Investing in People - The Network EffectsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago


Essentially every single person on planet earth is an Investor. Whether you regard yourself as an Investor or not is somewhat irrelevant from the perspective of the fact that everyone here is intrinsically linked through money. That being said - There's immense support and utility in integrating the awareness: Everyone is an Investor.

How is it Supportive to Regard Everyone as an Investor?

On an individual level - You will take yourself and your life more seriously. Consideration and regard for how one utilizes their time - one of the most precious commodities here. In turn this also opens up a great global perspective for high quality at your service accommodations. It also opens up greater potential creative collaboration.

Money, Labor, Attention are focal points of the Politics of the World. These core points shape the very nature of our markets/economies. In valuing people as an investment it is possible to effectively organize strong networks. The success of any business is a result of it's network effect and it's ability to scale.

With a strong level of regard for People, the quality and overall wealth of the Network has the greatest possibility of Greatness. With this in mind - Question even the "most successful" businesses of the world today...because from an "utmost potential" perspective, the potential valuations of these corporations is not realized at all.

Why are the Biggest Corporations in the World not Living up to their Potential.

One word answer: "People". Meaning, people are not being effectively valued and invested in. This is a massive issue/problem. In fact the situation is so bad - that we have extensive levels of world divide. 1st Worlds and 3rd Worlds. It's like going through a warp zone in Super Mario Bro's for the old Nintendo System. Shit is warped. But it "makes sense" from a a warped world perspective of "different worlds".

Ironically we have many many people in this world that cannot effectively participate in this world because no one invests in them. No one see's the value in them. No one knows how to really support them. Yes there are many many charities....but that's kind of a shady form of investment in many ways - because it's not a direct peer to peer connection...and it's a handout that doesn't really support and cultivate best development. There is some utility and value to charity - something is better than nothing...when you got virtually nothing. Though it's more of a band aid solution.


Strong Network effect anyone can participate in as an investor...with even a very small amount of funds. Bitcoin is set up and positions itself as a new world order and world reserve currency. Arguably the federal reserve and other central banks are not so supportive of this...from the perspective that they've played god with the money system...and they got a pretty good racket going. Ironically enough Bitcoin does not kill the banking networks. It actually creates greater stability and more robustness for such networks. Creating greater opportunity for any banking customer.

Having a global reserve currency - One that is not easily manipulated and controlled by any one individual or small group of individuals has intrinsic value. This creates accountability as sound money. Dependable and reliable.


Global communications network powered by people for people. This changes the nature of "traditional education" and "media". It's quite ridiculous that the majority of children are mostly forced into attending public education. They don't get paid for their work...and they are basically forced to do mostly useless work/activities that consume the majority of their formative years. Everyone is a teacher and a student....a Broadcaster...a Dictator here - it's cool to support the education and communication of our world from a point of the highest levels of regard and consideration.

This is a shift from how things have been traditionally. Funding global communications networks is a powerful point of restoring the world to a point of "garden of eden" as Education is paramount in determining the overall quality of an individual's life. Without an effective vocabulary an individual's ability to express themselves is quite limited.


Operating system for the evolution of the internet - making it more accommodating for any individual anywhere to create and develop applications for the best benefit of people. This looks to be quite disruptive to the existing nature of many industries from the perspective that some existing commercial businesses will integrate the support structures of a global operating system which in turn will make the business better/greater in quality of services/products offered and be of superior value to participants.


An open source project and experiment of humans around the world - exploring and investigating the question: "What does it mean to be a responsible human being?" This is somewhat of a controversial thing...and at this point in time is faced with more opposition than even Bitcoin - because at Desteni the psychology and depth of mind is explored in ways that are not commonly well understood or regarded. Exploring the depths of ourselves can be a challenging thing to do...arguably the most challenging thing in existence because this gets into that basic question: "what does it mean to be a responsible human being?"

If we have a look at the overall status of humanity - our movements and participations collectively - historically...and even up to this very day, the levels of abuse existent are rather extensive. It's kind of ridiculous when we realize that for all the advancements we've had as human civilizations - the very base level of psychology in how we exist and coexist on a macro level is quite absurd. Arguably there's a point of recognition and consideration by various governments throughout the world that humans are crazy...cannot be trusted...and thus need to be controlled and regulated as much as possible to protect them from themselves....or maybe more correctly to protect the most insane from the sane. The situation on planet earth is complex. Desteni ' the focus starting point is on the individual and understanding the basic dynamics of how the mind/body/being here exist as one. It's an educational process of self-investigation into the depths of ourselves. Fun stuff for those bold enough to explore and question ourselves here.


  • Everyone is an Investor. It starts with individual regard and recognition.

  • Seeing the Investment in People is a Huge Opportunity - Life Changer - Game Changer

  • Bitcoin, Steem, EOS, Desteni - are some great investment opportunities for individuals - really tapping into the massive potential here.

  • Education is a paramount point of Attention/Investment

  • It's all about People - It starts here - because it's really difficult on a macro level to effectively manage and care for the earth and all life inhabitants...species...if we humans don't collectively have a base level of consensus of what it means to be a responsible human being

  • Fun, Fascinating Times :)

  • Opportunity favors the Bold

It's important to communicate. This is key in the creation of our utmost potential. A “RE'STEEM' is much Appreciated.

Steem On,
This is Playground Planet Earth
We Got this 1 Life to Give Our Best

goldent ticket give away.png

Bonus Shares of Support

Self-Mastery Course: Desteni I Process Pro

The Power of Money

The Creature From Jekyll Island


Awesome Desktop Wallet for Managing Blockchain Assets - Exodus


Outstanding post and narrative. Thank you for sharing!

Thank You - much obliged. Was there any particular bit of the narrative that stood out for you? What made the post "outstanding"? Compliments are most cool when they are specific. Cheers to clarity.

invest in brilliant mind and let it rise ;)

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