STEEM...STEEMIT...Talk about "Utility" HeresteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago


Think BIG about the Utility here. This post is about opening up ways of thinking about Steem and Steemit and our Participation. For clarification's sake - "Utility" means: Usefulness, functionality, benefits, capability and ability.

Note: The style of my writing here is a Learning Process as it is also an Education Process. Both for myself and anyone else who derives benefit from my work/sharing/offering here. I like to talk things out as I go..and for me – i find i expand my depth of perception by simply allowing myself to participate in Communication Here.


The real utility...the you know versatility here – is in structuring the flow of our communication Shares. See our 'communication Shares' or we can call it 'asset creation(s)'...

Communication is Valuable. It is the epitome of Value in our world. All "work" is a result of communication. In a lot of ways, "work" is a form of "communication. For simplistic purposes - it is quite easy to see how "communication" is a massive 'puzzle piece' in any Labor Force Sector...Business...Company....Network...Body....Government...Politic...nature...Life. Ancient Blockchain?

Money is regarded as one of the oldest forms of communication. it's an ancient technology. Why is this? Let's first start with a different question. What is "Technology"? Technology is the "technical" + "log"...the technical log - that which details the specific of the "thing" here. The Fact(s)..Record(s) of Matter Here. Blockchain sound more and more like “Technology” at it's core in terms of the fact...record keeping here.

Ways to Play..Participate Here - Thoughts

The Awesomeness of “Asset Creation” is that we are creating our value. Our value is shared with everyone equally. Now, the fascinating thing We only have restricted access to the visibility of another's 'Asset Creation' if we censor their content from coming up in our immediate world. Other's quite possible for it to be visible at any given moment...from the perspective, that it's possible. Obviously it's even more if you are following the person.

I suppose the most equal way to play with follows would be to follow everyone or no one..from the perspective of “no filters” on terms of what is made visible to see.

The other cool approach would be to be waaaaay more selective in our 'following's' where We are so Specific – and We are actually very intently engaged with our posting's and sharing's...I mean this is quite a cool approach...because anyone who tunes into me or you...and We are using this formula approach for 'the follow'...a person is able to get a pretty good idea of what We are really into at the moment...based upon investigating Who We Are making and effort to Follow and Tune into.

The Learning Potential Here and the Overall Capacity for Creative Collaboration, Is in Fact Incredible. It's quite Extraordinarily Remarkable.

How we document our Story

  • Our Process of Self-Governance – Our Life -How we process and share the specific moments of support we have to offer...and actually, Better Yet: “Got to Give” Because we “Got It” to Give. And, the Beauty Here is that our Best is Wonderful. It's when we make the effort and we slow down enough to create quality work. The quality of our work is the results of our Best Efforts. This again, is the real beauty in sharing our daily living process Story Here.

Democracy in Self-Governance

This is an example of Democracy through Self-Governance. This is how any Central Government is suppose to Run. Central body is in the background kind of thing....but all present here always...and it's for all the independent bodies as individuals to interact among themselves and create the best plays and directions...and if anything the Central Body is a result and support of the Group Collective Body here.

Government...governance Reflection...Blockchain and Other..

I'm thinking the best central government is a result of the best decentralizing nature of government. It's like one cannot really optimally function effectively without the other. Different blockchain governance models come to mine(d). (trying to be punny..just kidding :). Looking at the mining centralization in different decentralized blockchains showcases the interconnection relationship with centralization and decentralization. Another recent example is in the exchanges of Dan Larimer and Vitalik Buterin - where it came up in their discussion about something being "more" or "less" centralized. It is or it isn't? It was a fascinating series of discussions between Dan and Vitalik - because many points of issue were a matter of clarification in the language...and the particular approach to structuring incentives for the maintenance, stability, scale-ability and overall viability of their governance models. Is the starting point to 'punish bad behavior' or is the starting point to 'incentivize good behavior'. There is an interesting distinction with both approaches. It is indeed fascinating how it is the very starting point nature of one's governance model which will ultimately determine the effectiveness and overall utility. Interesting reflection here is in the question: which is the Best - best referring to everyone here....which is the best model for the majority of people here? These questions and reflections go deep into the game theory and 'beyond theory into practicality' of 'Added sum Gain' - where the total sum result is greater than the sum of all the parts.

Starting Point Play - reflections..keeping it loose but not forgetting structure

Think About it, there's so many ways in which one can participate here.

The fact that we connect the participation...the exchange in 'fun'(d) is pretty cool..because we really incentive “Play” with what we “Say”...and Share of ourselves Here. And it's really the beginning ways in which we can push growth support for one another here...because if we are self-honest with our voting – we always get an accurate presentation of where we are at collectively within and as our Government...Governance. Because Tag, we are it.

Obviously, the only real way to play here is to “play always”. I am having a motto/mantra as “always play”, Because it's an awareness 'on point' with playing 'all ways'...which really opens up a strong capacity and ability for responsibility. And “Responsibility” supports overall network stability and support because responsibility is synonymous with structure. Because there's a certain amount of order in the sense of being balanced...well

The Greatness of any Network is a result of the participants awareness. We have an inherent desire for Greatness. The irony is we are all it. Our willingness to improve upon our best is the hallmark of our ever expanding Greatness. This is indeed questionable at times...

