you invest/contribute. You decide what's worthy of your focus and attention. You decided what you share. Take this mentality, methodology, regard and outlook as the 'Big Picture' Here. The basis framework and design of the 'New World Economy'.

Sounds Pretty Awesome

Steem On,
The Dream is Indeed Live,
Here is the Golden Ticket

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It is fascinating to see how some of the comments are oriented around the point of "is this for money, or community?" - as if it has to be one or the other! and so the argument rages one back and forth jockeying for position of what comes first: the relationships/community or the money?

yet this is exactly what makes Steemit unique and effective as a real social media platform - it doesn't have to be about one or the other, the two points are able to 'walk together hand in hand' so to speak in oneness and equality as the practical consideration that not only are the two points not mutually exclusive, but that they are one and the same - your community participation and real value input and the money that is created from such participation are one and the same - Steemit is designed in this way and so the platform is 'self regulating' in that regards where those who seek only money without giving back/providing real value will not make substantial or sustainable progress.

however I should mention that I'm still a newb so I do have plenty more to learn.

well said @adrianblackburn and welcome to steemit. It's a really awesome to see your thoughtful considerate response here...respect and aprreciation for adding to the narrative here.

Steem On,
The Dream is Indeed Live,
Here is a Golden Ticket

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Another great post. Taking part and interacting within the Steemit community has so many positives. The development of friendships and the learning opportunities Steemit provides in a forward thinking, uber positive community is unparalleled. I truly believe we're on the ground floor of something that will revolutionize social media and will be at the forefront of changing social economics across the globe.

100% Agreement @orionschariot

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I completely agree with you friend. Hope people dont just run after money. Building relationship is important.
Nice post

100% agree @avikal "Building relationships is important"

It really seems like Steemit is here to stay. It's just legendary... I think in the end most people will be grateful to be an early adopter! Definitely pays off in more ways than just the money, great post @worldclassplayer (:

"it's Just Legendary"

100% Agree

Awesome @avikal

goldent ticket give away.png

No, Steemit is NOT just about making money... and I agree entirely that anyone thinking that is basically "missing the point."

For me, Steemit is a revolutionary step "towards the new economy" of the 21st century... it's a stepping stone towards the possibility of Universal Basic Income, except partially merit based; it's also about clobal community and in a sense... a "New World Order" in which the communities/tribes that form are not geographically or nationality based, but interest and values based.

well said @denmarkguy

I appreciate your words and I agree with you 100%

goldent ticket give away.png

steem dream on!!!

100% Yes!

goldent ticket give away.png

Great Post :) Be Genuine. Provide Value. Let The Money Chase You. :)

"let the money chase you"


Nice phrasing! Creative word player You Are!
Love it!

Thanks @flatearth your words are much appreciated

Steem On,
The Dream is Indeed Live,
Here is the Golden Ticket.

goldent ticket give away.png

Another great post. Steemit shouldn't be about money. It's just a bonus. What are the golden tickets for?

Thanks @steeming100

I appreciate your words of support.

The golden tickets are multi faceted.

  1. Symbolic of 'being the author of our own creation...our destiny'. Like, We got it. It's up to each of us individually to stand as our own creative authority.

  2. I've been thinking about creating an Asset/token. A crypto called the 'golden ticket' which can be an additional support and value creation to exist in addition to sharing my votes of support. Haven't worked out all the techy details yet...but 'added' wealth builder residual stream of funds for my fellow mates here on Steemit.

Thanks for Asking!

Steem On,
The Dream is Indeed Live,
Here is the Golden Ticket.

goldent ticket give away.png

Agreed 100%!

Awesomeness 100% @misschatty

Thanks for stopping by!


great post my friend. you are right on point and considering the fact that steemit is in beta and still growing, focusing on the money now will make one feel frustrated when you dont get upvotes. its better to grow with the community and the money will follow.

Hi @darkerhorse

Much appreciation and respect.

Thank You for sharing your wisdom.

Here is a golden ticket.

goldent ticket give away.png




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