  • Starting point incentives is a cool way to move. “What's our starting point participation here”? Word clarification is a key component here...because it's in getting into the details of our meanings here that we create the meaning of our world, word and shared interests here.

TO BE CONTINUED - Next Post: "Starting Point Incentives" and Governance - A Closer Look at Delegated Proof of Stake


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I like a few of the points you made. The idea of being aware of what's happening in the community by participating. The subject of decentralized governing, and the importance of communication.
Your post made me think of a couple books I read and or listened to on the audible app.
The first is "The starfish and the spider" it talks about interdependent communities. It uses the anology of a cutting a spider and a starfish in half. The spider will die because it has a centralized nervous system, yet the starfish will become two entities because it's interdependent. I think you'd enjoy it.
The second book also on audible is called Whale Done and it goes through the power of positive reinforcement. Both very good reads.
I honestly believe that if our legislation focused more on incentivizing behavior that helped the community our country would change direction.
In your post you use the word democracy. Yet I feel that a quick study on republic vs democracy might persuade you to not use the word democracy as much. It's a word who's meaning was purposely misplaced by our leaders. There's an author called Oliver Demille his writing on freedom and history are mind blowing. Thanks for everything. :)


You've given me such great gifts here!

I am so grateful - Thank you @dreamingirwin

I am so curious to look more into all the sources you shared!

Can you give me a quick paraphrase on "democracy" and the persuasions.
democracy does sound a bit like 'demon crazy' and demo and demolition and now i'm even more intrigued to investigated "democracy". I have not yet explored the word enough - that much is clear.

Thanks @dreamingirwin

I have a pastor friend who's specialty is the study of words. He loves digging into the word all the way to his origin. There's a book called "the federalist papers". It's the collection of news paper articles written during the debate of between the colonies on how to set up or government.
From the first page you'll notice the difference in thinking towards the idea of government. One thing that stands out in that book is that they never talk about democracy in a positive manner. They wanted a republic not a democracy. The values of the two societies are different. Yet I'd do you no justice trying to give you my lame explanation.
Years ago I was in a leadership convention and Oliver Demille was the surprise speaker. He gave a talk that literally gave over four thousand people goosebumps all at the same time. When he finished his talk the entire convention center erupted in cheering, screaming, and applause.

Good STUFF @worldclassplayer

I ENJOY your writing style and cleverness!





yes - those are the ones - good call on posting them here. I really should have put them in the blog. had thought about doing another post more focused on the back and forth key points...or what stood out to me in their exchange. maybe i still will.

for the record..and blockchain here:
@cassidyandfranks i think you're brilliant

haha - Yes i do

The Dream is Keep STEEM'N...
And We're are Doing it Now

Great post brother! One important factor going forward with crypto is the SEC's decision that they do in fact have governing authority over international block chains that operate on decentralized networks. How the currency/token is set up is going to be very important going forward, especially for those of us in the US.

BTC and other "currencies" look to be in the clear, but tokens will be looked at as securities and will eventually not be traded on exchanges. I'm still trying to get a good feel for what all the determining factors will be, but as of now , any currency, like Steem or BTC seem to be safe long term plays.

I appreciated how you organized this post. In particular I liked the section on How We Share Our Story. Just today one of my Steemit friends posted a great personal story, one of the most honest I've seen and it really upped the level of the entire comment thread. If you feel like checking out the ecotrain tag you might appreciate it too. Humans have stories. These we tell invididully but in the end collectively. The ones that become the most know reflect something about the culture and society in which we live. As you said, we are the ones creating it. That is powerful and valuable.

Hey, Cool! - will explore the 'ecotrain' tag.

Potent comment here - Stories. I've been reflecting upon the point of story telling and that one of the strongest ways in which we can relate to others is through sharing our stories...our processes walked in how we learned...faced different adversities throughout our life.

In a lot of ways, our stories are a matter of words....and our words...our effectiveness in sharing our words is a result of how in depth we are willing to go within ourselves - tuning into the depth of matters here.

Man - your comment has got me self-reflecting hard :)


Wow, this is such an enriching conversation @worldclassplayer Now am thinking and reflecting as well. If we are true to ourselves, our stories also hold truth. Not always objective factual truth, but inner truths that might be even more worth sharing :) Following you of course.

:) we are the object and the subject here :)

It's our stories and the specifics of the objects and the subjects that make our stories worth sharing - in how we articulate the facts of our matters - and we matter!

I would like to see a comments section that flowed better. I've gotten into conversations with people that went into 20+ replies and it starts to become a pain at that point.

I totally agree about focusing on who you follow. I keep cutting my kids down because even at around 200 people I follow I am still missing content. Think sniper rifle, not shotgun.

"The sniper Rifle, not shotgun"

Love the analogy!

By the way - i saw you wrote a really awesome comment in response to one I had written on my post or your post...I haven't forgotten about it - will get to it tomorrow. You opened up some solid questions about who will do the labor work in a sort of 'utopia' like existence. Im paraphrasing...but ya...will respond tomoz!

Look forward to your response!

Nice writing. and also invited my small blog.


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